This document provides an agenda and details for an event titled "I Tweet, You Tweet: Public Relations & Marketing in the Age of Social Media". The event will feature presentations from experts in social media, PR, journalism and business. The agenda covers topics like how PR works, the changing newsroom, social media platforms, email marketing, traditional PR vs social media PR, building a personal brand and case studies. Contact information and bios are provided for the host and presenters. Resources for social media success are also listed.
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I Tweet You Tweet Presentation
1. I Tweet, You Tweet:!
Public Relations & Marketing in
the Age of Social Media!
2. I Tweet, You Tweet:!
Who We Are!
Host !
р Parmjit!(Parm)!Parmar,!Principal,!!
Guest Presenters
р Alexis!Dobranowski,!Managing!editor!of!
р Kelly!Gadzala,!Business!Editor,!Town!Crier!
р Lisa!Kember,!Constant!Contact!!
7. 安鞄霞!京顎庄鉛糸!粥!永姻看鍖l艶!
р Communicate+with+customers,+prospects++
р Build+3rd+party+credibility++
р Get+a<en=on+for+your+brand++
р Build+brand+loyalty+and+trust++
р In鍖uence+the+sales+process+
24. Media Center for 5 day House Build
Photos from the build
posted and made Twitter
available to media Postings of
Videos long and
5 Day House Facebook
Build updated
short posted on frequently
You Tube Website
Blog hosting
Website contains press materials, area of all content
and links to all social media its updated
components. There should be an constantly with
area setup for comments and meaniful content
question from community.
The Links