The author acquired their first espresso maker and has become obsessed with learning how to use it to make high-quality coffee drinks at home. After some practice, the author has mastered latte art and regularly hosts friends to share homemade coffee. The espresso maker has allowed the author to explore their passion for coffee and connect more with their social circle.
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I finally acquired my very own espresso maker
1. I finallyacquiredmyveryownespressomaker!
I am inlove and wanteveryone tohave coffee atmyhouse.All of mycoffee drinkingexperiencehas
beenat coffee shops.Icouldfinallyaffordtobuymyown espressomakerandthe resultshave been
Aftertakingthe time tofigure outhow thismachine works,Ifell headoverheels.IadmitthatI am a
total newbie atusing an espressomaker,alsoIdidntwanttobuya machine thatmade it tooeasy.I
wantedan espressomakerthatrequiredthe right amountof difficultytomake greatcoffee,butalso
easyenoughfora newbie tofigure itout.It onlytookme a few minutestolearnhow anespressomaker
worksand once I got my headaroundit,I was swappingoutfiltersandstartedmakingthingsabitmore
I alwaysthoughtthatit wouldtake a great amountof time to make a latte at home that was similarto
the lattesIdbeenbuyingatmy favorite coffeeshop.Afterafew daysof practicing,Imust say,I am
reallyimpressedwiththe qualityof drinksthatmyespressomakerandI are producing.I reallyfeel likea
baristaof note.My friendsalsolove mynew foundcoffeemakingpassion, andmyconstantespresso
makerreviews. Imustsaymy social circle have actuallygrownsince Istarted drinkingmylattesathome
and invitingfriendsoverfortheirfavorite hotbeverages.Ifeel like Iopenedadoorto a new worldof
coffee,itsnotlike Ihave discoveredsomethingundiscoveredornew,butthe thrill of itall is a new
feelingtome.Nowall Isee ispicturesIwant to create inmy froth.