The Open Aid Partnership aims to improve aid transparency, enhance development results, and establish feedback loops between aid organizations and citizens. It does this through Open Aid Map, country platforms, capacity building for civil society, citizen feedback mechanisms, and impact evaluations. Key components include mapping donor programs and public expenditures, empowering civil society to use and generate data, and promoting citizen engagement in development projects. The partnership has been implemented in several countries and endorsed by major donors and organizations. It seeks to further transparency and leverage technology to better target and monitor aid.
2. OAP Objectives
1. Improve Aid Transparency: increase
transparency on aid flows and public
service delivery
2. Enhance Results: Better target, monitor,
and coordinate aid flows within countries
3. Establish Feedback Loop: Empower
citizens and CSOs to provide direct
feedback on project outcomes
Increase Aid Transparency and Citizen Engagement for Better Results
3. Key Components of Partnership
Open Aid Map a common platform to show
locations of donor programs
Country Platforms for open aid flows and public
Capacity Development to empower CSOs and
citizens to effectively use and generate data
Citizen Feedback Loops to promote citizen
engagement in the delivery of public services
Impact Evaluations to assess the impact of open
aid on development outcomes
4. History
Mapping Partner
for Consul-
Busan 2012
Results tation
2,700+ projects 13 countries Endorsement Technical
of OAP by 6 Workshops (Finland,
30,000+ Discussion & countries & Sweden)
locations consensus on the World
the focus for Implementation in 4
143 countries OAP countries (Bolivia,
Kenya, Nepal &
Canada, Czech Republic, Estonia,
Developing the geo-
Finland, the Netherlands, Spain, coding standard
Sweden, the United Kingdom, with IATI
AfDB, Foundation Center, Develop Open Aid
Map platform
ONE and InterAction
6. Malawis Open Aid Map
Over 540 projects
Geo-coding of mapped
projects of 27 donors Open
Geo-coding Aid Map Over 2,100 project
based on IATI
activities mapped
AfDB, AusAid,
BADEA, CIDA, CDC, $5.3 billion
China, DfID, EU, FAO, cumulative
FICA, GTZ, ICEIDA, commitments
IFAD, Irish Aid, Japan, covered for all AMP
JICA, KfW, Kuwait projects ongoing as of
Fund, NORAD, OPEC August 2011
USAID, WFP, World 2.0
7. Evolution of Aid Mapping in Malawi
AMP Platform AMP 2.0
Open Aid Map
14. Initiatives
Next Steps
1. Broader endorsement by
donors and other partners
2. Build upon existing IATI
standards with geo-standards
3. Leverage as communications
tools to promote transparency
1. It is important to understand the distribution of aid flows within a country in order to better target aid, however research on the distribution of aid has almost exclusively been conducted at the cross-country level. This is in large part due to the lack of data available on sub-national locations. By providing this information, this would enable decision-makers to know how to more effectively allocate development resources at the sub-national level. This will enable better targeting of aid efforts once underserved regions are more easily identified. 2. Understanding the precise location of development activities allows governments, donors and citizens to monitor progress and outcomes, and would encourage those at the local level to provide feedback on development projects in their area. 3. Enabling donors to see where other donor projects are located allows them to avoid duplicating efforts in the same region and increases the efficiency of development resources. 4. The volume of information provided by donors can make it difficult to make sense of the data. Being able to visualize the locations of all development activities on a map can enhance understanding of patterns in aid allocation. Making this information easier to understand will increase accessibility and use of the data among a wide group of stakeholders. 5. The IATI encourages development organizations to make information the Who, Where, and How of development projects publicly available and easy to use and understand. Crucial to this is the Where- geographical information on where organizations are operating within countries. This information allows governments, citizens and donors to gain a more comprehensive picture of donor activities within countries, thus enabling better decision-making.