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910F Bestgate Rd, Annapolis MD, 21401  T: 1.410.573.3860  F: 1.410.573.3869  iJET.com
Emergency Preparedness Planning For Meetings & Events
Location Specific Contacts
Local emergency numbers
Venue emergency number (if applicable)
Event owner contact information
Organization Security on-site contact (if on-site)
Lead Planner and on-site staff
Hotel/Venue Security
Location Specific Information
Event command center and venue command center
Indoor relocation area and outdoor evacuation area
Nearest 24 hour pharmacy and hospital
Alternate airports
Weather (www.weather.com or www.noaa.gov)
Travel health info (wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel)
Recent emergency/disaster activity (www.fema.gov)
CVB for information on other groups/events
Doctor on call? AEDs? Public address system?
CPR Certified staff? 24 hour security?
Physical security & information security checklists
Venue fire plan
Your Organization Specific Guidelines
What to report? When to report? Who to call?
Incident Report Form and who to submit to
Who accompanies an attendee to the hospital/clinic and
how long do they stay?
Home office support services/roles/responsibilities
Financial expenditures/responsibilities
Post event support
On-site lead, staff and security responsibilities
Attendee management
Control room location, equipment, staffing
Communication  attendee, staff, home office, media,
emergency contacts
Cancellation  last minute and while on-site
Early mass departures/evacuation
Contact information for all resources that may be needed during
or after an emergency situation
Transportation  airlines, airports, car rental, bus
companies, train, taxi
Flight status website to track delays/airport closings
CDC, FEMA, DHS, WHO, TSA, US Department of State,
Red Cross, Passport/Visa contacts, HR and Legal
department contacts, weather
Supporting Documents  Event Specific
Venue Floor Plan
Vicinity Map
Attendee list with mobile number, emergency contacts
and special needs
Arrival/Departure Manifest
Fly/Drive Report
Rooming list with room numbers
Off-site activity reports
Responding to Emergencies
Detailed response to each type of emergency
Air Travel Disruption
Bomb Threat/Terrorism
Civil Unrest
Information Breach
Limited/Loss of Communication
Missing Attendee
Power Outage
Social Disturbance
Structure Collapse
Toxic Chemical Spill
Plan Communication
Full Emergency Plan with supporting documents (as needed)
Meeting Event Owner
Home Office Emergency Team and/or Security Team
On-site staff and on-site security team
Attendee Communication - General
While Away contact information
24 hour emergency hotline number
Air travel emergency contact direct dial
Indoor relocation/outdoor evacuation areas
Note the nearest exit while in meeting rooms
Know evacuation route from guest room
Nearest hospital and pharmacy
Where to report an emergency
910F Bestgate Rd, Annapolis MD, 21401  T: 1.410.573.3860  F: 1.410.573.3869  iJET.com
General Risk Management Resources
Risk Management Resource Websites
 AirFleet (airline accident/fatality statistics) -
 Contingency Planning World - http://www.business-
 Crime Statistics (US and by State) -
 Emergency Management.net -
 International Association for Medical Assistance to
Travelers (IAMAT) - http://www.iamat.org
 iJET Travel Risk Management - http://www.ijet.com
 Meet Prepared Blog -
 Nonprofit Risk Management Center -
 Travel Medicine- http://www.travmed.com
 World Health Organization - http://www.who.int
 Association of Contingency Planners (ACP) -
 American Society of Industrial Security (ASIS) -
 Business Continuity Planners Association (BCPA) -
 Disaster Recovery Institute - http://www.drii.org
 Risk and Insurance Management Society, Inc.
Continuity Institute - http://www.thebci.org
Laws & Regulatory (U.S.)
 ADA Home Page (U.S. Department of Justice) -
 American Society of Composers, Authors, and
Publishers (ASCAP) - http://www.ascap.com
 Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI) - www.bmi.com
 FindLaw - http://www.findlaw.com
 Hotel and Motel Fire Safety Act (Public Law 101-391)
- http://www.ahla.com/issuebrief.aspx?id=20300
 Volunteer Protection Act (Public Law 105-19) -
 SESAC, Inc. - www.sesac.com
 U.S. Copyright Office - http://www.copyright.gov
 U.S. Patent and Trademark Office -
 Contingency Planning Magazine -
 Crisis Communication Plan -
U.S. Government
 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention -
 Federal Emergency Management Agency -
National Weather Service (NOAA) -
 Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA)
- http://www.osha.gov
 Ready.gov - http://www.ready.gov
 Transportation Security Administration -
 U.S. Department of Homeland Security
 U.S. Department of State Travel Warnings -
 U.S. Department of State Travel Registration with
Embassy or Consulate (for U.S. citizens) 
Crisis Plans & Information
 International Association of Exhibitions and Events
(IAEE) (Resources  Center for Exhibition Safety &
Security)  www.iaee.com
 Convention Industry Council (CIC) (Industry
information  Resource Center  Travel Safety) -
 Global Business Travel Association (GBTA)
(Resource Library - Topic- Safety/Security/Risk
Management) - www.gbta.org
 NFPA1600 Standard for Disaster/Emergency
Management and Contingency Planning 
 Emergency Management Guide for Business and
Industry (FEMA 141) -
Contributions by Tyra Hilliard (Tyra.Hilliard@gmail.com) and Amy Zellmer.

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I jet risk_management_emergency_preparedness_resources_2014

  • 1. 910F Bestgate Rd, Annapolis MD, 21401 T: 1.410.573.3860 F: 1.410.573.3869 iJET.com Emergency Preparedness Planning For Meetings & Events Location Specific Contacts Local emergency numbers Venue emergency number (if applicable) Event owner contact information Organization Security on-site contact (if on-site) Lead Planner and on-site staff Hotel/Venue Security Location Specific Information Event command center and venue command center Indoor relocation area and outdoor evacuation area Nearest 24 hour pharmacy and hospital Alternate airports Weather (www.weather.com or www.noaa.gov) Travel health info (wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel) Recent emergency/disaster activity (www.fema.gov) CVB for information on other groups/events Doctor on call? AEDs? Public address system? CPR Certified staff? 24 hour security? Physical security & information security checklists Venue fire plan Your Organization Specific Guidelines What to report? When to report? Who to call? Incident Report Form and who to submit to Who accompanies an attendee to the hospital/clinic and how long do they stay? Home office support services/roles/responsibilities Financial expenditures/responsibilities Post event support On-site lead, staff and security responsibilities Attendee management Control room location, equipment, staffing Communication attendee, staff, home office, media, emergency contacts Cancellation last minute and while on-site Early mass departures/evacuation Resources Contact information for all resources that may be needed during or after an emergency situation Transportation airlines, airports, car rental, bus companies, train, taxi Flight status website to track delays/airport closings CDC, FEMA, DHS, WHO, TSA, US Department of State, Red Cross, Passport/Visa contacts, HR and Legal department contacts, weather Supporting Documents Event Specific Venue Floor Plan Vicinity Map Attendee list with mobile number, emergency contacts and special needs Arrival/Departure Manifest Fly/Drive Report Rooming list with room numbers Off-site activity reports Responding to Emergencies Detailed response to each type of emergency Air Travel Disruption Bomb Threat/Terrorism Civil Unrest Earthquake Evacuation/Relocation Fire Flood Hurricane Information Breach Intruder Limited/Loss of Communication Medical/Death Missing Attendee Pandemic Power Outage Social Disturbance Structure Collapse Tornado Toxic Chemical Spill Plan Communication Full Emergency Plan with supporting documents (as needed) Meeting Event Owner Home Office Emergency Team and/or Security Team On-site staff and on-site security team Attendee Communication - General Pre-event While Away contact information 24 hour emergency hotline number Air travel emergency contact direct dial On-site Indoor relocation/outdoor evacuation areas Note the nearest exit while in meeting rooms Know evacuation route from guest room Nearest hospital and pharmacy Where to report an emergency
  • 2. 910F Bestgate Rd, Annapolis MD, 21401 T: 1.410.573.3860 F: 1.410.573.3869 iJET.com General Risk Management Resources Risk Management Resource Websites AirFleet (airline accident/fatality statistics) - http://www.airfleets.net/crash/stat_airline.htm Contingency Planning World - http://www.business- continuity-world.com Crime Statistics (US and by State) - http://www.disastercenter.com Emergency Management.net - http://www.emergency-management.net International Association for Medical Assistance to Travelers (IAMAT) - http://www.iamat.org iJET Travel Risk Management - http://www.ijet.com Meet Prepared Blog - http://meetprepared.blogspot.com Nonprofit Risk Management Center - http://www.nonprofitrisk.org Travel Medicine- http://www.travmed.com World Health Organization - http://www.who.int Associations Association of Contingency Planners (ACP) - http://www.acpinternational.com American Society of Industrial Security (ASIS) - http://www.asisonline.org Business Continuity Planners Association (BCPA) - http://www.bcpa.org Disaster Recovery Institute - http://www.drii.org Risk and Insurance Management Society, Inc. Continuity Institute - http://www.thebci.org Laws & Regulatory (U.S.) ADA Home Page (U.S. Department of Justice) - www.ada.gov American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers (ASCAP) - http://www.ascap.com Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI) - www.bmi.com FindLaw - http://www.findlaw.com Hotel and Motel Fire Safety Act (Public Law 101-391) - http://www.ahla.com/issuebrief.aspx?id=20300 Volunteer Protection Act (Public Law 105-19) - http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/PLAW- 105publ19/pdf/PLAW-105publ19.pdf SESAC, Inc. - www.sesac.com U.S. Copyright Office - http://www.copyright.gov U.S. Patent and Trademark Office - http://www.uspto.gov Publications Contingency Planning Magazine - http://www.contingencyplanning.com Communications Crisis Communication Plan - http://www3.niu.edu/newsplace/crisis.html U.S. Government Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - http://www.cdc.gov Federal Emergency Management Agency - http://www.fema.org National Weather Service (NOAA) - http://www.nws.noaa.gov/ Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) - http://www.osha.gov Ready.gov - http://www.ready.gov Transportation Security Administration - http://www.tsa.gov U.S. Department of Homeland Security http://www.dhs.gov U.S. Department of State Travel Warnings - http://www.travel.state.gov/travel/cis_pa_tw/tw/tw_17 64.html U.S. Department of State Travel Registration with Embassy or Consulate (for U.S. citizens) https://travelregistration.state.gov/ibrs/ Crisis Plans & Information International Association of Exhibitions and Events (IAEE) (Resources Center for Exhibition Safety & Security) www.iaee.com Convention Industry Council (CIC) (Industry information Resource Center Travel Safety) - www.conventionindustry.org Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) (Resource Library - Topic- Safety/Security/Risk Management) - www.gbta.org NFPA1600 Standard for Disaster/Emergency Management and Contingency Planning http://www.nfpa.org/aboutthecodes/AboutTheCodes. asp?DocNum=1600&cookie%5Ftest=1 Emergency Management Guide for Business and Industry (FEMA 141) - http://www.fema.gov/business/guide/index.shtm Contributions by Tyra Hilliard (Tyra.Hilliard@gmail.com) and Amy Zellmer.