This document provides data on overweight and obesity rates in the EU27. It estimates that over 35% of adults in the EU27 are overweight, with an additional 17% obese, totaling over 53% of adults being overweight or obese. More specifically, it is estimated that there are over 143 million overweight adults and 68.5 million obese adults in the EU27. The data is based on measured and self-reported information from various sources and references for each EU27 country.
8. Country Measured/
Self Report
Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz, Max Rubner Institut 2009
Greece Self Report WHO Infobase. Kapantais E, Tzotzas T, Mortoglou A, Bakatselos S, Kaklamanou M, Ioannidis I, Lanaras
L, Kaklamanos I. First national epidemiological largescale survey on the prevalence of obesity in Greek
adults International Journal of Obesity, 2004, 28:S72S72, Additional data from personal
communication: Received from EURO office Trudy Wijnhoven
Hungary Self Report WHO infobase.Rodler I, Bíró L, Greiner E, Zajkás G, Szórád I, Varga A, Domonkos A, Ágoston H, Balázs
A, Mozsáry E, Vitrai J, Hermann D, Boros J, Németh R, Kéki Z. Dieatary survey in Hungary, 20032004
Eredeti Közlemények, 2005, 146:17811789, Additional data from personal communication: Dr Martos
Éva email:
Ireland Measured North/South Ireland Food Consumption Survey 2001
Italy Self Report Gallus S, Colombo P, Scarpino V, Zuccaro P, Negri E, Apolone G, Vecchia CL. Overweight and obesity in
Italian adults 2004, and an overview of trends since 1983 European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2006,
Latvia Self Report Iveta Pudule, Anita Villeruša, Daiga Grīnberga, Biruta Velika, Nikola Tilgale,
Vilnis Dzērve, Sandijs Zīle, Hanna Konttinen, Ritva Prättälä. Health Behaviour among Latvian
population 2006, Public Health Agency, Latvia, KTLNational Public Health Institute, Finland
Helsinki, Finland 2007
Lithuania Self Report Grabauskas V, Klumbiene J, Petkeviciene J, Sakyte E, Kriaucioniene V, Paalanen L, Prattala R. Health
Behaviour among Lithuanian Adult Population, 2006. Helsinki, Finland, 2007.
Luxembourg No data
Malta Self Report 2003 Lifestyle Survey Malta
Netherlands Measured Visscher TLS Personal Communciation. National Institute of Public Health and the Environment. Data
from the MORGEN Study. (Netherlands)
Poland Measured WHO Infobase Szponar L, Sekula W, Rychlik E, Oltarzewski M, Figurska K. Household food consumption
and anthropometric survey. Warsaw, National Food and Nutrition Institute, 2003., Personal
communication: Prof Miroslaw Jarosz Director of National Food and Nutrition Institute
Portugal Measured I Do Carmo et al. Overweight and obesity in Portugal. Obesity Reviews 2007;9:1120
Romania Measured EUROSTAT 2000
Slovakia Self Report WHO Infobase EUROSTAT 2002
Slovenia No data
Spain Measured WHO infobase Eurostat data
Sweden Measured Berg C et al. Trends in overweight and obesity in Sweden. IJO