@Finding Your Dream, Creative Confidence, Mental Fitness and 4 Hour Work Week
22nd of November is the date for the next iamgood. meetup, and this time it will take place in Stockwerk Coworking, with 3 guest speakers and our own Thomas Dori.
Peter Alexander Hackmair, author of "Freedom lost & found" and ORF Analyst will tell us about "Die Bucket List & der Sinn Deines Lebens".
Stephan Kardos from Creativity Gym Vienna and Open IDEO Vienna Chapter will talk about "Creative Confidence".
Sascha Soulek, Mental Trainer, will focus on "Mental Fitness".
Finally, Thomas, founder of iamgood., will bring us his thoughts on the "4 Hour Work Week".
1. 4 Hour Work Week by Thomas Dori
Bucket Lists & Sinn deines Lebens by Peter Alexander Hackmair
Creative Confidence by Stefan Kardos
Mental Fitness by Sascha Soulek
fb.com/groups/iamgood.cc | meetup.com/iamgood | iamgood.cc
2. Before we start...
...turn to the peroson next to you and find
one thing (3 if you know him/her) you
both have on your bucket list.
3. 4 Hour Work Week by Thomas Dori
Bucket Lists & Sinn deines Lebens by Peter Alexander Hackmair
Creative Confidence by Stefan Kardos
Mental Fitness by Sascha Soulek
fb.com/groups/iamgood.cc | meetup.com/iamgood | iamgood.cc
4. By living a self reflected life, you will automatically
make better decisions for yourself, the people
around you & the environment.
10. Dreams
Dreamlining Step 1 Dream
What would you do, if there were no way you could fail
& you were 10 times smarter than the rest of the world?
What would you like to have in 6 months?
11. Dreams
Dreamlining Step 1 Dream
What would you do, if there were no way you could fail
& you were 10 times smarter than the rest of the world?
What would you like to have in 6 months?
1. Having (e.g. house, car, more friends,...)
12. Dreams
Dreamlining Step 1 Dream
What would you do, if there were no way you could fail
& you were 10 times smarter than the rest of the world?
What would you like to have in 6 months?
1. Having (e.g. house, car, more friends,...)
2. Being (being a great cook,...)
13. Dreams
Dreamlining Step 1 Dream
What would you do, if there were no way you could fail
& you were 10 times smarter than the rest of the world?
What would you like to have in 6 months?
1. Having (e.g. house, car, more friends,...)
2. Being (being a great cook,...)
3. Doing (visiting Thailand,...)
14. Dreams
Dreamlining Step 2 Convert
Beings into Doings e.g.
being a great cook
cooking this years NYE dinner without help
being fitter
running 20km at VIE city marathon
15. Dreams
Dreamlining Step 3 TMI
Homework: Pick one favourite each and calculate the
Target Monthly Income (TMI)
17. Dreams
Dreamlining Step 4 Action
Derive the next three steps
1. Right now!
2. Tomorrow before 11am
3. Day after tomorrow before 11am
23. Eliminate
Limit Tasks
1. What gets measured gets mngd
2. Dont measure everything
3. Identify the 20% that make 80%
4. Do more of those 20% (customers,
advertising, etc.) & less of the 80%
31. More
How to Fail at Almost Everything,
Drive, Hooked, Good to Great,
Startup Owners Manual, Creativity
Inc., Hard Thing About Hard Things,
Sprint, The 100$ Startup, Innovators
Dilemma, Art of Start, Rework, Zero
to One, Effective Executive,
How to
build an
43. 4 Hour Work Week by Thomas Dori
Bucket Lists & Sinn deines Lebens by Peter Alexander Hackmair
Creative Confidence by Stefan Kardos
Mental Fitness by Sascha Soulek
fb.com/groups/iamgood.cc | meetup.com/iamgood | iamgood.cc
44. 4 Hour Work Week by Thomas Dori
Bucket Lists & Sinn deines Lebens by Peter Alexander Hackmair
Creative Confidence by Stefan Kardos
Mental Fitness by Sascha Soulek
fb.com/groups/iamgood.cc | meetup.com/iamgood | iamgood.cc
61. 4 Hour Work Week by Thomas Dori
Bucket Lists & Sinn deines Lebens by Peter Alexander Hackmair
Creative Confidence by Stefan Kardos
Mental Fitness by Sascha Soulek
fb.com/groups/iamgood.cc | meetup.com/iamgood | iamgood.cc
62. 4 Hour Work Week by Thomas Dori
Bucket Lists & Sinn deines Lebens by Peter Alexander Hackmair
Creative Confidence by Stefan Kardos
Mental Fitness by Sascha Soulek
fb.com/groups/iamgood.cc | meetup.com/iamgood | iamgood.cc
63. 4 Hour Work Week by Thomas Dori
Bucket Lists & Sinn deines Lebens by Peter Alexander Hackmair
Creative Confidence by Stefan Kardos
Mental Fitness by Sascha Soulek
fb.com/groups/iamgood.cc | meetup.com/iamgood | iamgood.cc
- Lubart / Sternberg
- Kelley / Kelley
81. Come up with 10 ideas that help people in the
community to be more aware of what they
consume and why they consume it.
Write it on a paper.
5 minutes, individually
Divergent Thinking
82. Convergent Thinking
Try two combine and/or improve on one (or
more) of your ideas.
Select the best in terms of novelty and
usefulness and put it on a post-it.
2 minutes, individually
84. Dont overthink and as fast and as detailed as
possible write for 3 minutes. Dont care about
what you write, grammar nor about spelling.
3 minutes, individually
Free Write (journal)
86. 29, November, 6:30pm
@M旦bel Caf辿
Community Workout
Designing for
Tba (Facebook)
Get Together
Education Project
87. Thanks for tweets: @Creativity_Gym
Follow on Facebook: creativitygymvienna
Write me: hello@creativitygym.at
88. 4 Hour Work Week by Thomas Dori
Bucket Lists & Sinn deines Lebens by Peter Alexander Hackmair
Creative Confidence by Stefan Kardos
Mental Fitness by Sascha Soulek
fb.com/groups/iamgood.cc | meetup.com/iamgood | iamgood.cc
90. 4 Hour Work Week by Thomas Dori
Bucket Lists & Sinn deines Lebens by Peter Alexander Hackmair
Creative Confidence by Stefan Kardos
Mental Fitness by Sascha Soulek
fb.com/groups/iamgood.cc | meetup.com/iamgood | iamgood.cc