i18n for Plugin and Theme Developers, WordCamp Milano 2016Sergey Biryukov
- The document discusses internationalization and localization for WordPress plugin and theme developers. It covers making plugins and themes translatable to other languages through gettext.
- Key aspects covered include using text domains, preparing translatable strings, plural forms, language files like POT, PO and MO, and utilizing the translate.wordpress.org platform for translations.
- The document provides guidance on proper internationalization practices and working with translators.
i18n for Plugin and Theme Developers, WordCamp Milano 2016Sergey Biryukov
- The document discusses internationalization and localization for WordPress plugin and theme developers. It covers making plugins and themes translatable to other languages through gettext.
- Key aspects covered include using text domains, preparing translatable strings, plural forms, language files like POT, PO and MO, and utilizing the translate.wordpress.org platform for translations.
- The document provides guidance on proper internationalization practices and working with translators.
Managing a Local WordPress Community, WordCamp Europe 2016Sergey Biryukov
This document outlines how to manage a local WordPress community, including both online and offline aspects. It discusses establishing an online presence through blogs, forums, documentation and translations. It also covers growing an offline community through meetups and conferences. Specific recommendations are provided for keeping translations up to date, managing plugin and theme translations through WordPress.org, moderating support forums politely, developing documentation, and organizing WordPress meetups. The overall goal is to build and nurture a thriving local WordPress community.
The document lists 10 rules for managing client expectations: 1) Treat the client as always being right, even when they are wrong; 2) Email and texting are poor forms of communication; 3) Do not react, but listen to clients; 4) Take ownership of work and responsibilities; 5) Do not make assumptions about the client or project; 6) Keep any promises made to the client; 7) Be honest that mistakes can happen; 8) Over-communication is better than under-communication. The rules are attributed to Steve Zehngut on managing expectations with clients.
I have contributed since 2009 to WordPress and related projects. I have done some great things for WordPress like rewriting the image manipulation API and leading GlotPress for a long while. But It also lead to some disagreements which had an impact.
Zahtevi prema CSS-u svakoga dana postaju sve vei. CSS mora da bude responsive da bude kratak brz i da mo転e da se brzo menja. Postoji nain za stvaranje tako kvalitetnog CSS koda, to je SASS.
The document discusses best practices for developing and deploying code outside of a WordPress repository directory. It recommends using version control like Git and GitHub, semantic versioning, and developing locally before pushing commits and tagging releases. For deployment, it describes options like FTP/SFTP, using an updater library directly in projects, or an updater plugin. Continuous integration is also presented as an option to automatically update code on every push through webhooks. The document provides examples and demos of these techniques.
WordCamp Montreal 2015: Combining Custom Post Types, Fields, and Meta Boxes t...allilevine
Custom post types, fields, and meta boxes all offer powerful ways to transform WordPress sites, but when you use all three together, the impossible becomes possible. In this talk Ill explore just how custom you can go by combining WordPress custom functions to solve a real-world problem. Ill also cover custom taxonomies, custom templates, and leveraging some basic PHP, featured images, and existing plugin functionality to take your custom post type even further.
In this presentation Ill show how WordPress themes (and sites) can be built to achieve 100/100 Google pagespeed. Youll learn about my process of using Gulp to concatenate and minify resources, along with intentional enqueues and dequeues.
Bonus: some ways to configure cache plugins to achieve a similar effect.
Take aways:
How front-end performance effects mobile users on slower speeds.
Tips on improving front-end performance.
Gulp basics and how to use with WordPress.
Using the Editor the Proper Way - WordCamp Toronto 2015sethta
This document provides tips for properly using the WordPress editor. It recommends learning the parts of the editor like titles, content, and images. It also suggests being aware of your surroundings by avoiding distractions and plugins that could introduce security issues. The document stresses doing things correctly by taking time, adding special characters properly, and not panicking if mistakes occur since revision restoration can help. The overall message is to learn the editor, be careful, do things right, and don't give up.
Content Creation Regimen - WordCamp Hamilton 2016Andy McIlwain
Content creation is the hardest part of content marketing. No amount of reading articles, listening to podcasts, or attending conferences will change that. You need to do the work if you want to make an impact.
Content creation is the hardest part of content marketing. Follow this step-by-step guide to get your content production process up and running.
Full post available at https://andymci.com/content-creation-regimen/
Blogi zyskuj na popularnoci, konkurencja ronie, a czytelnicy robi si coraz bardziej wygodni dlatego warto o nich zadba, aby spdzali na naszym blogu wicej czasu i chtniej zostawiali komentarze. Powszechno smartfon坦w sprawia, 甜e responsywna wersja strony to ju甜 nie ukon w stron u甜ytkownika, a zwyczajna konieczno. W ka甜dej chwili jestemy w stanie sprawdzi co nowego na Facebooku, Instagramie czy przeczyta nowego posta na blogu, kt坦ry ledzimy. Dlatego wa甜ne jest aby szablon bloga nie utrudnia czytania. W swojej prezentacji, na podstawie analizy blog坦w takich jak JasonHunt.pl, Segritta.pl, Fashionelka.pl,wskazaam kilka kluczowych element坦w z punktu widzenia UX, kt坦rych prawidowe dziaanie mo甜e zadecydowa o zachowaniu czytelnika na stronie.
WooCommerce: An E-Commerce Solution for WordpressDigamber Pradhan
WooCommerce is an open-source e-commerce plugin for WordPress that allows users to sell products online. It is the second most popular e-commerce platform with 24% of the market share. WooCommerce has a large community for support, regular updates and security fixes, and is highly customizable. It uses a freemium model where basic features are free and premium extensions can be purchased. Unique pricing strategies like differential, progressive, and bulk pricing can be implemented through extensions.