The document provides an update on ICSA's qualifying programme including:
1) New exemption routes are available for students to be exempt from either the law or finance module by submitting their CV and manager's letter.
2) Existing students' current exemptions will remain and their records will automatically transition to the new programme by August 2019. Recommended study hours are increasing from 150 to 200 hours.
3) The programme is comprised of two parts - Part 1 covers corporate governance, company law, compliance and interpreting financial information. Part 2 covers development of strategy, risk management, and boardroom dynamics.
2. ICSA qualifying programme the modules
* Equivalent modules available
in Health Service Governance
and Not-for-Profit Governance
Stepping-stone if needed
3. Updated exemption routes for new students
Exempt from either the law or finance module
Exempt from Foundation programme only
Submit CV and letter
from manager
Exempt from law & strategy modules
Exempt from finance & strategy modules
4. The facts for existing CSQS students
Any exemptions already awarded will stand
New syllabus launches 1 July 2019
Study textbooks pre-order from 30 April 2019
Study textbooks available from 1 July 2019
Study textbook cost will remain at 贈44.95 per book
You student record will automatically transition to new programme no
later than 3rd week of August 2019
You will receive an email notification of modules still to sit and pass
Recommended study hours increasing from 150 hours to 200 hours
Exam paper format will be similar to now but with a few short answer
Example papers will be available as will the past papers and suggested
answers use past papers with caution as knowledge may not be in the
same format
Pass mark will remain at 50%
5. Other facts
Developing an e-learning platform
First Part 1 module will be rolled out end 2019/early 2020
Exams will still be 3 hours with 15 minute reading time
Pre-released case studys for all Part 2 modules
Updated student rules and regulations
Closer monitoring of absent, withdrawal and inactive students
Only four attempts per module - new modules will not automatically start
you back on attempt number one record will be reviewed on an
individual basis
Completion time allowed will be:
8 modules 8 years to complete
6 modules 6 years to complete
4 modules 4 years to complete
Please note the above may be subject to change
6. Part 1 - Comprises of four modules covering the
following subjects:
Corporate Governance principles and issues; the board of directors and
leadership; disclosure; risk management and internal control; corporate
governance systems, controls and issues.
Company Law sources of company law, and the nature and formation of
the company; the board of directors; membership of a company; capital
and corporate transparency; corporate restructuring, rescue, and
Company compliance and administration the role of the company
secretary, the board and other stakeholders; regulatory requirements for
companies; meetings; shares.
Interpreting Financial and Accounting Information the need for
regulating financial reporting; how financial statements and reports are
prepared and how to interpret them; sources of finance and their
associated risks and returns; capital structure and the cost of capital and
how to evaluate these for decision making; financial decision making.
7. Part 2 - Comprises of three modules covering the
following subjects:
Development of Strategy the nature and importance of strategy and
strategic planning; understanding the external environment; the impact of
organisational culture, governance and purpose on development of
strategy; assessing alternative strategies; implementing strategy;
managing change.
Risk Management risk frameworks; managing risk and compliance; the
impact of the business environment on organisational risk management.
Boardroom Dynamics why focus on boardroom dynamics;
understanding boardroom dynamics; applying principles of boardroom
dynamics and how to effect change.
8. Current qualifying fees
Initial registration fee 贈75
Annual subscription fee 贈130
Exemption fee, per module 贈153
Exam fee, per module 贈153
Fees applicable until close of June exam entries.
10. Logistics
2019 exam dates:
Tuesday 4 June to Friday 7 June 2019
Tuesday 26 November to Friday 29 November 2019
Closing date for registration and exam entries is 1 April (June exam
session) and 1 October (November/December exam session)
Approximate exam result release date:
6 August 2019 for June 2019 exam session
28 January 2020 November 2019 exam session