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ID NO. : 132001
Cock-fighting is another type of culture or recreation which is commonly
shared by the Ibans. Their interest for this culture originated from the game
introduced by Raja Machan who held a cock-fighting bout with Ambong
Mungan. The later lost the contest to Raja Machan and decided to go to visit
the supernatural being in the sky to look for a fighting cock. In the domain of
the God in the Sky, he met with a Supreme God called Raja Petara who gave
him a fighting cock with the coloration of Tuntong Lang Ngindang Terbai,
Biring Belangking Pipit Kechuai. Raja Petara told him that the fighting cock
would never be defeated in the contest. With this prized possession given by
the Supreme God, Ambong Mungan staged another cock-fighting session
against Raja Machan. With such divine help, he won the contest.
However, to the Ibans who adhere to the old customs, cock fighting does not
bring them any harm. It is a traditional sports and if organized professionally,
it will be good for the tourism industry which benefits the Dayak people. In
the past, the cock-fighting session is the time they exchange views and
contemplate various meaningful undertakings with each other. Through their
conversation at the cock-fighting arena, a majority of them receive ideas on
how to improve their methods of farming, gardening, trading and carrying out
activities to raise their community standard of living.
Nowadays, cocks fighting are being organized occasionally following a major
festival, annual gawai Dayak festival and final death rites (ngetas ulit) to mark
the end of mourning period. In the headhunting past, death rites was
completed with the acquisition of fresh heads. Such practices of blood letting
have been replaced with cock-fighting session. This beautiful tradition should
be preserved and kept alive in a contemporary Iban society through a
better-organized session, proper set of rules and better arena.
Iban's History
Two owners place their gamecock in the cockpit. The cocks fight until
ultimately one of them dies or is critically injured. Historically, this was in
a cockpit, a term which was also used in the 16th century to mean a place
of entertainment or frenzied activity. William Shakespeare used the term
in Henry V to specifically mean the area around the stage of a theatre. In
Tudor times, the Palace of Westminster had a permanent cockpit, called
the Cockpit-in-Court.
The Head. There are only 2 types of heads a cock possess. The small head which carries a pea-comb and the large headed straight comb cock.
Most cockers and breeders prefer small heads for aesthetic purposes. It's up to you to choose according to your preference.
The Eyes. Any color of the eyes will do as long as it's clear, alert and bright, well-proportioned, and well-focused. Most cockers and breeders
prefer red eyes since it connotes American blood in them.
The Beak. Big thick beaks show that the cock can execute firm billholds, long thin beaks are signs of speed and agility, and hooked beaks are
good for billholding too. Whatever the type of beak you prefer, it should close and set well, and the upper and lower beaks should fit in
The Face. The skin on the face of the cock should have a smooth red face. Rough faced cocks are either old and/or bred
The Neck. The neck should be well-proportioned with the body. Feathers around the neck must be full, shiny and smooth.
The Shoulders. Should be broad, muscular, and a bit wider in relation to the back and the rest of the body.
The Breast. Must be full of flesh and rounded barely noticing the bone feeling the meat and not the fat.
The Back. The broader the back, the more power it packs.
The Tail. The tail base should be thick but pliable. Generally, broad tail feathers connotes imported blood, while narrow feathers show s Oriental and/or
native infusion.
The Wings. Long wings mean more shuffling is expected while short wings are meant for clipping in midair.
The Thighs. Must be longer than the shanks and must be full of supple muscles to create more power while hitting.
The Shanks. Scaly parts of the feet (aka "Adidas") Big stubby shanks pack more power but a clear sign of slow-footedness, thin shanks are a clear
indication of speed and agility.

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Iban's History

  • 2. Cock-fighting is another type of culture or recreation which is commonly shared by the Ibans. Their interest for this culture originated from the game introduced by Raja Machan who held a cock-fighting bout with Ambong Mungan. The later lost the contest to Raja Machan and decided to go to visit the supernatural being in the sky to look for a fighting cock. In the domain of the God in the Sky, he met with a Supreme God called Raja Petara who gave him a fighting cock with the coloration of Tuntong Lang Ngindang Terbai, Biring Belangking Pipit Kechuai. Raja Petara told him that the fighting cock would never be defeated in the contest. With this prized possession given by the Supreme God, Ambong Mungan staged another cock-fighting session against Raja Machan. With such divine help, he won the contest. IBAN HISTORY ABOUT COCK- FIGHTING
  • 3. However, to the Ibans who adhere to the old customs, cock fighting does not bring them any harm. It is a traditional sports and if organized professionally, it will be good for the tourism industry which benefits the Dayak people. In the past, the cock-fighting session is the time they exchange views and contemplate various meaningful undertakings with each other. Through their conversation at the cock-fighting arena, a majority of them receive ideas on how to improve their methods of farming, gardening, trading and carrying out activities to raise their community standard of living. IBAN HISTORY ABOUT COCK- FIGHTING
  • 4. Nowadays, cocks fighting are being organized occasionally following a major festival, annual gawai Dayak festival and final death rites (ngetas ulit) to mark the end of mourning period. In the headhunting past, death rites was completed with the acquisition of fresh heads. Such practices of blood letting have been replaced with cock-fighting session. This beautiful tradition should be preserved and kept alive in a contemporary Iban society through a better-organized session, proper set of rules and better arena. IBAN HISTORY ABOUT COCK- FIGHTING
  • 6. Two owners place their gamecock in the cockpit. The cocks fight until ultimately one of them dies or is critically injured. Historically, this was in a cockpit, a term which was also used in the 16th century to mean a place of entertainment or frenzied activity. William Shakespeare used the term in Henry V to specifically mean the area around the stage of a theatre. In Tudor times, the Palace of Westminster had a permanent cockpit, called the Cockpit-in-Court. PROCESS COCK FIGHTING
  • 7. Step1 The Head. There are only 2 types of heads a cock possess. The small head which carries a pea-comb and the large headed straight comb cock. Most cockers and breeders prefer small heads for aesthetic purposes. It's up to you to choose according to your preference. Step2 The Eyes. Any color of the eyes will do as long as it's clear, alert and bright, well-proportioned, and well-focused. Most cockers and breeders prefer red eyes since it connotes American blood in them. Step3 The Beak. Big thick beaks show that the cock can execute firm billholds, long thin beaks are signs of speed and agility, and hooked beaks are good for billholding too. Whatever the type of beak you prefer, it should close and set well, and the upper and lower beaks should fit in tightly. Step4 The Face. The skin on the face of the cock should have a smooth red face. Rough faced cocks are either old and/or bred haphazardly. Step5 The Neck. The neck should be well-proportioned with the body. Feathers around the neck must be full, shiny and smooth. Step6 The Shoulders. Should be broad, muscular, and a bit wider in relation to the back and the rest of the body. Step7 The Breast. Must be full of flesh and rounded barely noticing the bone feeling the meat and not the fat. Step8 The Back. The broader the back, the more power it packs. Step9 The Tail. The tail base should be thick but pliable. Generally, broad tail feathers connotes imported blood, while narrow feathers show s Oriental and/or native infusion. Step10 The Wings. Long wings mean more shuffling is expected while short wings are meant for clipping in midair. Step11 The Thighs. Must be longer than the shanks and must be full of supple muscles to create more power while hitting. Step12 The Shanks. Scaly parts of the feet (aka "Adidas") Big stubby shanks pack more power but a clear sign of slow-footedness, thin shanks are a clear indication of speed and agility.