This document is an Advanced Placement Biology pre-test containing 3 questions asking students to:
1) Draw and label a cell diagram including various organelles and estimate distances between them.
2) Draw and label a diagram of a winter stick showing identifying features and determine if it comes from a sassafrass tree or the Celastaceae plant family.
3) Describe the greenhouse effect and how it relates to environmental sustainability issues faced by humans.
The instructions at the end direct students to draw a smiley face and sit quietly with their head down until the pre-test is complete.
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1. Name: __________________________________________
Period: __________________________________________
Advanced Placement Biology Pre-Test
Directions: Please follow the instructions on the back of this page.
1. Draw a detailed diagram of a cell including these organelles: nucleus,
nucleoli, mitochondria, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparatus,
phospholipid bilayer, transport proteins and cytoplasm. What is the average
distance between each organelle?
2. Draw a detailed diagram of a stick in winter, including the leaf scar, bundle
sheath scars, auxiliary buds, terminal bud, with tomentose coating. How can
you tell if this is from a sassafrass tree or if this plant is from the a plant in
the Celastaceae family?
3. Describe the greenhouse effect. How is this a problem for humans when
we need to consider the sustainability of the environment?
2. Here are your instructions, please draw a smiley face and sit quietly by placing your
head on the desk and closing your eyes until the pre-test is done. Do not provide
any hints for your classmates.