The document outlines AIESEC Hyderabad's plans and targets for their education sector internship program in 2013-2014. Their goals are to provide resources to impart knowledge while meeting stakeholder requirements with quality as the top priority. Targets include securing 188 placements in 2013, with the most in Q1 and Q2. Strategies involve extensive matching in Q1-Q2 and projects in Q3-Q4 to boost placements. Innovations proposed launching a learning network and sending interns abroad to promote the program. New projects aim to teach languages to diverse students and break barriers.
Provide resources to impart knowledge.
Successfully fulfill all the requirements of the stake
holders .
Quality being of utmost priority.
Diversifying into sectors and increase market approach.
Raises Matches Realizations
January 40 06 05
February 17 10 05
March 20 20 12
April 13 22 04
May 10 26 18
June 13 18 20
July 12 10 21
August 15 06 05
September 18 08 10
October 10 05 05
November 10 05 02
December 10 04 03
Extensive and rigorous matching in the first and the second Quarter to ensure
sufficiency of realizations for the following quarter and that the Clients demands
are met on time.
Getting bulk matches from IR Partnerships. Also, implementation of reverse
raising here.
Online promotions of TNs for matching Matching manias, Top 200, etc.
Attractive product packaging and promotions - Synergy with IM.
External visibility in market Synergy
with M.
Concentration on maintaining a promotional NPS score.
Member retention throughout the year.
Q1 - Matching has always been a Q2- Peak period for raising, as the
focus area and will still remain. schools start recruiting for
Innovations in the same would be faculty, quality forms will be raised
encouraged and implemented. and 3/4th of the raising targets will
be achieved. As always matching
Reverse matching, Matching will also be focused on. Online
manias, Top 200. promotions of TNs for matching
with the help of IM and MC.
Q3 - Peak realizations, schools re-
open for the new academic year and
a lot of realizations happen. To
A PROJECT at the end of Q3 and
handle them, QTF under the XDs the beginning of Q4 would
and a DTF for their assistance within increase realization numbers and
the dept will be placed. This will provide external visibility.
ensure a smooth realization period.
Establishment of ET as a
Learning Network(LN Alumni capitalization
Akshar) in various other Appropriate market research for
markets. raising
Namely, colleges, tourism industry,
overseas educational institutions, etc. Maintaining a good
Send a CEEDer in Q2 to Involvement of clients in AIESEC
promote iGIP activities and forums MTSes,
Probable countries will be SHS, Dinner invitations,
Brazil, Poland or Russia posting/sending monthly greeting
Synergy with GCDP OGX. cards, etc.
SALES EDUCATION to Maximum involvement of
members EPs with AIESEC
Strategy and Promotion TMP/TLP on Exchange
Member retention Utilizing AMs specifically for EP
involvement and interaction
Breaking barriers
Divided by Language United by Love
- 4 Major languages French, Spanish, Italian and German - Planning will begin in Q2
will be taught to students from different colleges. - The project will be started
- They will be charged a fee amount of minimum Rs. by the end of Q3.
1ooo/- - Itll be a 3 to 6 month
- Reason for selecting these languages is their need and duration project exclusive
demand amongst todays Gen Y of various factors.
- Basic level of the
- Students will be divided - Accommodation for the
language being taught will
into batches with classes interns will be taken care
be covered, sufficient
every day according to of and a salary ranging
enough to converse at the
their language selection above 20k would suffice.
end of the project