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Opening Remarks  Technical Briefing (22/3/2011)

1. Current Situation
There continue to be some improvements at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, but
the overall situation remains very serious. High levels of contamination have been measured
in the locality of the plant.
On the Fukushima site the highest concern remains the spent fuel in the storage ponds of each
reactor unit, particularly Unit 4. Reactor Units1-3 remain of concern, in particular Unit 2.
We have not received validated information for some time related to the containment integrity
of Unit 1 so we are concerned that we do not know its exact status. Grey smoke was observed
from Unit 3 which led to the evacuation of plant personnel for several hours yesterday due to
elevated dose rates. In addition, white smoke or vapour was observed from Unit 2. Efforts
continue in Unit 2 to connect AC to pumps etc. Work for the recovery of off-site power
supply to Units 3 and 4 is also proceeding.
Seawater is being injected into the reactor vessels of Units 1, 2 and 3. Water is being sprayed
periodically into the spent fuel pools at Units 2, 3 and 4 but no information is available for
the spent fuel pool of Unit 1. The Agency still lacks data on water levels and temperatures in
the spent fuel pools at Units 1, 3 and 4.
There have been some positive developments concerning Units 5 and 6 that are in cold
shutdown: off-site power is now being used in Unit 5; the pressure of the reactor pressure
vessel of both units has decreased; and water is being injected in to the reactor pressure
vessel, as needed.
2. Radiation Monitoring
IAEA monitoring of gamma dose rates and beta-gamma contamination has continued over the
last 24 hours. This has been carried out together with the Japanese authorities to facilitate the
comparison of results.
The IAEA took measurements at additional locations between 35 to 68 km from the
Fukushima plant. The dose-rate results ranged from 0.8 to 9.1 microsieverts per hour. The
beta-gamma contamination measurements ranged from 0.08 to 0.9 MBq per square metre.
More precise interpretation of the results will be possible based on measurements to be made
of the composition of the radioactive material that has been released.
In the coming days the IAEA will have two monitoring teams in Japan. One team will be in
the Fukishima area and a separate team will undertake monitoring in Tokyo and the
surrounding area.
The Agency continues to receive data confirming high levels of radioactivity in food, notably
spinach, in samples taken from 37 locations in the vicinity of five cities south of the
Fukishima site. This indicates that in four Prefectures some food products are above
permissible levels. High levels of both Iodine-131 and Caesium-137 have been measured by
the Japanese authorities in spinach and some other fresh vegetables, together with Iodine-131
in milk. However, as reported yesterday, distribution of food from the areas affected has been
restricted. The Japanese authorities are monitoring the situation in the rest of the country.
Further monitoring data will be provided by Japan to the IAEA/FAO on an ongoing basis.
Japans Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA) has announced that contamination has
been found in sea water samples taken close to the outlet of the Fukushima Daiichi plant. We
have been informed by NISA about plans to monitor the marine environment.
Unit                        1                       2                        3                       4

Power (MWe /MWth)                  460/1380                 784/2381               784/2381                784/2381
Type of Reactor                    BWR-3                    BWR-4                   BWR-4                     BWR-4

                          In service  auto        In service  auto        In service  auto
Status at time of EQ                                                                                 Outage
                          shutdown                 shutdown                 shutdown

Core and fuel integrity   Damaged                  Damaged                  Damaged                  No fuel in the Reactor

RPV & RCS integrity       Unknown                  Unknown                  Unknown
                                                                                                     Not applicable due to
Containment integrity     No information           Damage suspected         No information           outage plant status

                                                   AC Power available 
AC Power                  Substation connected                              Not available            Not available
                                                   Load check is ongoing

Building                  Severe damage            Slight damage            Severe damage            Severe damage

                          Around half of Fuel is   Around half of Fuel is   Around half of Fuel is
Water level of RPV
                          uncovered (Stable)       uncovered (Stable)       uncovered (Stable)

Pressure of RPV           Stabilized               Unreliable Readings      Decreased                Not applicable due to
CV Pressure Drywell       Stable                   Stable                   Decreased                outage plant status

Water injection to RPV    Seawater                 Seawater                 Seawater

Water injection to CV     No information           No information           No information
                                                   Periodic spraying from   Periodic spraying from   Periodic spraying
Spent Fuel Pool Status    No spraying reported
                                                   outside                  outside                  from outside
3/22/2011 07:00 AM
Unit                            5                               6
  Power                                   784/2381                     1100/3293

  Type of Reactor                          BWR-4                           BWR-5

  Status at the EQ occurred   Outage                          Outage

  Core and Fuel               Cold Shutdown                   Cold Shutdown                   Severe condition
  RPV & RCS integrity         Intact                          Intact

  Containment int.            No damage expected              No damage expected              Concern
  AC Power                    Switched from emergency         Emergency diesel
                              diesel to off-site power        Off-site power being restored   No immediate
  Building                    No damage reported              No damage reported

  Water level of RPV          Above fuel                      Above fuel

  Pressure of RPV             Decreased                       Decreased

  Containment Pressure        No information                  No information

  Water injection to RPV      Water injection as needed via   Water injection as needed via
                              the RHR system                  the RHR system
  Water injection to CV       Not needed now                  Not needed now

  Spent Fuel Pool Status      Cooling restored                Cooling restored

3/22/2011 07:00 AM
Technical Briefing on the
      Radiological Situation in Japan

              22 March 2011

Division of Radiation Transport and Waste Safety
   Department of Nuclear Safety and Security

                 International Atomic Energy Agency
Gamma dose rates after 15 March 2011 at selected
monitoring posts surrounding Daiichi NPP
                                              0.1microSv perhour

Gamma Dose Rates North of Daiichi NPP Japan
              (microSv/h), 15-21 March
                                                                                    0.1microSv perhour



                   6-Yamagata(Yamagata)                                                  Naturalbackground:
                                                                                         0.1microSv perhour



 17-18   IAEA
           17-18   5-6   17-18   5-6   17-18   5-6   17-18   5-6   17-18   5-6   17-18
Gamma dose rates North of Daiichi NPP Japan
          (microSv/h), 15-21 March






Measurements by the IAEA monitoring team on
  22 March 2011
Location             Distanceto NPP   Time,JST   Doserate    Beta+gamma     Contamination
                          (km)                     microSv/h   (counts per
                                                                  second)      MegaBecquerel

Onami                      62           10:35         9.1          5050             0.86

Somacity                  51           11:13         6.5          5275             0.90

Kawachi,1st place         47           11:52         0.77         895              0.15

Kawachi, 2nd place         47           12:00         1.5          725              0.12

Tsuruha, 1st place         35           12:14         1.6          970              0.16

Tsuruha, 2nd place         35           12:20         1.6          744              0.13

Tsuhura,3rd place         34           12:30         1.1          478              0.08

Fukushima                  68           18:05         3.5          1323             0.22

            IAEA          Noalpha  contaminationwasdetected                                 5


     IAEA                                                          6
Iodine-131 in milk

                                                         BecquerelperLiter inmilk

                                                         perLiter inmilkby more
          BelowtheJapaneselevelforIodine131     than2000%
          of300BecquerelperLiter inmilkbymore
   IAEA   than100%                                                                     7

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IAEA Briefing on Fukushima Nuclear Emergency (22 March 2011, 15.30 UTC)

  • 1. Opening Remarks Technical Briefing (22/3/2011) 1. Current Situation There continue to be some improvements at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, but the overall situation remains very serious. High levels of contamination have been measured in the locality of the plant. On the Fukushima site the highest concern remains the spent fuel in the storage ponds of each reactor unit, particularly Unit 4. Reactor Units1-3 remain of concern, in particular Unit 2. We have not received validated information for some time related to the containment integrity of Unit 1 so we are concerned that we do not know its exact status. Grey smoke was observed from Unit 3 which led to the evacuation of plant personnel for several hours yesterday due to elevated dose rates. In addition, white smoke or vapour was observed from Unit 2. Efforts continue in Unit 2 to connect AC to pumps etc. Work for the recovery of off-site power supply to Units 3 and 4 is also proceeding. Seawater is being injected into the reactor vessels of Units 1, 2 and 3. Water is being sprayed periodically into the spent fuel pools at Units 2, 3 and 4 but no information is available for the spent fuel pool of Unit 1. The Agency still lacks data on water levels and temperatures in the spent fuel pools at Units 1, 3 and 4. There have been some positive developments concerning Units 5 and 6 that are in cold shutdown: off-site power is now being used in Unit 5; the pressure of the reactor pressure vessel of both units has decreased; and water is being injected in to the reactor pressure vessel, as needed. 2. Radiation Monitoring IAEA monitoring of gamma dose rates and beta-gamma contamination has continued over the last 24 hours. This has been carried out together with the Japanese authorities to facilitate the comparison of results. The IAEA took measurements at additional locations between 35 to 68 km from the Fukushima plant. The dose-rate results ranged from 0.8 to 9.1 microsieverts per hour. The beta-gamma contamination measurements ranged from 0.08 to 0.9 MBq per square metre. More precise interpretation of the results will be possible based on measurements to be made of the composition of the radioactive material that has been released. In the coming days the IAEA will have two monitoring teams in Japan. One team will be in the Fukishima area and a separate team will undertake monitoring in Tokyo and the surrounding area. The Agency continues to receive data confirming high levels of radioactivity in food, notably spinach, in samples taken from 37 locations in the vicinity of five cities south of the Fukishima site. This indicates that in four Prefectures some food products are above permissible levels. High levels of both Iodine-131 and Caesium-137 have been measured by the Japanese authorities in spinach and some other fresh vegetables, together with Iodine-131 in milk. However, as reported yesterday, distribution of food from the areas affected has been restricted. The Japanese authorities are monitoring the situation in the rest of the country. Further monitoring data will be provided by Japan to the IAEA/FAO on an ongoing basis.
  • 2. Japans Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA) has announced that contamination has been found in sea water samples taken close to the outlet of the Fukushima Daiichi plant. We have been informed by NISA about plans to monitor the marine environment.
  • 3. Unit 1 2 3 4 Power (MWe /MWth) 460/1380 784/2381 784/2381 784/2381 Type of Reactor BWR-3 BWR-4 BWR-4 BWR-4 In service auto In service auto In service auto Status at time of EQ Outage shutdown shutdown shutdown Core and fuel integrity Damaged Damaged Damaged No fuel in the Reactor RPV & RCS integrity Unknown Unknown Unknown Not applicable due to Containment integrity No information Damage suspected No information outage plant status AC Power available AC Power Substation connected Not available Not available Load check is ongoing Building Severe damage Slight damage Severe damage Severe damage Around half of Fuel is Around half of Fuel is Around half of Fuel is Water level of RPV uncovered (Stable) uncovered (Stable) uncovered (Stable) Pressure of RPV Stabilized Unreliable Readings Decreased Not applicable due to CV Pressure Drywell Stable Stable Decreased outage plant status Water injection to RPV Seawater Seawater Seawater Water injection to CV No information No information No information Periodic spraying from Periodic spraying from Periodic spraying Spent Fuel Pool Status No spraying reported outside outside from outside 3/22/2011 07:00 AM
  • 4. Unit 5 6 Power 784/2381 1100/3293 Type of Reactor BWR-4 BWR-5 Status at the EQ occurred Outage Outage Core and Fuel Cold Shutdown Cold Shutdown Severe condition RPV & RCS integrity Intact Intact Containment int. No damage expected No damage expected Concern AC Power Switched from emergency Emergency diesel diesel to off-site power Off-site power being restored No immediate concern Building No damage reported No damage reported Water level of RPV Above fuel Above fuel Pressure of RPV Decreased Decreased Containment Pressure No information No information Water injection to RPV Water injection as needed via Water injection as needed via the RHR system the RHR system Water injection to CV Not needed now Not needed now Spent Fuel Pool Status Cooling restored Cooling restored 3/22/2011 07:00 AM
  • 5. Technical Briefing on the Radiological Situation in Japan 22 March 2011 Division of Radiation Transport and Waste Safety Department of Nuclear Safety and Security IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency
  • 6. Gamma dose rates after 15 March 2011 at selected monitoring posts surrounding Daiichi NPP Naturalbackground: 0.1microSv perhour IAEA InformationprovidedbyMEXTJapan
  • 7. Gamma Dose Rates North of Daiichi NPP Japan (microSv/h), 15-21 March Naturalbackground: 0.1microSv perhour 1.2 1 3-Iwate(Morioka) 0.8 6-Yamagata(Yamagata) Naturalbackground: 0.6 0.1microSv perhour 0.4 0.2 0 17-18 IAEA 5-6 17-18 5-6 17-18 5-6 17-18 5-6 17-18 5-6 17-18 5-6 17-18
  • 8. Gamma dose rates North of Daiichi NPP Japan (microSv/h), 15-21 March 1.2 11-Saitama(Saitama) 1 12-Chiba(Ichihara) 0.8 13-Tokyo(Shinjyuku) 0.6 14-Kanagawa(Chigasaki) 0.4 0.2 0 17-18 22-23 3-4 8-9 13-14 18-19 23-24 4-5 9-10 14-15 19-20 0-1 5-6 10-11 15-16 20-21 1-2 6-7 11-12 16-17 21-22 2-3 7-8 12-13 17-18 22-23 3-4 8-9 13-14 18-19 23-24 IAEA
  • 9. Measurements by the IAEA monitoring team on 22 March 2011 Location Distanceto NPP Time,JST Doserate Beta+gamma Contamination (km) microSv/h (counts per second) MegaBecquerel perm2 Onami 62 10:35 9.1 5050 0.86 Somacity 51 11:13 6.5 5275 0.90 Kawachi,1st place 47 11:52 0.77 895 0.15 Kawachi, 2nd place 47 12:00 1.5 725 0.12 Tsuruha, 1st place 35 12:14 1.6 970 0.16 Tsuruha, 2nd place 35 12:20 1.6 744 0.13 Tsuhura,3rd place 34 12:30 1.1 478 0.08 Fukushima 68 18:05 3.5 1323 0.22 IAEA Noalpha contaminationwasdetected 5
  • 10. Measurementsofradioactivityinfood Japaneseauthoritiescontinuetodeterminelevelsof Cesium137andIodine131infooddrinkingwater LargevariationsofIodine131andCs137infood LevelsofIodine131inleafyvegetables,samplednearcities SouthofFukushimaexceedinmostcasesthelevelof2000 BecquerelperkilogrammewhichhasbeensetbyJapanese authoritiesforrestrictionoffoodconsumption. LevelsofCesium137inmilkexceedinoneof37samplesthe levelof200Becquerelperkilogrammewhichhasbeensetby Japaneseauthoritiesforrestrictionofmilkconsumption. IAEA 6
  • 11. Iodine-131 in milk ExceedingJapaneselevel forIodine131of300 BecquerelperLiter inmilk by100% ExceedingJapaneselevelfor Iodine131of300Becquerel perLiter inmilkby more BelowtheJapaneselevelforIodine131 than2000% of300BecquerelperLiter inmilkbymore IAEA than100% 7