Social networking Web sites and services have become primary communication media for a new generation of digitally aware consumers, competing with traditional telecommunications for "share of voice." To compete effectively over the long term, CSPs will need to take bold, significant steps to embrace the emerging broader definition of communications.
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Social Networking Sites are Changing the Face of Communcation
1. IBM Global Business Services Telecommunications
Executive Report
IBM Institute for Business Value
The changing face of communication
Social networkings growing influence on telecom providers
2. IBM Institute for Business Value
IBM Global Business Services, through the IBM Institute for Business Value, develops
fact-based strategic insights for senior executives around critical public and private
sector issues. This executive report is based on an in-depth study by the Institutes
research team. It is part of an ongoing commitment by IBM Global Business Services
to provide analysis and viewpoints that help companies realize business value. You may
contact the authors or send an e-mail to for more information.
Additional studies from the IBM Institute for Business Value can be found at
3. Introduction
By Rob van den Dam, Ekow Nelson and Zygmunt Lozinski
People are communicating more things to
more people than ever before, and not just by phone anymore. Internet-enabled
communication models are gaining audience, attention and market share at the
expense of traditional telecommunication providers (Telcos). Can Telcos fight back
and find new growth opportunities in this rapidly changing ecosystem? The challenge
is not just in understanding the technology, but also the unfolding fundamental shifts
in human communication behavior.
The face of communication has changed dramatically over the The widespread social networking phenomenon reflects shifts
past few years. Traditional Telcos, which have historically in two long-term communication trends. First, there is a shift
dominated two-way interpersonal conversations, are increas- in communication patterns from point-to-point, two-way
ingly being challenged by new market entrants that use open conversations to many-to-many, collaborative communications.
platforms to meet diverse and rapidly changing user wants and Second, control of the communication environment is transitioning
needs. from Telcos to open Internet platform providers, enabled by
better and cheaper technology, open standards, greater
Social networking Web sites and services, such as Facebook, penetration of broadband services and wireless communication
MySpace and Cyworld, have become primary communication networks.
media for a new generation of digitally aware consumers.
Driven by high broadband penetration, maturing social The combined effect of these trends is altering the competitive
software and readily available, affordable Internet-enabled landscape in communications and giving rise to emerging
multimedia devices, these sites and services are making inroads business models that include:
with enthusiastic users and garnering the attention of adver-
tisers, consumer product companies and enterprises that are Open and Free This model features companies that offer
using social media to reach their customers; build brand one-to-one communication services, but through an open
loyalty; and communicate with geographically dispersed Internet platform and at no or very little cost. These
employees, suppliers and partners. services potentially threaten profitable traditional services,
such as long-distance calling and mobile roaming.
4. 2 The changing face of communication
Gated Communities Companies using this model focus on Over the short to medium term, Telcos should focus on laying
many-to-many communications, rather than point-to-point, the foundation for a more open and collaborative future. They
within telecom-controlled environments. They are, essen- can begin by taking advantage of the window of opportunity in
tially, a walled-garden for operator-led collaboration mobile social networking and also bolster their capabilities to
services and are likely to appeal to users and enterprises that serve the evolving, broader communication needs of enter-
desire secure and reliable communication environments. prises. They should partner with, or acquire, existing players to
Shared Social Spaces This rapidly growing model facilitates proactively develop the capabilities required for success or
collaboration on the open Internet. Key players include enable other participants in the value chain to benefit from
social networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook. distinctive telecom capabilities. Using network and computing
These providers have the potential to become de facto infrastructure optimization techniques, they can reduce the
integrated communication platforms, bringing together cost of delivering high-bandwidth content and potentially
social networking, voice communication, e-mail, instant and capture value from it. Over the long term, Telcos should
text messaging, as well as content. They are drawing embrace a broader definition of communication one that
attention away from traditional Telcos and contributing to encompasses everything from two-way conversations to
the fragmentation of the market. Beyond gaining audience many-to-many communications and align the organization
share, these services pose an operational challenge to Telcos with this reality. Also, Telcos are well positioned to enable a
as they piggyback on the existing communications infra- cross-platform, fully integrated experience across mobile, fixed
structure, imposing network capacity issues and increased and Internet Protocol television (IPTV) services.
costs for the network providers.
A new ecosystem is emerging from these long-term shifts in
In the short term, as the industry transitions to more open and communication trends that will require bold, significant
collaborative communication models, the traditional model changes by existing telecom providers. The option of doing
will likely remain dominant. Over the long term, however, the nothing is not a luxury many providers can afford, as revenues
industry can expect a shift toward models that facilitate from traditional services continue to decline and highly
collaboration and sharing, with Shared Social Spaces attracting resourceful Internet information providers and IT companies
a more significant and impactful portion of peoples communi- enter the communications space to claim a larger share of
cation time. communication time.
5. IBM Global Business Services 3
The changing face of communication social networking sites comprised half of the same list,
A burgeoning market in social networking displacing many traditional Internet stars, such as AOL (see
Social networking, perhaps considered a communication fad Figure 1).
in recent years, is transcending that phase and becoming an
activity woven into the intrinsic fabric of the Internet. Overall, the number of unique monthly visitors to the top six
Throughout the world, Internet users are turning en masse to social networking sites increased 95 percent between June
such sites as Facebook, Blogger and Twitter to meet their 2006 and June 2007 and then another 50 percent from June
communication needs. Consider, for example, that before 2005, 2007 to June 2008.2 According to data from comScore, the
not a single social media network was ranked among the global Internet information provider, unique visitors to social
worlds top 20 English-language Web sites.1 By April 2010, networking sites in June 2008 represented approximately
Rank Aug 2004 Aug 2006 April 2010
1 Yahoo! Yahoo! Google
2 MSN MSN Facebook
3 Google Google Youtube
4 Microsoft My Space Yahoo!
5 Passport Live Live
6 eBay eBay Blogger
7 Amazon Youtube MSN
8 Offeroptimizer Microsoft Twitter
9 Fastclick Amazon Wordpress
10 Doubleclick Orkut MySpace
11 Go Blogger Google UK
12 Alibaba Google UK Microsoft
13 CNN Passport Amazon
14 BBC BBC Bing
15 Craigslist eBay
16 AOL Go Linkedin
17 Google UK CNN Flickr
18 Gator Alibaba Craigslist
19 eBay UK Megaupload Rapidshare
20 SearchScout IMDB Livejasmin
Social media sites
Note 1: The traffic rank is based on three months of aggregated historical traffic data and is a combined measure of page views and users (reach).
Note 2: Due to the way Alexa assigns language, multilingual Wikipedia, which is in global top 20, is not shown in this list.
Source: IBM Institute for Business Value analysis; Alexa Internet Web Search top 20 English Language Web Sites.
Figure 1: Top 20 English language Web sites.
6. 4 The changing face of communication
two-thirds of the worlds Internet audience.3 According to The including such online portals as Google and Yahoo.9 This
Nielsen Company, people continue to spend more time on social opens the door for potential revenue generation, as social
networking and blog sites than ever before, with total minutes networks like most online service providers base their
increasing 82 percent year-over-year and the average time per business models on trading page views for advertising dollars.
person increasing 67 percent year-over-year in May 2009.4
Facebook alone saw 484 million unique visitors worldwide in Already, savvy marketers have begun to experiment more heavily
March 2010, while Twitter was the fastest-growing Web brand, with this concept. They spent US$2.1 billion on social network
growing 1,928 percent from June 2008 to June 2009.5 In advertising in 2008, almost double the US$1.2 billion spent in
addition, developing countries have become very conducive to 2007.10 By 2012, if the current trend continues, social
social networks. By far, the largest in Asia is China with its networking ad revenues could reach $3.8 billion, provided the
QZone (run by Tencent) being the largest social networking site right business model can be found.11
with over 300 million active members and still growing quickly.6
The new online portal
In South Korea, considered by many to be the worlds most Social networks have done more than attract users and ad
developed social networking nation, 90 percent of teens and 40 revenue away from traditional Internet sites. They have become
percent of the entire population are members of the social a primary destination for online users and represent the next
networking site Cyworld.7 In the United States, 80 percent of stage in the evolution of the online experience, serving as control
young adults, 60 percent of teens and 30 percent of adults use points for managing and enriching a users digital lifestyle. They
social networks.8 bring together user-generated and professional content, commu-
nication tools and services, online connections, applications and
Not only are social networks generating a significant amount of collaborative tools from blogs and podcasts to wikis and widgets
online traffic, visitors to leading social networking sites also view (see Figure 2).
more pages per visit than any other category of Internet site,
Late 1990s Network of user connections
Portal aggregator Early 2000s
and relationships
Browse Content search/discovery
Mid-late 2000s User A User B
Search Social networks
Shared social spaces
Directories RSS User C
Tagging Mashups
Blogs Wikis
User-generated content Meta data and tools
Source: IBM Institute for Business Value analysis.
Figure 2: Social networking sites are becoming online portals.
7. IBM Global Business Services 5
Communication and content distribution Expansion and extension
With numerous communication tools at their disposal, social Traditional mainstream Internet sites and major consumer
networks are becoming integrated communication hubs. The brands are beginning to recognize the value of social
integration of MySpace and Skype, for example, illustrates how networking, not just for the potential advertising dollars it may
social networks and communication applications can converge generate, but also for e-commerce and the built-in mechanisms
to benefit users. MySpace members can make Internet phone it employs to communicate with customers.
calls using Skypes telephony network and MySpaces instant
messaging program.12 And Twitter has become extremely eBay, for example, has created more than 600 micro-social
popular. More than just a messaging platform, it has evolved networks called eBay Neighborhoods, where members can
into a platform for unified communications where friends, access blogs, guides, reviews and product searches and then
business partners and acquaintances can connect for conversa- click to visit related auctions.15 And big-name brands, such as
tion. Instead of sending e-mails, sending texts or making phone Coca-Cola, Victorias Secret and Webkinz, have ventured into
calls, many people choose to write short messages on Twitter this newly charted arena by using social networks to generate
and publish them via a computer or mobile device. brand awareness and affinity.16 Depending on a brands goals,
affiliating with a social network site or possibly creating its
Social networks are also increasingly becoming channels for own can bring in an audience of customers, contain them and
digital content distribution, using their network of relation- allow them a voice whenever appropriate.
ships to push information to users. In November 2007, for
instance, Bebo launched its Open Media platform that offers Enterprises are also learning the value of a solution that
media companies such as BBC, MTV and BSkyB an additional facilitates communication and collaboration among employees,
distribution outlet.13 And Apple is tapping into the popularity partners and suppliers. Social networks provide the opportu-
of social networking sites by embedding its iTunes Internet nity to bridge the gap in communication and collaboration
music download service into the Bebo Web site.14 created by enterprise globalization. For example, General
Motors uses social networking tools to facilitate communica-
tion between executives and employees, as well as to give
product experts the opportunity to present new designs to the
employee community.17 Motorolas Intranet 2.0 initiative has
Enterprises are leveraging social network met with considerable success, with 70,000 people using it
applications to improve collaboration with every day, including partners.18 The company now has 4,400
customers, employees, partners and suppliers. blogs and 4,200 wiki pages. It uses, among other technologies,
social networking, bookmarking and tagging.19
8. 6 The changing face of communication
Telcos are getting in on the act
A number of Telcos are already responding to the challenges Vodafone Extending telecom capability to
and opportunities of social networking. Many have initiatives open social networking
underway that range from simply enabling online social
Vodafone 360 brings together a customers con-
networking sites, to extending their offerings to the mobile tacts, status updates and messaging services
communication environment, to even buildingtheir own from the mobile phone, social networks and other
proprietary social networks. Internet accounts, enhancing the customers ex-
perience and use of social media. Customers have
For example, SK Communications, a subsidiary of SK Telecom integrated contacts, music, photos and mapping
in South Korea, acquired Cyworld in 2003 and is now gener- services and can share their favorite music choic-
ating approximately US$200 million per year from selling es and even their physical location how and
digital items and advertising.20 In 2005, the company started a when they choose with chosen groups of friends.
joint venture with EarthLink to launch a mobile virtual The service is automatically backed up and syn-
chronized, regularly and wirelessly, between a us-
network operator called Helio, which merged into Virgin
ers mobile device and computer.
Mobile in July 2008.21 In early 2007, Vodafone struck a deal
Source: Vodafone announces Vodafone 360.
with MySpace to enable MySpace users to access their profiles Vodafone press release. September 24, 2009.
from Vodafone cell phones.22 Today, Vodafone has a similar
arrangement with Facebook.23 U.S. telecom operators Sprint,
Verizon, AT&T and Virgin Mobile provide applications that
allow users to access MySpace and Facebook on their mobile
In 2009, Vodafone introduced Vodafone 360, a set of Internet
services for mobile devices and PCs that gathers a customers
friends, communities, Facebook status updates, entertainment
and personal favorites (such as music, games, photos and video)
in one place. It also offers the ability to chat through Windows
Live Messenger and Google Talk (see sidebar, Vodafone
Extending telecom capability to open social networking).25
9. IBM Global Business Services 7
Trends in communication evolution Traditional interpersonal communication, usually via the
The widespread social networking phenomenon is a reflection telephone, allows expression but does not provide group or
of shifts in two long-term underlying trends in communication: collaborative capabilities. As Professor Clay Shirky, a leading
authority on the social and economic effects of the Internet at
1. Communication patterns are shifting from point-to-point, New York Universitys Interactive Telecommunication
two-way conversations to many-to-many group communi- Program observes, The telephone, the technological revolu-
cations and collaboration. tion that put the most expressive power in the hands of the
individual, didnt create an audience; telephones were designed
2. Shift in communication control is transitioning from
for conversation.26 The availability and convergence of mobile
provider-controlled environments to open Internet
communication and the Internet are now creating a platform
platform service providers with greater opportunities for
that enables group communication encompassing many
user participation.
participants through shared spaces in virtually any geographic
Shifts in communication patterns location.
Communication patterns are changing from personal and
conversational to sharing and collaborative, augmented with The so-called Net Generation, composed of digital natives
links, videos, photos and other multimedia content that who have grown up in a technology-enabled environment, is at
substantially enrich the communications experience. This is the forefront of this phenomenon. According to Pew Research,
being enabled by greater global connectivity; the availability of on average, a typical 21-year-old in the United States entering
affordable, high-quality content and communication devices; the workforce today has played video games for 5,000 hours;
and the rise of social software. exchanged 250,000 e-mails, instant messages and phone text
messages; logged 10,000 hours of cell phone use; and spent
3,500 hours online.27
The new generation of digital natives is far more likely than
Communications overall is shifting from their parents to own a digital music player; to have posted
writing, pictures or video on the Internet; to have created a
point-to-point to many-to-many, in order blog or profile on a social networking site; to have downloaded
to socialize and enjoy an experience more digital content such as songs, games, movies, or software; to
deeply people consuming content together have shared a remix or mashup creation with friends; and to
have snapped a photo or video with a cell phone.28
and interacting during that experience from
virtually anywhere in the world.
John Stankey, President and CEO, AT&T Operations
10. 8 The changing face of communication
For many of this generation, social networking is even
supplanting e-mail as the preferred method of communication.
Brought up in the connected and collaborative
But they also use social networking for more than communica-
tion and content sharing. They use it to develop their identi- world of the Internet, the Net Generation is at
ties, meet friends or form relationships that become part of the forefront of shifting social communication
their individual social graphs, which are becoming key patterns.
resources for harnessing collective wisdom or opinion from
trusted individuals.
But the shift away from traditional telecommunication to social
Shift in communication control
networking is not limited to digital natives. A growing number
of adults now use technology to get what they need from each Widespread availability and affordability of connectivity and
other, instead of from traditional media and institutions. communication tools/devices are also shifting control of
Nineteen percent of consumers in the 2007 IBM Digital communication media away from the domain of Telcos and
Consumer Survey said they spend more than six hours per day toward a more open communication platform.
on personal Internet activities.29 Only 9 percent indicated they
The majority of households, individuals and businesses in
watch the same amount or more of television.30
developed nations have Internet access, and the number of
Internet users in emerging economies is growing rapidly.31 In
As shown in Figure 3, social networks are used instrumentally
to reinforce social ties. September 2008, there were 452 million broadband subscribers
worldwide (more than the total number of households in the
United States, Britain, France, Japan, Korea and Germany),
Talk to friend/family a lot 69%
Talk to friend/family I rarely see 65%
Look for old friends I have lost touch with 47%
Look at other peoples sites without leaving a message 40%
Talk to people who are friends of friends 35%
Listen to music/find out about bands 29%
Talk to people I dont know 17%
Look at campaigns and petitions 6%
Other 4%
Source: IBM Institute for Business Value analysis; Social Networking. United Kingdom Office of Communications (Ofcom) 2008.
Figure 3: The most popular activities in social networking are communications/staying in touch.
11. IBM Global Business Services 9
and this number is expected to grow to 876 million by 2012.32 Impact of shifts on the emerging
At the same time, data connectivity speeds have increased communication landscape
considerably from 56 kilobits per second (Kbps) modem The combination of shifts in communication control and
connectivity speeds only a decade ago to 8-16 megabits per patterns is redefining the competitive landscape, giving rise to
second (Mbps) today.33 Some countries support bandwidth up new business models. In contrast with traditional communica-
to 90Mbps currently.34 The costs of connectivity and storage tion models, emerging models are based on open platforms
have also declined significantly, and the availability of Internet- that support many-to many and/or collaborative communica-
enabled devices, with increasing user interface sophistication, is tion patterns (see Figure 4).
enabling richer, more immersive experiences.
Traditional communication
With better, cheaper technologies and greater use of The traditional model, characterized by two-way point-to-
broadband, the Internet and wireless networks, Over the Top point communication, is the domain of traditional Telco
(OTT) providers, such as social networking sites, are becoming providers. It is the largest segment in terms of revenue and
ever-more viable platforms for communication services and subscribers, but it is showing signs of slow growth as other
consumers are responding eagerly.
Audience and attention migration
Gated Communities Shared Social Space
Online SN active
Mobile social
2007 members
networking users
Communications pattern
CAGR 64% 2007-2012
SN unique visitors CAGR 20%
cti 賊2/3 of Internet users
Traditional Communication ark Open and Free
Mobile subscribers All types of VoIP in IM accounts
2012: 1.2 billion
Fixed subscribers
2007-2012 2007-2012
CAGR 18.5% CAGR 13%
conversational 2007-2012 CAGR 6.8% 2007-2012 CAGR 3%
Communication Open Internet
Communications environment
provider controlled
Source: IBM Institute for Business Value analysis based on publicly available data from eMarketer, Datamonitor, Skype, ABI Research and The Radicati Group, Inc.
Figure 4: Shifts in communication control and patterns give rise to new business models.
12. 10 The changing face of communication
models take hold. Wireline revenue is declining and, although Gated Communities
according to Gartner Inc., global mobile services revenue is This model is also the domain of traditional communication
forecast to grow 7.6 percent from 2007-2012, the mobile service providers, but the focus is more on many-to-many
subscriber base has reached saturation in key developed communications rather than point-to-point. This is essentially
markets.35 a walled-garden approach in which operators facilitate
collaboration services that will appeal to users and enterprises
Open and Free with a preference for the more secure and reliable communica-
This model offers alternatives to traditional point-to-point tions environment traditionally provided by telecoms.
communication services on open Internet platforms.
Companies in this domain provide basic communication Gated Communities include both fixed (online) and mobile
services such as VoIP for free or at very low cost. Many of social networking. It is our view, however, that walled-garden
these services threaten profitable traditional services such as social networking sites are unlikely to be successful as the
long-distance calling and mobile roaming. majority of consumers have demonstrated a preference for
open social networking sites. Telecom companies do have a
Providers in this space include VoIP provider Skype, Google window of opportunity in this model, however, by enabling
with GoogleTalk and Microsoft with Windows Live mobile social networking on existing mobile network architec-
Messenger, which offer PC-to-PC voice services along with tures, which, for the most part, remain closed platforms. Devel-
instant messaging and chat.36 With over 560 million registered opments in smartphones and the mobile Internet, however, will
users worldwide, Skype has, in a matter of seven years, come gradually blur the advantage of mobile exclusivity. Forecasters
close to creating a truly global telecom service.37 While Skypes estimate that by 2012, mobile social networking will represent
level of growth is impressive, there remains some skepticism a market opportunity of between US$22.5 and US$52
about the ability of these types of new entrants to provide the billion.39
high quality of service required to support professional,
error-free business communications.
Many of the players in the open and free space, such as
Microsoft and Google, have considerable resources and leave
little room for a commercially viable response from Telcos
Mobile social networking provides a
beyond repackaging existing services into convenience short-term opportunity to increase use of
bundles. Some Telcos, however, seemingly have embraced the SMS, MMS and even voice traffic.
model and are partnering with disruptive new entrants. The
mobile operator 3 in the United Kingdom and Italy, for
example, has partnered with Skype to launch the 3 Skype-
phone, which enables 3 subscribers to make free calls and send
free Skype instant messages from their 3G mobile phones to
other Skype users.38 As first movers, these partners have the
potential to attract and retain customers. However, while the
benefits to Skype are obvious, it is too early to assess the true
commercial value to 3.
13. IBM Global Business Services 11
Recent studies have revealed that more than 40 percent of networking to help transform their organizations by achieving
iPhone users in the United States, Germany, France and the greater coordination and communication with their customers,
United Kingdom are visiting social networking sites.40 In employees and partners (see Figure 5).
South Korea, a mobile user visits Cyworld on average 11 times
per day.41 The mobile service of the Japanese social network While traditional telecom companies are often perceived as
Mixi, which started as an online site, has turned out to be conduits of information, the opportunity exists for them to
hugely successful with mobile page views already outnum- serve enterprises and governments with a broader set of
bering online page views.42 innovative communication solutions that encompass collabora-
tion in a secure, reliable environment with agreed service-level
A number of traditional communication service providers have guarantees.
formed partnerships with open social networking providers to
incorporate such services into their telecom environments. Shared Social Spaces
For example, in October 2008, Telefonica signed a global Shared Social Spaces facilitate collaboration on the open
agreement with Facebook allowing it to integrate access to Internet. The main providers in this space are OTT applica-
Facebooks mobile service and applications from all of Tele- tions such as MySpace, Bebo, YouTube and Facebook. But also
fonicas mobile portals.43 virtual worlds such as Second Life belong to this domain and
have integrated voice and text-based communication capabili-
Enterprise-level collaboration has significant potential in this ties to connect to friends, even from mobile phones.44
Gated Communities space. Many governments and corpora-
tions are redefining their communication needs beyond voice A number of key players in the Open and Free model are
telephony and e-mail and are looking to productively employ also offering services in this space, such as Google with its
Web-based collaboration tools such as blogs, wikis and social social network Buzz.45 Other companies entering the fray
Increase collaboration 69%
Raise awareness of what we know 56%
Increase agility/responsiveness 56%
Faster communication 55%
Increase innovation and reduce time to market 39%
Reduction of IT costs 36%
Accelerate brokering of people 21%
Source: Enterprise 2.0: Agile, Emergent and Integrated. AIIM Market IQ. March 2008.
Figure 5: Businesses and organizations are leveraging social network applications to improve collaboration with customers, employees
and partners.
14. 12 The changing face of communication
include Microsoft, with investments in Facebook, and Nokia, communications regulator Ofcom estimates these types of
with its OVI/Share platform.46 As many of these players OTT services will impose an additional 贈830m (US$1.4
integrate telephony services, they have the potential to become billion) in bandwidth costs on U.K. Internet service providers
fully integrated, end-to-end communication platforms. (see sidebar, Free OTT services cost network providers).47
While there has been significant growth in social networking, It is projected that by 2012, the sum of all forms of online
we believe the revenue model remains unproven. Regardless, video, including TV, video on demand, Internet and peer-to-
these media are drawing attention away from traditional peer (P2P), will account for nearly 90 percent of all consumer
communication service providers and are contributing to their Internet traffic, a large portion of which will flow through
slowing growth. Over the long run, they have the potential to OTT applications (see Figure 6).48
generate reasonable revenue streams from advertising and
other sources as dollars begin to follow eyeballs. The dramatic increase in OTT traffic alters the equation for
telecom operators and will likely force them to develop new
Still, telecom providers need to care about Shared Social business and revenue models. However, the massive investment
Spaces and, especially, OTT applications that put additional required to satisfy consumer appetites for rich content is likely
strain on already-burdened network infrastructure, particularly to exacerbate the tension between network providers and OTT
with the rapid increase in video content sharing and distribu- providers.
tion. According to a BBC News report, the United Kingdom
20,000 Internet video to TV 104%
16,000 Internet video to PC 57%
VoIP 24%
Video communicaions 44%
10,000 Gaming 30%
P2P 31%
Web//data 34%
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Source: Global consumer Internet traffic forecast, 2006 - 2012.
Figure 6: Global consumer Internet traffic forecast, 2006-2012.
15. IBM Global Business Services 13
To deal with over-burdening OTT traffic, telecom operators
have options that include filtering or blocking OTT traffic, but
Free OTT services costly for network providers
this is unsustainable in many jurisdictions as it violates net-
neutrality principles. Another option is to use Content The launch of BBCs iPlayer Internet TV service in Decem-
Delivery Network (CDN) technology to relieve the load over ber 2007, an OTT service based on a P2P architecture, cre-
ated a bandwidth capacity crunch for a number of Internet
the backbone and the Telcos servers. By caching replicas of
service providers (ISPs). For the U.K. ISP PlusNet, there
content and applications at multiple locations in the network,
was a 72 percent increase in the number of customers us-
the CDN allows telecom operators to distribute content and
ing more than 250 megabytes of streaming video per month
applications closer to the end user and to realize more effective and 100 percent growth in those using more than 1 giga-
P2P traffic routing. This overcomes issues such as network byte.49 The cost for PlusNet to carry this OTT service in-
bandwidth availability and congestion during peak usage creased by more than 200 percent per month and was not
periods and reduces the need for increasing core network recoverable from customers.50
capacity. Telecom operators can pass the cost of CDN invest-
ments on to customers through higher or differentiated
broadband fees and/or reaching agreements with CDN
providers to jointly fund these additional costs (see Figure 7).
End customer
Telco/ISP access Subscriptions Pay per use
Limelight net- Access
works $ Wireless and fixed
Akamai Internet access
CDN providers
$ Typically no charge
Peering charges for
Telco access to content
environment Peering/CoLo
CDN charges to shift con- Internet core
$ Large network and tent around CDN Global networks
cache of a variety of transporting Internet
myspace content traffic
Charges for amount Possibly charges for
of data cached bandwidth used
OTT providers
Content, media and
Internet core Variety of transactions/ Per click or basic
OTT providers models ad revenue
End customer Advertisers
Source: IBM Institute for Business Value.
Figure 7: New business models to capture value from OTT traffic.
16. 14 The changing face of communication
Toward an open and collaborative future In France, for example, while volume of call minutes across
Emerging communication models are fragmenting audiences fixed and mobile has increased by 9 percent from nearly 190
and shifting customers away from traditional telecom billion minutes in 2005 to 207 billion in 2010 OTT commu-
providers. While traditional providers continue to claim the nications over the same period, including VoIP, P2P and
largest number of subscribers, it is the users of social instant messaging, has increased by 211 percent, from 303
networking sites and open Internet communication services billion to 942 billion minutes (see Figure 8).52
that are growing at significantly faster rates, even as take-up of
traditional services accelerates in emerging economies. At the same time, U.K. adults spend an average of 3 hours a
YouTube and Facebook, for example, claim the third- and week on social networks, with 6 percent of the population
fourth-highest share of global online minutes respectively.51 engaging for 11 hours. 53 Not surprisingly, teenagers are
Increased share of
800 communication services
Millions of call minutes
by Internet communication
services providers
600 Services are not easily
E-mail monetized through
(excluding spam) traditional pricing models
Mobile Stable use of traditional
communications services
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Note: An e-mail or SMS/MMS is considered as a 30 second call.
Source: Montagne, Roland. Telcos views of openness. IDATE DigiWorld Summit 2009.
Figure 8: Overview of total communications market for France.
17. IBM Global Business Services 15
Over the short to medium term, telecom providers should
focus on the following to lay the foundation for a more open
Over the long term, the largest share of and collaborative future:
incremental communication time will trend
toward new providers and models. 1. Exploit opportunities in the Gated Communities by
enabling mobile social networking in current closed
networks to capture a share of potential revenues, which are
forecast to reach between US$22 billion and US$52 billion
by 2012.55
spending significantly more hours on social networking than
other segments of the population. 54 As many more people use 2. Partner with or acquire existing social networking players to
social networking and for potentially increasing periods of proactively develop the capabilities required for success,
time traditional providers share of overall communication including experimenting with new revenue-generating
minutes will continue to decline and long-term revenues are services. For example, Vodafones acquisition of Zyb the
likely to fall as a result of increased competition and greater social networking and online management tool for backing
availability of lower-cost alternatives. up and sharing contact and calendar information demon-
strates how a mobile operator can extend social networking
Although there is a substantial migration from the traditional from PCs to the mobile device with a view toward increasing
communication model to the alternative Shared Social Spaces data services revenue while delivering a much richer and
model, in the short term, all four models will co-exist. Tradi- unified communication experience.56
tional models will continue to be attractive to those who place 3. Enable other participants in the value chain including
a premium on reliability and quality of service, including advertisers, virtual operators and application developers to
corporations and enterprises. But, over the long term, the benefit from telecom capabilities such as location, presence,
largest share of incremental communication time will trend text/multimedia messaging services and conference calling,
toward new providers and models. while providing access to customer analytics to help enhance
services and offerings.
Recommendations and next steps 4. Bolster capability to deliver fully integrated enterprise
The social networking phenomenon arose from significant communication services that combine voice, Internet-based
shifts in communication, driven by the widespread growth of communication and collaborative communication models.
Internet connectivity and the emergence of interactive online Enterprise spending on Web 2.0 collaboration technologies
communication tools. These shifts have been redefining a is forecast to grow to US$4.6 billion globally by 2013, with
century-old industry and, as a result, the advantages enjoyed by social networking as the top spending category.57 Partner-
traditional communication service providers are beginning to ships with enterprise communication providers, software
wane. Telcos can, however, remain relevant in the face of vendors and/or system integrators can provide an efficient
changing user sentiments and demands if they take bold steps path to delivering these services.
to adapt to this evolving marketplace.
18. 16 The changing face of communication
5. Work more closely with CDN and/or OTT providers to The nature and medium of communications are being rapidly
reduce the cost of delivering high-bandwidth content (e.g., altered by the movement of users to environments that offer
video, music) in response to increasing demands for such less expensive but more expressive capabilities to facilitate
services. This can be achieved through network and both one-to-one and group communications with more people
computing infrastructure optimization techniques such as than ever before. These shifts are creating a new communica-
traffic shaping, use of faster-than-realtime progressive tion services ecosystem that will require significant and bold
downloads in place of realtime streaming, and caching of changes by existing providers if they wish to remain an integral
content close to the edge of the network using CDNs.58 part of a changing landscape. The journey will not be without
Such approaches can potentially lead to new business models risks, but the option of doing nothing is a luxury few can
that capture more value from this increasing OTT traffic, afford. Revenues from traditional services continue to decline,
enabling an enhanced user experience through improved and highly resourceful Internet information providers and IT
quality of service and innovative service partnerships that companies are entering this space to accommodate the
take advantage of this optimized environment. collaborative, many-to-many services that are claiming a
significantly larger share of the overall communications
Over the long term, as communications transition to Shared marketplace.
Social Spaces, telecom providers should:
1. Broaden the scope of their traditional telecommunications
business to more actively encompass both point-to-point
communications and many-to-many collaborative commu-
nication models, and align their organizations and industry
partnerships accordingly. This has strategic and transforma-
tional implications for the business, impacting areas such as
product and services offerings, skills, platforms, revenue
models and markets, among others.
2. Create more compelling Gated Communities by delivering
a cross-platform, fully integrated communication and
collaboration experience across mobile, fixed and IPTV
services. This will enable Telcos to stem their loss-of-share
of communication time, as well as reduce churn, by offering
a differentiated, premium-value service that promises
greater flexibility, ease-of-use and a consistent experience
on any communication platform anytime, anywhere.
19. IBM Global Business Services 17
About the authors Zygmunt Lozinski is the IBM technical leader for the telecom
Rob van den Dam is the global telecommunications leader at industry in Europe. His focus is on the application of software
the IBM Institute for Business Value. In this role, he develops technology to the next generation network, the definition of
industry outlooks and business value realization studies for the open APIs for the network, implementation of open APIs using
telecom sector. He has more than 15 years experience working Web services and Java in service delivery platforms, and the use
in telecommunications. Rob has written or co-written of Web 2.0, including linking mobile networks to Facebook
numerous papers and articles on telecommunications and and Second Life. His most recent work is on the implications
media, including How Social Media is redefining Broad- of cloud computing for telecom providers. He can be contacted
casting, Fighting for Viewers IPTV versus Internet TV, A at
Future in Content(ion), Cash, Credit, or Phone and Mobile
Advertising, Ads on the Move. He can be contacted at Executive sponsors and contributing editors
Chris Pearson, Senior Partner, Telecommunications Industry,
Ekow Nelson leads strategic thought leadership for telecom- IBM Global Business Services
munications, media & entertainment and utilities at the IBM
Nick Gurney, Partner and Global Telecom Industry Leader,
Institute for Business Value. A management and information
IBM Global Business Services
technology consultant for over 20 years, Ekow has worked in a
range of advisory and implementation roles, from strategy and Scott T. Stainken, General Manager, Global Telecommunica-
business development to systems integration and project tions Industry, IBM Corporation
management for major telecommunications and media Mario Cavestany, Vice President, Southwest Europe Telecom
organizations. He is author of numerous papers and articles in and Media Lead, IBM Corporation
telecommunications including Telecom switches emphasis,
A Future in Content(ion) and The Innovation Paradox in
the Telecom Industry, published both by IBM and external
We would like to thank all those who provided, guidance and
publications including The Annual Review of Communications
assistance in the development of this paper, in particular
and the Journal of Telecommunications Management. He can be
Joseph Ziskin, Stephen Chey, Thomas Ross, Paul Reilly,
contacted at
Matthew Stankey, Andreas Neus and Karen Feldman, as well
as the executives of companies who agreed to be interviewed
for this paper.
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