This letter is requesting prayer and financial support for an individual serving with the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ) at the annual Feast of Tabernacles celebration. The ICEJ was established in 1980 to act as an embassy for Christians in Jerusalem. Each year, Christians from around the world gather in Jerusalem during the Feast of Tabernacles to worship God and comfort the people of Israel through their presence, prayers, and support. The individual will need approximately $2,200 to cover expenses including airfare, accommodations, and transportation for their two weeks to one month of service. Support is requested to help cover these costs and support their ministry in Jerusalem.
Missions 2013Meki CarolinoThis document contains financial reports from the Marikina Foursquare Gospel Church (JCLAM) from January to July 2013. It shows the monthly and total pledged amounts compared to actual giving amounts for each of the church's four services, as well as overall balances. For most months and services, actual giving fell below pledged amounts, with an overall shortfall of 37,738.50 for the January to July period. The largest excesses came from the 2nd service in March and overall in June, while April had the greatest shortfall at 22,897.
Feeding of the Five ThousandMeki CarolinoThis document summarizes a sermon given by Rev. Kay Oyco Carolino at the Marikina Foursquare Gospel Church. The sermon discusses Jesus feeding a large crowd of people with just a few loaves of bread and fish, as recounted in several gospels. The sermon notes that there were many people, in a remote area, when Jesus took the few provisions, gave thanks, broke them into pieces and distributed them, miraculously feeding everyone. It encourages people to make themselves available to be used by God, even with just a little, and to ensure others receive spiritual nourishment through sharing the words of God.
Life's New Wine of JoyMeki CarolinoThis document discusses a biblical passage and provides 3 sections for analysis. It examines Jesus' first miracle of turning water into wine at a wedding in Cana. The sections discuss life's shame, Jesus as a savior, and how Jesus supplies what is needed.
The real dealMeki CarolinoThe document discusses Jesus being tested by Jewish Church leaders and the Pharisees. They first tried to flatter Jesus to lower his guard. Jesus then used wise words and an object lesson in response to their questions. The main issue was that people need to fully surrender themselves to God, as reflected in the memory verse about giving to God what belongs to God.
Sermon on GivingMeki CarolinoThe document discusses different types of giving and encourages focusing on the heart behind donations rather than the amount. It outlines five points about noticing whether giving is done proportionately, based on what is left over, or with significance. The conclusion emphasizes that pleasing giving is done out of love for God rather than to seem religious, and asks the reader to reflect on the motivations behind their past giving and how to improve.
ZacchaeusMeki CarolinoZacchaeus was a wealthy tax collector in Jericho who was despised by the Jews due to his profession. He climbed a sycamore tree to see Jesus when he came to town. When Jesus saw Zacchaeus, he called him down and said he would visit his house. After meeting Jesus, Zacchaeus repented of his actions and promised to repay those he had cheated. His encounter with Jesus brought him salvation and changed his life.
Sermon june 2Meki CarolinoThe Centurion's valued servant was sick and near death. The Centurion, having heard of Jesus, sent elders to request that Jesus heal his servant. When they pleaded with Jesus, the elders emphasized the Centurion's character, accomplishments, and worthiness. The Centurion himself did not consider himself worthy to have Jesus in his home but believed Jesus could heal his servant with just a word. Jesus was amazed at the Centurion's great faith.
AnnouncementsMeki CarolinoThe document contains a list of names and announcements about upcoming college and senior high school classes, as well as an enrollment form and flyers available from the office.
Lot fundMeki CarolinoThis document outlines different fundraising schemes with their earnings and needs. A garage sale earned PHP25,483 but needs more volunteers and items. An eat-all-you-can event earned PHP18,283.75. A junk shop needs more items. An alkansya program earned PHP1,852.90 with 5 members returning their boxes already. A multi-level scheme projects PHP63,200 over 10 weeks but with a PHP25,750 negative balance. Total actual giving is PHP83,069.65 against PHP125,000 paid, leaving a PHP3,145,000 remaining balance for their goal.
Sermon (2)Meki CarolinoThe document discusses that true greatness is found not in seeking leadership over others but in serving them humbly. Those who try to put themselves above others will find themselves below, while whoever humbles themselves like a servant will be exalted the most.
AnnouncementsMeki CarolinoThe document contains announcements for a church including enrollment now open for college and senior citizen classes. It requests help filling out a form and looking for a person named Ate Josie. It also advertises openings for video editors, graphic designers, and computer operators to assist with Sunday services and provides the church website for announcements.
Missions update mar 2013Meki CarolinoThe document provides financial data on pledges and giving for March 2013 and January through March 2013. For March, the second service exceeded its pledge by over $16,000 while the third service fell short of its pledge by almost $3,000. For the January through March period, total pledges were over $103,000 while total giving was under $92,000, resulting in a shortfall of almost $12,000.
AnnouncementsMeki CarolinoThe document contains announcements for various church events including a swimming fellowship on April 28, a meeting for college and senior high school classes to look for Ate Josie, a support team meeting on May 4 at 7 am, an ongoing enrollment, and a request for video editors and graphic designers to inform Meki.
SermonMeki CarolinoThe document discusses equal opportunities given by God to serve in His kingdom. It notes that Jesus will return and evaluate what each person has done with the resources and opportunities entrusted to them. It provides the example from Luke 19:11-27 of a nobleman evaluating three servants: the first earned 10 times their original amount, the second earned 5 times, while the third only returned the original and did nothing more, so their resources were taken away. The conclusion is that God will reward those who are responsible and work hard with what they've been given.
AnnouncementsMeki CarolinoThe document appears to be announcing a swimming fellowship event on April 28 after the first service for the UFM and UFW organizations. Attendees are asked to fill out a form at the back.
AnnouncementsMeki CarolinoThe document appears to be a church bulletin that includes announcements about upcoming events and fundraising schemes to raise 3.27 million pesos. It provides updates on the amounts raised from a garage sale, eat-all-you-can event, alkansya donations, and multi-level fundraising. In total, 59,289 pesos has been raised so far, leaving a remaining balance of 3.145 million pesos needed.
Pride checkMeki CarolinoThis document discusses the dangers of pride and selfishness. It says that pursuing one's own desires leads to conflict with others as we try to obtain what we want or destroy those who get in our way. Spiritually, prioritizing our own will over God's leads us to treat God as an equal rather than our supreme authority. We are called to humble ourselves, submit to God, resist the devil, and repent deeply for our sins and self-centeredness. True humility welcomes God, while pride invites the devil.
AnnouncementsMeki CarolinoThis document provides updates on several fundraising schemes, including a garage sale that raised Php14,093 and needs more volunteers, an eat-all-you-can event that raised Php18,283.75, a junk collection that asks pledged members to call the office for pickup, and a small change collection where 2 members returned their savings boxes. It also outlines the multi-level fundraising scheme goals and notes they have already paid Php25,000 to Sisters K and L.
AnnouncementsMeki CarolinoThis document provides updates on several fundraising schemes, including a garage sale that raised Php14,093 and needs more volunteers, an eat-all-you-can event that raised Php18,283.75, a junk collection that requests participants to call the office for pickup, and a small change collection where 2 members returned their containers. It also outlines the multi-level fundraising scheme goals and notes they were already able to pay Sisters K and L Php25,000.
Sermon june 2Meki CarolinoThe Centurion's valued servant was sick and near death. The Centurion, having heard of Jesus, sent elders to request that Jesus heal his servant. When they pleaded with Jesus, the elders emphasized the Centurion's character, accomplishments, and worthiness. The Centurion himself did not consider himself worthy to have Jesus in his home but believed Jesus could heal his servant with just a word. Jesus was amazed at the Centurion's great faith.
AnnouncementsMeki CarolinoThe document contains a list of names and announcements about upcoming college and senior high school classes, as well as an enrollment form and flyers available from the office.
Lot fundMeki CarolinoThis document outlines different fundraising schemes with their earnings and needs. A garage sale earned PHP25,483 but needs more volunteers and items. An eat-all-you-can event earned PHP18,283.75. A junk shop needs more items. An alkansya program earned PHP1,852.90 with 5 members returning their boxes already. A multi-level scheme projects PHP63,200 over 10 weeks but with a PHP25,750 negative balance. Total actual giving is PHP83,069.65 against PHP125,000 paid, leaving a PHP3,145,000 remaining balance for their goal.
Sermon (2)Meki CarolinoThe document discusses that true greatness is found not in seeking leadership over others but in serving them humbly. Those who try to put themselves above others will find themselves below, while whoever humbles themselves like a servant will be exalted the most.
AnnouncementsMeki CarolinoThe document contains announcements for a church including enrollment now open for college and senior citizen classes. It requests help filling out a form and looking for a person named Ate Josie. It also advertises openings for video editors, graphic designers, and computer operators to assist with Sunday services and provides the church website for announcements.
Missions update mar 2013Meki CarolinoThe document provides financial data on pledges and giving for March 2013 and January through March 2013. For March, the second service exceeded its pledge by over $16,000 while the third service fell short of its pledge by almost $3,000. For the January through March period, total pledges were over $103,000 while total giving was under $92,000, resulting in a shortfall of almost $12,000.
AnnouncementsMeki CarolinoThe document contains announcements for various church events including a swimming fellowship on April 28, a meeting for college and senior high school classes to look for Ate Josie, a support team meeting on May 4 at 7 am, an ongoing enrollment, and a request for video editors and graphic designers to inform Meki.
SermonMeki CarolinoThe document discusses equal opportunities given by God to serve in His kingdom. It notes that Jesus will return and evaluate what each person has done with the resources and opportunities entrusted to them. It provides the example from Luke 19:11-27 of a nobleman evaluating three servants: the first earned 10 times their original amount, the second earned 5 times, while the third only returned the original and did nothing more, so their resources were taken away. The conclusion is that God will reward those who are responsible and work hard with what they've been given.
AnnouncementsMeki CarolinoThe document appears to be announcing a swimming fellowship event on April 28 after the first service for the UFM and UFW organizations. Attendees are asked to fill out a form at the back.
AnnouncementsMeki CarolinoThe document appears to be a church bulletin that includes announcements about upcoming events and fundraising schemes to raise 3.27 million pesos. It provides updates on the amounts raised from a garage sale, eat-all-you-can event, alkansya donations, and multi-level fundraising. In total, 59,289 pesos has been raised so far, leaving a remaining balance of 3.145 million pesos needed.
Pride checkMeki CarolinoThis document discusses the dangers of pride and selfishness. It says that pursuing one's own desires leads to conflict with others as we try to obtain what we want or destroy those who get in our way. Spiritually, prioritizing our own will over God's leads us to treat God as an equal rather than our supreme authority. We are called to humble ourselves, submit to God, resist the devil, and repent deeply for our sins and self-centeredness. True humility welcomes God, while pride invites the devil.
AnnouncementsMeki CarolinoThis document provides updates on several fundraising schemes, including a garage sale that raised Php14,093 and needs more volunteers, an eat-all-you-can event that raised Php18,283.75, a junk collection that asks pledged members to call the office for pickup, and a small change collection where 2 members returned their savings boxes. It also outlines the multi-level fundraising scheme goals and notes they have already paid Php25,000 to Sisters K and L.
AnnouncementsMeki CarolinoThis document provides updates on several fundraising schemes, including a garage sale that raised Php14,093 and needs more volunteers, an eat-all-you-can event that raised Php18,283.75, a junk collection that requests participants to call the office for pickup, and a small change collection where 2 members returned their containers. It also outlines the multi-level fundraising scheme goals and notes they were already able to pay Sisters K and L Php25,000.