
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
I. Show us an activity you enjoy doing.
      Tell us how you think it contributes to your personal and
                     professional development.

  I enjoy inspiring peopleby hope
and acts to change an unjust world
by loveand care for our neighbours.
For example

In 2008 I helped organizing a
  mission trip from Costa Rica
   to support Carlos Quesada
       language school in
    Nouakchott, Mauritania.
Our project ends up with 16 costaricans that traveled to Mauritania
           committed to help the school and the cause.
What we came to do ?

                                        Help Equinoxe School in Nouakchott,

-Teaching english and spanish classes
-Teaching embroidery classes.
-Develop a new business venture: The
cafeteria of the school.
-Play music and share with the
40 % of the Population is below poverty line
           2004 CIA World Facts
These are the Mauritanian tomato can kids
  , they suffer modern slavery and some of
 them can be bought for less than 500 $ US.
My work, and
 students !
My other work
Helping establishing an operative plan for the school cafeteria.
Make great friends
 How happy the people could be with little things.
 You end up receiving more than you give when you
  dont expect it.
The small details like this girl smile makes your day GREAT! In Mauritania
Professional Development

 Exchange thoughts and ideas
  understanding the arab world

 Deal difficult situations is always
  better if you face them as a team.

 Respect, tolerate and learn from
  other ways of living instead of
  trying to change/impose a culture.
Thats why I enjoy
  motivating, leading,
 and organizing people
to get involved in social
      aid projects.
Oh yes and I forget.

                        CocaCoca should improve
                         logistics in Mauritania

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I. show us an activity you enjoy doing.

  • 1. I. Show us an activity you enjoy doing. Tell us how you think it contributes to your personal and professional development. I enjoy inspiring peopleby hope and acts to change an unjust world by loveand care for our neighbours.
  • 2. For example In 2008 I helped organizing a mission trip from Costa Rica to support Carlos Quesada language school in Nouakchott, Mauritania.
  • 3. Our project ends up with 16 costaricans that traveled to Mauritania committed to help the school and the cause.
  • 4. What we came to do ? Help Equinoxe School in Nouakchott, Mauritania. How? -Teaching english and spanish classes -Teaching embroidery classes. -Develop a new business venture: The cafeteria of the school. -Play music and share with the Mauritanians.
  • 5. 40 % of the Population is below poverty line 2004 CIA World Facts
  • 6. These are the Mauritanian tomato can kids , they suffer modern slavery and some of them can be bought for less than 500 $ US.
  • 7. My work, and students !
  • 8. My other work Helping establishing an operative plan for the school cafeteria.
  • 11. Personal Development How happy the people could be with little things. You end up receiving more than you give when you dont expect it.
  • 12. The small details like this girl smile makes your day GREAT! In Mauritania
  • 13. Professional Development Exchange thoughts and ideas understanding the arab world vision. Deal difficult situations is always better if you face them as a team. Respect, tolerate and learn from other ways of living instead of trying to change/impose a culture.
  • 14. Thats why I enjoy motivating, leading, and organizing people to get involved in social aid projects.
  • 15. Oh yes and I forget. CocaCoca should improve logistics in Mauritania