Reversing cardiac remodeling with HFtreatmentPraveen Nagula
1. This document summarizes research on reversing cardiac remodeling through heart failure treatment. It discusses what remodeling is, the history of the term in medical literature, and types of remodeling (pathological vs physiological).
2. Studies show treatments that lead to "reverse remodeling" like sacubitril/valsartan improve outcomes for heart failure patients. Trials like PARADIGM-HF and PROVE-HF found sacubitril/valsartan reduced biomarkers and improved ejection fraction, indicating reverse remodeling.
3. Subgroup analyses in PROVE-HF found consistent reverse remodeling effects in newly diagnosed and ACE-ARB naive patients as well as those not reaching target sacubitril/vals
PH-ILD: Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment.pptxDuke Heart
This document discusses pulmonary hypertension associated with interstitial lung disease (PH-ILD). It begins with an overview of PH classification and the changes in definitions. PH-ILD prevalence depends on disease severity and definition, ranging from 5-75% in ILD patients. Clinical features that suggest PH-ILD include symptoms out of proportion to lung disease severity, imaging findings, and cardiopulmonary testing results. Diffusion capacity and right ventricular function are predictive of outcomes. While medications for group 1 PH have been studied in PH-ILD with mixed results, treatment is generally based on severity with PDE5 inhibitors and inhaled prostanoids for mild-moderate disease. Lung transplant should be considered for severe PH-ILD.
This document summarizes the results of the CARE-HF trial, which investigated the effects of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) in patients with heart failure. The trial found that CRT significantly reduced the risks of death and hospitalization compared to medical therapy alone. For every 9 patients treated with CRT, 1 death and 3 hospitalizations were prevented. The results provide strong evidence that CRT can improve outcomes for appropriately selected heart failure patients.
This document summarizes the results of the CARE-HF trial, which investigated the effects of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) in patients with heart failure. The trial found that CRT significantly reduced the risks of death and hospitalization compared to medical therapy alone. For every 9 patients treated with CRT, 1 death and 3 hospitalizations were prevented. The results provide strong evidence that CRT can reduce both morbidity and mortality in patients with moderate to severe heart failure.
This document summarizes the results of the CARE-HF trial, which investigated the effects of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) on morbidity and mortality in patients with heart failure. The trial found that CRT significantly reduced the risks of death and hospitalization compared to medical therapy alone. For every 9 CRT devices implanted, 1 death and 3 hospitalizations were prevented. The results provided evidence that CRT can improve outcomes for patients with heart failure.
This document summarizes the results of the CARE-HF trial, which investigated the effects of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) in patients with heart failure. The trial found that CRT significantly reduced the risks of death and hospitalization compared to medical therapy alone. For every 9 patients treated with CRT, 1 death and 3 hospitalizations were prevented. The results provide strong evidence that CRT can reduce both morbidity and mortality in patients with moderate to severe heart failure.
This document summarizes the results of the CARE-HF trial, which investigated the effects of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) in patients with heart failure. The trial found that CRT significantly reduced the risks of death and hospitalization compared to medical therapy alone. For every 9 patients treated with CRT, 1 death and 3 hospitalizations were prevented. The results provide strong evidence that CRT can improve outcomes for appropriately selected heart failure patients.
This document summarizes the results of the CARE-HF trial, which investigated the effects of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) in patients with heart failure. The trial found that CRT significantly reduced the risks of death and hospitalization compared to medical therapy alone. For every 9 patients treated with CRT, 1 death and 3 hospitalizations were prevented. The results provide strong evidence that CRT can improve outcomes for appropriately selected heart failure patients.
The document summarizes research on sleep apnea in heart failure patients. It finds:
- Sleep apnea is highly prevalent in heart failure patients, with studies finding 47-49% have an apnea-hypopnea index over 15 events per hour. Central sleep apnea makes up 15-46% of cases.
- Central sleep apnea independently predicts mortality in heart failure patients and is associated with reduced left and right ventricular function.
- Treatments for central sleep apnea like supplemental nocturnal oxygen, theophylline, acetazolamide, and CPAP can improve sleep quality and reduce apnea episodes and symptoms. However, a large clinical trial found CPAP did not significantly impact heart transplantation-free
1) HFpEF is the most common form of heart failure, affecting over 70% of heart failure patients over age 65. It is associated with substantial morbidity and mortality.
2) HFpEF is challenging to diagnose because ejection fraction is normal and cardiac congestion is difficult to evaluate non-invasively. It is defined hemodynamically as a clinical syndrome associated with a lack of capacity of the heart to pump blood adequately without elevated cardiac filling pressures.
3) There is currently no effective pharmacological treatment for HFpEF. Treatment focuses on controlling congestion through diuretics, managing comorbidities, and promoting exercise. Future efforts to better characterize HFpEF phenotypes may allow individualized therapies
Atrial fibrillation and increased mortality: causation or association? Mexico...Antonio Raviele
AF is associated with increased mortality, but it is unclear if this is directly caused by AF or associated conditions. Studies show AF patients have 1.5-2x higher risk of death than controls (1). While some evidence suggests AF directly increases mortality risk through stroke and heart failure worsening, randomized trials found rhythm control did not reduce mortality compared to rate control (2). It is likely AF directly increases mortality in some patients and is also a marker for worsening of linked conditions. Understanding the AF-mortality relationship could guide new treatments to lower premature death risk.
1. A Case report of Heart Failure
2. Discussion on Heart Failure
3. Role of Peptides in Heart Failure
4. Importance of 30 days in heart failure
5. Role of ENTRESTO in Stable Heart Failure patient (PARADIGM-HF study)(HFrEF)
6. Biomarkers in Heart Failure
7. Role of ARNI in Hospitalized Heart Failure patient (PIONEER-HF study)
8. Role of ARNI in HFpEF (PARAMOUNT Trial)
9. Safety and usefulness of ACEI/ARB/ARNI
10. Role of SGPL2 inhibitors in HF with/without DM
This document summarizes information about pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) in patients with connective tissue diseases (CTDs). It discusses several key points:
- PAH is most prevalent in systemic sclerosis (SSc), occurring in up to 9% of patients. Survival is worse for PAH associated with SSc compared to idiopathic PAH.
- Early detection of PAH in SSc is important and can be aided by annual screening with echocardiography, pulmonary function tests, and biomarkers like BNP/NT-proBNP. Stress echocardiography may also help predict PAH.
- The DETECT study developed a validated two-step algorithm using non-invasive tests to identify PAH in high
Sex and Gender Differences in PH and Right Ventricular Failure.pptxDuke Heart
This document discusses sex and gender differences in pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular failure. Some key points include:
- Females are more prone to developing pulmonary arterial hypertension than males. Females also exhibit better right ventricular adaptation and function, which contributes to better outcomes and survival in females compared to males.
- Estrogens may mediate some of the sex differences observed, as higher estrogen levels are associated with worse pulmonary arterial remodeling but better right ventricular function. The Y chromosome gene UTY also appears protective against pulmonary hypertension in males.
- A proposed mechanism is that estrogen signaling through estrogen receptor alpha increases levels of the cardioprotective peptide apelin in right ventricular cardiomyocytes, thereby improving right ventricular function in females
This document provides an overview of heart failure, with a focus on heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF). It discusses the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management of HFpEF. Key points include:
- HFpEF accounts for about 1/3 to 1/2 of heart failure cases and is associated with abnormal diastolic function.
- Diagnosis involves assessing symptoms, imaging like echocardiography to evaluate diastolic dysfunction, and ruling out other potential causes.
- Treatment focuses on controlling risk factors like hypertension, fluid management, and some evidence that ARBs, ARNI, and statins may provide benefits. Prognosis is similar to heart failure with reduced eject
European Journal of Heart Failure's year in Cardiologydrucsamal
This document contains information about Prof. Fausto J. Pinto who is the Head of Cardiology at University Hospital Sta Maria-HPV and University of Lisbon in Portugal. It discloses that he has received consultancy fees and lecture fees from various pharmaceutical companies. It also contains several figures and images from various medical studies and publications related to cardiology.
Low dose dopamine increases GFR and RBF. The DAD-HF trial investigated 60 patients randomized to low dose furosemide (continuous infusion 0.5 mg/kg/day) with or without low dose dopamine (2 亮g/kg/min). Dopamine preserved renal function compared to furosemide alone in patients with acute decompensated heart failure. There were no significant differences found in a trial comparing high vs low dose furosemide or bolus vs continuous infusion on renal function or symptoms. Novel agents targeting fluid overload, renal function, contractility, and vasomotion may provide new therapeutic options for acute heart failure.
Prof. U. C. SAMAL provides an overview of acute decompensated heart failure and what is new in the field. He discusses similarities and differences between acute myocardial infarction and acute heart failure syndromes. Mortality rates are high for both conditions, though clinical benefits of interventions are greater for acute MI based on published clinical trials. The document then discusses definitions and classifications of acute heart failure syndromes, as well as guidelines for diagnosis and treatment from ESC and ACC/AHA. Biomarkers that can help with diagnosis, prognosis, and guiding therapy are also summarized.
Guidelines and beyond new drug therapy for heart failure with reduced ejectio...ahvc0858
This document provides information on new guidelines and therapies for heart failure patients. It begins by outlining the challenges of managing heart failure patients and their high mortality rates. It then discusses the history of heart failure treatments from ACE inhibitors in the 1990s to newer drugs like ARNi's. The document defines the different types of heart failure - HFrEF, HFmrEF, and HFpEF - and their diagnostic criteria. It explains how neprilysin inhibition enhances natriuretic peptides while simultaneously suppressing the RAAS. Finally, it summarizes that the new drug LCZ696 combines neprilysin inhibition with an ARB to reduce mortality and hospitalization in heart failure patients beyond existing neurohormonal therapies
Hemodynamic Evaluation of Pulmonary Hypertension: Principles and Best PracticesDuke Heart
This document provides an overview of Ryan Tedford's presentation on best practices for right heart catheterization and hemodynamic evaluation of pulmonary hypertension. Some key points discussed include:
- Always perform an RHC before starting PAH therapy to accurately diagnose pre- or post-capillary disease.
- Obtaining an accurate PAWP measurement is critical, as it distinguishes pre- from post-capillary disease. Factors like respiratory variation, cardiac cycle timing, and catheter positioning impact PAWP values.
- Thermodilution cardiac output and modified Fick methods were discussed alongside their limitations in certain patient populations.
- A case example highlighted the importance of confirming PAWP values with a saturation to rule out partial occlusion effects
1. Preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) - also referred to as diastolic heart failure. Ejection fraction (EF) is commonly used to classify heart failure (HF) but it has limitations as a marker of systolic function.
2. EF alone does not necessarily indicate normal systolic function, as parameters like strain and twisting may be impaired even with normal EF. EF also depends on preload (end-diastolic volume) so stroke volume can be low with normal EF.
3. The distribution of EF in the population and in HF patients is continuous rather than discrete, and EF values can change over time, with some patients transitioning between preserved and reduced EF categories.
Chair, Grzegorz (Greg) S. Nowakowski, MD, FASCO, discusses diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in this CME activity titled Addressing Unmet Needs for Better Outcomes in DLBCL: Leveraging Prognostic Assessment and Off-the-Shelf Immunotherapy Strategies. For the full presentation, downloadable Practice Aid, and complete CME information, and to apply for credit, please visit us at CME credit will be available until February 27, 2026.
The document summarizes research on sleep apnea in heart failure patients. It finds:
- Sleep apnea is highly prevalent in heart failure patients, with studies finding 47-49% have an apnea-hypopnea index over 15 events per hour. Central sleep apnea makes up 15-46% of cases.
- Central sleep apnea independently predicts mortality in heart failure patients and is associated with reduced left and right ventricular function.
- Treatments for central sleep apnea like supplemental nocturnal oxygen, theophylline, acetazolamide, and CPAP can improve sleep quality and reduce apnea episodes and symptoms. However, a large clinical trial found CPAP did not significantly impact heart transplantation-free
1) HFpEF is the most common form of heart failure, affecting over 70% of heart failure patients over age 65. It is associated with substantial morbidity and mortality.
2) HFpEF is challenging to diagnose because ejection fraction is normal and cardiac congestion is difficult to evaluate non-invasively. It is defined hemodynamically as a clinical syndrome associated with a lack of capacity of the heart to pump blood adequately without elevated cardiac filling pressures.
3) There is currently no effective pharmacological treatment for HFpEF. Treatment focuses on controlling congestion through diuretics, managing comorbidities, and promoting exercise. Future efforts to better characterize HFpEF phenotypes may allow individualized therapies
Atrial fibrillation and increased mortality: causation or association? Mexico...Antonio Raviele
AF is associated with increased mortality, but it is unclear if this is directly caused by AF or associated conditions. Studies show AF patients have 1.5-2x higher risk of death than controls (1). While some evidence suggests AF directly increases mortality risk through stroke and heart failure worsening, randomized trials found rhythm control did not reduce mortality compared to rate control (2). It is likely AF directly increases mortality in some patients and is also a marker for worsening of linked conditions. Understanding the AF-mortality relationship could guide new treatments to lower premature death risk.
1. A Case report of Heart Failure
2. Discussion on Heart Failure
3. Role of Peptides in Heart Failure
4. Importance of 30 days in heart failure
5. Role of ENTRESTO in Stable Heart Failure patient (PARADIGM-HF study)(HFrEF)
6. Biomarkers in Heart Failure
7. Role of ARNI in Hospitalized Heart Failure patient (PIONEER-HF study)
8. Role of ARNI in HFpEF (PARAMOUNT Trial)
9. Safety and usefulness of ACEI/ARB/ARNI
10. Role of SGPL2 inhibitors in HF with/without DM
This document summarizes information about pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) in patients with connective tissue diseases (CTDs). It discusses several key points:
- PAH is most prevalent in systemic sclerosis (SSc), occurring in up to 9% of patients. Survival is worse for PAH associated with SSc compared to idiopathic PAH.
- Early detection of PAH in SSc is important and can be aided by annual screening with echocardiography, pulmonary function tests, and biomarkers like BNP/NT-proBNP. Stress echocardiography may also help predict PAH.
- The DETECT study developed a validated two-step algorithm using non-invasive tests to identify PAH in high
Sex and Gender Differences in PH and Right Ventricular Failure.pptxDuke Heart
This document discusses sex and gender differences in pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular failure. Some key points include:
- Females are more prone to developing pulmonary arterial hypertension than males. Females also exhibit better right ventricular adaptation and function, which contributes to better outcomes and survival in females compared to males.
- Estrogens may mediate some of the sex differences observed, as higher estrogen levels are associated with worse pulmonary arterial remodeling but better right ventricular function. The Y chromosome gene UTY also appears protective against pulmonary hypertension in males.
- A proposed mechanism is that estrogen signaling through estrogen receptor alpha increases levels of the cardioprotective peptide apelin in right ventricular cardiomyocytes, thereby improving right ventricular function in females
This document provides an overview of heart failure, with a focus on heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF). It discusses the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management of HFpEF. Key points include:
- HFpEF accounts for about 1/3 to 1/2 of heart failure cases and is associated with abnormal diastolic function.
- Diagnosis involves assessing symptoms, imaging like echocardiography to evaluate diastolic dysfunction, and ruling out other potential causes.
- Treatment focuses on controlling risk factors like hypertension, fluid management, and some evidence that ARBs, ARNI, and statins may provide benefits. Prognosis is similar to heart failure with reduced eject
European Journal of Heart Failure's year in Cardiologydrucsamal
This document contains information about Prof. Fausto J. Pinto who is the Head of Cardiology at University Hospital Sta Maria-HPV and University of Lisbon in Portugal. It discloses that he has received consultancy fees and lecture fees from various pharmaceutical companies. It also contains several figures and images from various medical studies and publications related to cardiology.
Low dose dopamine increases GFR and RBF. The DAD-HF trial investigated 60 patients randomized to low dose furosemide (continuous infusion 0.5 mg/kg/day) with or without low dose dopamine (2 亮g/kg/min). Dopamine preserved renal function compared to furosemide alone in patients with acute decompensated heart failure. There were no significant differences found in a trial comparing high vs low dose furosemide or bolus vs continuous infusion on renal function or symptoms. Novel agents targeting fluid overload, renal function, contractility, and vasomotion may provide new therapeutic options for acute heart failure.
Prof. U. C. SAMAL provides an overview of acute decompensated heart failure and what is new in the field. He discusses similarities and differences between acute myocardial infarction and acute heart failure syndromes. Mortality rates are high for both conditions, though clinical benefits of interventions are greater for acute MI based on published clinical trials. The document then discusses definitions and classifications of acute heart failure syndromes, as well as guidelines for diagnosis and treatment from ESC and ACC/AHA. Biomarkers that can help with diagnosis, prognosis, and guiding therapy are also summarized.
Guidelines and beyond new drug therapy for heart failure with reduced ejectio...ahvc0858
This document provides information on new guidelines and therapies for heart failure patients. It begins by outlining the challenges of managing heart failure patients and their high mortality rates. It then discusses the history of heart failure treatments from ACE inhibitors in the 1990s to newer drugs like ARNi's. The document defines the different types of heart failure - HFrEF, HFmrEF, and HFpEF - and their diagnostic criteria. It explains how neprilysin inhibition enhances natriuretic peptides while simultaneously suppressing the RAAS. Finally, it summarizes that the new drug LCZ696 combines neprilysin inhibition with an ARB to reduce mortality and hospitalization in heart failure patients beyond existing neurohormonal therapies
Hemodynamic Evaluation of Pulmonary Hypertension: Principles and Best PracticesDuke Heart
This document provides an overview of Ryan Tedford's presentation on best practices for right heart catheterization and hemodynamic evaluation of pulmonary hypertension. Some key points discussed include:
- Always perform an RHC before starting PAH therapy to accurately diagnose pre- or post-capillary disease.
- Obtaining an accurate PAWP measurement is critical, as it distinguishes pre- from post-capillary disease. Factors like respiratory variation, cardiac cycle timing, and catheter positioning impact PAWP values.
- Thermodilution cardiac output and modified Fick methods were discussed alongside their limitations in certain patient populations.
- A case example highlighted the importance of confirming PAWP values with a saturation to rule out partial occlusion effects
1. Preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) - also referred to as diastolic heart failure. Ejection fraction (EF) is commonly used to classify heart failure (HF) but it has limitations as a marker of systolic function.
2. EF alone does not necessarily indicate normal systolic function, as parameters like strain and twisting may be impaired even with normal EF. EF also depends on preload (end-diastolic volume) so stroke volume can be low with normal EF.
3. The distribution of EF in the population and in HF patients is continuous rather than discrete, and EF values can change over time, with some patients transitioning between preserved and reduced EF categories.
Chair, Grzegorz (Greg) S. Nowakowski, MD, FASCO, discusses diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in this CME activity titled Addressing Unmet Needs for Better Outcomes in DLBCL: Leveraging Prognostic Assessment and Off-the-Shelf Immunotherapy Strategies. For the full presentation, downloadable Practice Aid, and complete CME information, and to apply for credit, please visit us at CME credit will be available until February 27, 2026.
Patient-Centred Care in Cytopenic Myelofibrosis: Collaborative Conversations ...PeerVoice
Claire Harrison, DM, FRCP, FRCPath, and Charlie Nicholson, discuss myelofibrosis in this CE activity titled "Patient-Centred Care in Cytopenic Myelofibrosis: Collaborative Conversations on Treatment Goals and Decisions." For the full presentation, please visit us at
Kinetics of Elimination First-Order and Zero-Order KineticsSumeetSharma591398
This presentation provides a comprehensive overview of drug elimination kinetics, focusing on first-order and zero-order kinetics. It covers key concepts, graphical representations, mathematical expressions, and clinical implications. The slides include detailed comparisons, relevant equations, and easy-to-understand visuals to enhance learning.
Topics covered:
Introduction to drug elimination kinetics
First-order kinetics: definition, characteristics, and graph
Zero-order kinetics: definition, characteristics, and graph
Mathematical expressions for both kinetics
Key differences and clinical significance
This is a must-read for pharmacology students, researchers, and healthcare professionals looking to understand drug metabolism and elimination processes.
Strategies for Promoting Innovation in Healthcare Like Akiva Greenfield.pdfakivagreenfieldus
Healthcare innovation has been greatly aided by leaders like Akiva Greenfield, CEO of Nexus, particularly in fields like operational efficiency, revenue cycle management (RCM), and client engagement. In order to ensure both operational success and better patient experiences, Akiva's approach combines technological advancements with an emphasis on improving the human side of healthcare.
Dr. Jaymee Shells Perspective on COVID-19Jaymee Shell
Dr. Jaymee Shell views the COVID-19 pandemic as both a crisis that exposed weaknesses and an opportunity to build stronger systems. She emphasizes that the pandemic revealed critical healthcare inequities while demonstrating the power of collaboration and adaptability.
Shell highlights that organizations with gender-diverse executive teams are 25% more likely to experience above-average profitability, positioning diversity as a business necessity rather than just a moral imperative. She notes that the pandemic disproportionately affected women of color, with one in three women considering leaving or downshifting their careers.
To combat inequality, Shell recommends implementing flexible work policies, establishing clear metrics for diversity in leadership, creating structured virtual collaboration spaces, and developing comprehensive wellness programs. For healthcare providers specifically, she advocates for multilingual communication systems, mobile health units, telehealth services with alternatives for those lacking internet access, and cultural competency training.
Shell emphasizes the importance of mental health support through culturally appropriate resources, employee assistance programs, and regular check-ins. She calls for diverse leadership teams that reflect the communities they serve and community-centered care models that address social determinants of health.
In her words: "The COVID-19 pandemic didn't create healthcare inequalities it illuminated them." She urges building systems that reach every community and provide dignified care to all.
TunesKit Spotify Converter Crack With Registration Code 2025 Freedfsdsfs386
TunesKit Spotify Converter is a software tool that allows users to convert and download Spotify music to various formats, such as MP3, AAC, FLAC, or WAV. It is particularly useful for Spotify users who want to keep their favorite tracks offline and have them in a more accessible format, especially if they wish to listen to them on devices that do not support the Spotify app.
Copy Above link & paste in New Tab
COLD-PCR is a modified version of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique used to selectively amplify and enrich rare or minority DNA sequences, such as mutations or genetic variations.
Distribution of Drugs Plasma Protein Binding and Blood-Brain BarrierSumeetSharma591398
This presentation provides a detailed overview of drug distribution, focusing on plasma protein binding and the blood-brain barrier (BBB). It explains the factors affecting drug distribution, the role of plasma proteins in drug binding, and how drugs penetrate the BBB. Key topics include the significance of protein-bound vs. free drug concentration, drug interactions, and strategies to enhance drug permeability across the BBB. Ideal for students, researchers, and healthcare professionals in pharmacology and drug development.
This presentation provides an overview of syncope, a common medical emergency in dental practice. Created during my internship, this presentation aims to educate dental students on the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and management of syncope with a focus on dental specific considerations.
Co-Chairs and Presenters, Gerald Appel, MD, and Dana V. Rizk, MD, discuss kidney disease in this CME activity titled Advancements in IgA Nephropathy: Discovering the Potential of Complement Pathway Therapies. For the full presentation, downloadable Practice Aids, and complete CME information, and to apply for credit, please visit us at CME credit will be available until February 25, 2026.
Union Budget 2025 Healthcare Sector Analysis & Impact (PPT).pdfAditiAlishetty
The Union Budget 2025-26 emphasizes enhancing India's healthcare by allocating 99,858 crore to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, marking a 10% increase from the previous year. Key initiatives include adding 10,000 medical college seats, with a plan to reach 75,000 over five years, and increasing funding for the Pradhan Mantri Ayushman Bharat Health Infrastructure Mission by 41% to 4,758 crore. However, experts express concerns that the allocation may still fall short of the sector's urgent needs. Dr. Bipin Vibhute, a distinguished Liver and Multi-Organ Transplant Surgeon, is renowned for pioneering free liver transplants for pediatric patients up to 12 years old in Pune. As the Program Director of the Center for Organ Transplants at Sahyadri Hospitals, he has significantly advanced organ transplantation services across Maharashtra.
Co-Chairs, Robert M. Hughes, DO, and Christina Y. Weng, MD, MBA, prepared useful Practice Aids pertaining to retinal vein occlusion for this CME activity titled Retinal Disease in Emergency Medicine: Timely Recognition and Referral for Specialty Care. For the full presentation, downloadable Practice Aids, and complete CME information, and to apply for credit, please visit us at CME credit will be available until March 3, 2026.
Role of Artificial Intelligence in Clinical Microbiology.pptxDr Punith Kumar
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing clinical microbiology by enhancing diagnostic accuracy, automating workflows, and improving patient outcomes. This presentation explores the key applications of AI in microbial identification, antimicrobial resistance detection, and laboratory automation. Learn how machine learning, deep learning, and data-driven analytics are transforming the field, leading to faster and more efficient microbiological diagnostics. Whether you're a researcher, clinician, or healthcare professional, this presentation provides valuable insights into the future of AI in microbiology.
IC en VD en fraccion de ejeccion conservado
1. Is the right ventricle relevant in heart
failure with preserved ejection fraction?
Felix C. Tanner, MD
Associate Professor, Cardiology
Director, Echocardiography
University Heart Center Z端rich
6. Anatomy of Right Ventricle
Leonardi B. et al. Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Imaging 2013;14:381-386
13. Fr旦hlich GM et al. Eur Heart J 2013;34:1414-1423
Tricuspid Regurgitation And Outcome
Nath J et al. J Am Coll Cardiol 2004;43:405-409
n = 5223 (retrospective study)
mean follow up = 498賊402 days
Independent of LVEF and PAH
14. Dyspnea and HFpEF
Dalos D. et al. J Am Coll Cardiol 2016;68:189-199
n=193; prospective cohort study.
15. Right Ventricle and HFpEF
Mohammed S.F. et al. Circulation 2014;130:2310-2320
A Prospective
LV-EF >= 50%
Heart failure
Median follow-
up = 4.6 a
TAPSE = 17 mm
18. RV Function and Survival (All-Cause Mortality)
Pulmonary Artery Pressure and Survival (All-Cause Mortality)
Mohammed S.F. et al. Circulation 2014;130:2310-2320
19. RV Function and Outcome
Mohammed S.F. et al. Circulation 2014;130:2310-2320
20. Right Ventricular FAC and HFpEF
Melenovsky V. et al. Eur Heart J 2014;35:3452-3462
Distribution of RV Function Survival and RV Function
21. Melenovsky V. et al. Eur Heart J 2014;35:3452-3462
Predictors of mortality
Right Ventricular FAC and HFpEF
22. Right Ventricle and HFpEF During Exercise
Borlaug B. et al. Eur Heart J 2016;37:3294-3302
Exercise Hemodynamics
n = 50 (HFpEF), n = 24 (control), Heart failure symptoms, LV-EF >= 50%
Invasive hemodynamic exercise stress test with simultaneous echo
Mildly elevated LV and RV filling pressure at rest
Mildy elevated PA systolic pressure at rest (mPAP = 27賊8 mmHg
Normal RV tissue velocities (S and E) at rest
23. Right Ventricle and HFpEF During Exercise
Borlaug B. et al. Eur Heart J 2016;37:3294-3302
Ventricular Tissue Velocities
24. Right Ventricle and HFpEF During Exercise
Borlaug B. et al. Eur Heart J 2016;37:3294-3302
Ventricular Tissue Velocities
25. Right Ventricle and HFpEF - Metaanalysis
Gorter T.M. et al. Eur J Heart Fail 2016;18:1472-1487
RV Systolic Parameters as Predictor of Mortality
26. Right Ventricle and HFpEF
Right ventricular dysfunction, CMR, prognosis
Aschauer S et al. Eur J Heart Fail 2016;18:71-80
Right ventricular dysfunction, comorbidities, prognosis
Aschauer S et al. Int J Cardiol 2017;228:422-426
Right ventricular dysfunction, HFrEF, prognosis
Ghio S et al. Eur J Heart Fail 2017;19:873-879
Right ventricular pulmonary artery coupling:
Guazzi M et al. J am Coll Cardiol Img 2017 (in press)
27. Right Ventricle and HFpEF
Chatterjee N.A. et al. Circulation 2014;130:2272-2275 Gorter T.M. et al. Eur J Heart Fail 2016;18:1472-1487
28. Right Ventricle and HFpEF
RV dysfunction is frequent in HFpEF, although less
frequent than RV dysfunction in HFrEF
RV dysfunction contributes to exercise intolerance
in HFpEF
RV dysfunction in HFpEF is associated with more
advanced disease
RV dysfunction in HFpEF is associated with worse
RV dysfunction appears to predict outcome regard-
less of the severity of pulmonary hypertension
29. Right Ventricle and HFpEF
HFpEF primarily affects the left ventricle, but is a biventricular
disorder in many patients
HFpEF primarily affects diastole, but systole also appears to be
Echocardiography is the ideal method for assessing both right
ventricle and pulmonary pressure