Softphone is revolutionary software that resides on your internet enabled devices as a Virtual Phone and allows you to make cheapest international calls. Not only the price but the quality this software delivers are simply unmatched in the industry. It is packed with latest smart features and bespoke user options to let you enjoy a holistic calling experience. This software has been based on leading SIP standards and is fully interoperable with most major Internet Telephone service provider (ITSP) and VOIP software and hardware. This software also allows you to record calls, make conference calls, redial, speed dial and even transfer calls easily. Softphone comes with default NAT/ Firewall and STUN server support.
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Hosted iPhone Softphone User Manual
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3. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
息 Copyright 2014 Adore Infotech Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved
1. Welcome to Softphone
1.1 About Softphone for iPhone
1.2 Features
1.3 Softphone panel and User Features
2. Installations and Setup
2.1 Account Information
2.2 System Requirements
2.3 Install Application
2.3.1 Process to download & Install in iPhone Device
2.3.2 Process to download in iMac & Install in iPhone Device
3. Uninstall Softphone from iPhone
4. Start & Using Softphone
4.1 Register Softphone
4.2 Placing a Call
4.3 Ending a Call
5. Add Contact from App
6. Using Recent Call
7. Using Phone Book
8. Settings
8.1 Advanced
8.2 Phone / Media
8.3 Network
9. Exit Softphone
4. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
息 Copyright 2014 Adore Infotech Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved
1. Welcome to Softphone
1.1 Softphone for iPhone
Softphone is revolutionary software that resides on your internet enabled devices as a Virtual
Phone and allows you to make cheapest international calls. Not only the price but the quality this
software delivers are simply unmatched in the industry. It is packed with latest smart features
and bespoke user options to let you enjoy a holistic calling experience. This software has been
based on leading SIP standards and is fully interoperable with most major Internet Telephone
service provider (ITSP) and VOIP software and hardware. This software also allows you to record
calls, make conference calls, redial, speed dial and even transfer calls easily. Softphone comes
with default NAT/ Firewall and STUN server support.
No need to make heavy investments in IT infrastructure and its maintenance. Furthermore, you
get innovative, smart research based solutions to meet all your calling needs. This highlight is the
Mobile Dialer which allows you to make calls to and from the countries where VoIP services are
blocked and not provided, such as UAE, Oman, Qatar, Ghana, and some African countries. With
our Softphone you can make calls to wherever you go. With our Softphone, you can turn any
computer, tablet or smartphone into a featurerich IP phone to stay connected from any network.
1.2 Features
Customized with company name
SIP protocol support
Phone Book (Synchronize with Phone Address Book)
Add contact from App
Touch Tone
Silence Suppression
Echo Cancellation
Registration Timeout
These features would enable you to connect your Softphone for iPhone to any Phone and enjoy the
Slashed rates in comparison to traditional phone call.
9. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
息 Copyright 2014 Adore Infotech Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved
Now HVS Softphone has been download and installed in your iPhone Device. Click OPEN to
run the application. As Shown in Fig. 6.
2.3.2 Process to download in iMac & Install in iPhone Device
Step. 1
Download HVS Softphone on your iMac
To Download HVS Softphone on iMac, iTunes must have to be installed on iMac
Open the iTunes & click on Sign In. As shown in Fig.7
10. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
息 Copyright 2014 Adore Infotech Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved
Now you have need to Sign In with your existing apple account & if you dont have
Then Create new account as shown in Fig.8
After sign in with your Apple Account, you have needed to search store for our application with the
keyword HVS Softphone & click on Download button to download the application. As shown in
17. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
息 Copyright 2014 Adore Infotech Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved
3 Uninstall HVS Softphone from iPhone device
To uninstall HVS Softphone from your iPhone Device, simply do the following:
1) Hold your finger on HVS Softphone icon for the application you wish to uninstall until the
icons on your home screen begin to shake or wiggle (the same action you take to move or rearrange
HVS Softphone icon) as shown in fig. 18
Fig. - 18
2) Click the "x" in the upper left hand corner of the icon for the application you wish to remove
And press delete button as shown in fig. 19