An introduction to the content strategy and web writing skills that help organizations plan for, create, and manage excellent websites. Includes a link to downloadable tools such as a simple content audit spreadsheet, content inventory, page table example, and more.
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Creating Amazing Web Content: Strategies and Skills
1. Creating Amazing Web Content:
Strategies and Skills
Kate Johnson
Content Strategy Manager
18. Be user-centered
? Focus completely on the tasks your
users need to accomplish.
? Your site can’t be a loudspeaker for
things you want users to hear.
? Users will only stay if your site gives
them what they need.
19. Get to the point
? Put your main idea in the first
? If skimmers don’t find what
they want, they leave
20. Ideas, innovation and a well-
educated workforce are
essential to a vibrant economy
and a healthy democracy.
Academic programs at the
University of X provide you
with the skills you need…
21. Main idea first
The University of X offers 50 degree programs,
all designed to graduate well-informed students
who will contribute to a healthy democracy.
Our programs include
? Economics
? Political Science
? History
25. How to write a page
What questions do users have?
These become your subheads.
What do you want users to do?
These are your calls to action.
26. Stick to the facts
No unsupported claims
? Our innovative products are the best
on the market
? Our staff are uniquely committed to
our customers and their futures
#6: Part of what it’s done is just recognize that fact. 6 min
#8: I love my content inventory. Couldn’t live w/o it. One document track everything about a page.Excel spreadsheet. One line = one document.Swap in an image of the sitemap, then back out.With hands-on clients, we generally start filling it out for them, fill in the first 5 or 10 pages based on their content. Continues to be useful after launch—is a working document.
#9: 16 minI love my content inventory. Couldn’t live w/o it. One document track everything about a page.Excel spreadsheet. One line = one document.Swap in an image of the sitemap, then back out.With hands-on clients, we generally start filling it out for them, fill in the first 5 or 10 pages based on their content. Continues to be useful after launch—is a working document.
#10: Post launch, keep this maintenance section, keep sections about photo files
#12: I love my content inventory. Couldn’t live w/o it. One document track everything about a page.Excel spreadsheet. One line = one document.Swap in an image of the sitemap, then back out.With hands-on clients, we generally start filling it out for them, fill in the first 5 or 10 pages based on their content. Continues to be useful after launch—is a working document.
#13: I love my content inventory. Couldn’t live w/o it. One document track everything about a page.Excel spreadsheet. One line = one document.Swap in an image of the sitemap, then back out.With hands-on clients, we generally start filling it out for them, fill in the first 5 or 10 pages based on their content. Continues to be useful after launch—is a working document.
#14: You have your beautiful, fragile young website, reaching for the sun.