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B.Sc. EngineeringDegree
Faculty of engineeringFaculty
El Shrouck AcademyUniversity
2012Graduation year
sanitary engineering projectProject Grad.
ExcellentProject Grade
very GoodFinal year Grade
Native languageArabic
Very Good (Reading, writing & speaking.(English
Curriculum vitae
Personal Data. :
Education/ Qualification:
Language skills:

Ibram Nady Ayad
01/09/1989Birth Date
El Hwatem -Fayoum  Fayoum
Elghad stAddress
SingleMarital Status
servedMilitary Service
01147998332/01201885669Mobile No.
eng_ibraam_nady@yahoo.comE-Mail Address
Computer Courses and Experiences:

Good user to AutoCAD program (2D(
Good user to Microsoft Excel
Very Good user to Microsoft Word
Very Good dealer with Internet
Training experience
 Training at orascom  hotel&Development (construction site) summer 2009 and 2010 .
 Training at teba company (wastewater treatment plant concrete works).summer 2011.
working experience
 I spent the duration of my military service as a site engineer in project housing Hykestep 1
in the period from 1-3-2012 to 1-3-2013.
 Worked at Semag Company for 5 month as asite engineer in project housing dahshour 2 .
Personal Competence

Good Communication with People, Self-motive, Work under pressure.
Team Work
Successful teamwork is part of everyday life at work to ensure jobs are
completed successfully and safely within the desired time scale
as well as ability to work across organizational lines.
Problem Solving
Resolving problems in the working environment efficiently and effectively,
with the required solution as practical and cost effective as possible.
Ibram Nady Ayad

I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, all the information on this curriculum vitae is true, correct, complete and
made in good faith.
Presented by: Ibram nady ayad
Ibram Nady Ayad

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Ibram nady ayad

  • 1. B.Sc. EngineeringDegree CivilMajor Faculty of engineeringFaculty El Shrouck AcademyUniversity 2012Graduation year sanitary engineering projectProject Grad. ExcellentProject Grade very GoodFinal year Grade Native languageArabic Very Good (Reading, writing & speaking.(English Curriculum vitae Personal Data. : Education/ Qualification: . Language skills: Ibram Nady Ayad 01/09/1989Birth Date EgyptianNationality El Hwatem -Fayoum Fayoum Elghad stAddress SingleMarital Status servedMilitary Service 01147998332/01201885669Mobile No. eng_ibraam_nady@yahoo.comE-Mail Address
  • 2. Computer Courses and Experiences: Good user to AutoCAD program (2D( Good user to Microsoft Excel Very Good user to Microsoft Word Very Good dealer with Internet Training experience Training at orascom hotel&Development (construction site) summer 2009 and 2010 . Training at teba company (wastewater treatment plant concrete works).summer 2011. working experience I spent the duration of my military service as a site engineer in project housing Hykestep 1 in the period from 1-3-2012 to 1-3-2013. Worked at Semag Company for 5 month as asite engineer in project housing dahshour 2 . Personal Competence Communication Good Communication with People, Self-motive, Work under pressure. Team Work Successful teamwork is part of everyday life at work to ensure jobs are completed successfully and safely within the desired time scale as well as ability to work across organizational lines. Problem Solving Resolving problems in the working environment efficiently and effectively, with the required solution as practical and cost effective as possible. Ibram Nady Ayad
  • 3. I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, all the information on this curriculum vitae is true, correct, complete and made in good faith. Presented by: Ibram nady ayad Ibram Nady Ayad