The document outlines the costs and timescales for demolishing and reconstructing a hotel superstructure. The total cost is estimated at £2.34 million, with demolition taking 3 months and reconstruction 6 months. This would save £900,000 in preliminary costs over 9 months by reducing the client's borrowing and interest costs, allowing for an earlier opening and income generation. The existing hotel envelope has single glazed windows with steel frames and no insulation, resulting in poor thermal and acoustic performance. The limited depth between the structure and exterior also provides limited options for solar shading or daylighting improvements. There is scope to reduce window area and increase higher performing solid walls.
7. Envelope Existing envelope: Single glazed, steel window frames, no insulation= poor thermal and acoustic performance Limited depth between building line and face of structure Limited scope for solar shading Hotel does not require even daylighting throughout Scope to reduce extent of windows and increase higher performing solid wall