The document certifies Grant Yarde as an ICAgile Certified Professional (ICP) for successfully completing the requirements of the certification. As an ICP, Grant Yarde has demonstrated through assessment an intent to learn and act as an Agile professional and can now display the ICP letters. The certification was issued by ICAgile and signed by its Executive Director Ahmed Sidky and two other representatives on December 5, 2014.
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ICP Grant Yarde 2014
1. Ahmed Sidky, Ph.D.
Executive Director, ICAgile
The International Consortium for Agile (ICAgile) hereby certifies that, having successfully completed the requirements for this
certification, the holder shall be recognized as an ICAgile Certified Professional, with rights to affix and display the letters ICP.
This certification signifies that the student has demonstrated (as assessed by instructors) the intent to learn Agile and act as
an Agile professional.
ICAgile Certified Professional
Grant Yarde
Joel Oosthuizen
Joel Oosthuizen
DVT Academy
Friday, December 5, 2014