Idaho is known as the Gem State due to its abundance of gemstones like garnets and opals. The state's population is over 1.5 million and its capital is Boise. Idaho is a leading producer of potatoes in the US, with over two thirds of processed potatoes coming from the state. Famous Idahoans include inventor Philo Farnsworth who created the first television and actress Marilyn Monroe who famously posed in potato sacks.
3. Where did the name Idaho Come From?Where did the name Idaho Come From?
It's origin is not exactly known, but most
people speculate that it comes from the
expression Ee-dah-how in the language of
the Native American Shoshoni tribe
the sun coming down the mountains.(2)
4. State FactsState Facts
Population: 1,567,582 (2010 Census)
Land Area: 83,557 square miles
Capital City: Boise
Date of Statehood: July 3rd, 1890
Highest Elevation: 12,662 ft. (Mt. Borah)
Lowest Elevation: 738 ft. (Lewiston, ID)
Water Area: 823 square miles
River Miles: 3,100 miles (more than any
other state)
5. Why is Idaho the Gem State?Why is Idaho the Gem State?
You can find all sorts of gems in
Idaho, but the most important
are garnets and opals. The star
garnet is only produced in
commercial quantities in Idaho
and India (4)
6. PotatoesPotatoes
The Idaho potato is known around the globe, and two thirds of all
the processed potatoes produced in the United States are grown
in Idaho. (20)
We eat potatoes breakfast (hashbrowns), lunch(fries) and
7. Marylin Monroe & potatoesMarylin Monroe & potatoes
It was all part of a
Twentieth Century Fox
publicity stunt answering a
columnist who called her
cheap and vulgar, claiming
she'd look better in a
potato sack.
8. Philo T FarnsworthPhilo T Farnsworth
Farnsworth had 165
patents, mostly
involving Television
and Radio. He is the
inventor of the first
television broadcaster
and receiver
9. ArcoArco
Arco was the first city to be powered by
nuclear power. In the area around Arco over
50 nuclear reactors have been built since
1949. The Idaho National Laboratory based
in Idaho Falls is one of two national labs in
America which investigate how to make
nuclear power clean and safe.
12. Craters of the MoonCraters of the Moon
Craters of the Moon is a
national park in Idaho
which is named such
because of its
remarkable similarity to
the topography of the
It was created by cooled
lava flows.
14. Sun ValleySun Valley
Sun Valley located in
Eastern Idaho is a popular
resting place for many
celebrities such as Arnold
Schwarzenegger, Mark
Zuckerberg, Warren
Buffett, Tom Hanks, Oprah
Winfrey, Steve Miller, Clint
Eastwood, Bruce Willis,
Ashton Kutcher, Justin
Timberlake, and Bill Gates.
19. Dzikujemy za zdjcia:Dzikujemy za zdjcia:
(1)"Idaho in United States" by TUBS - Own workThis vector graphics image was created with Adobe Illustrator.This file was uploaded with
Commonist.This vector image includes elements that have been taken or adapted from this: Usa edcp location map.svg (by Uwe
Dedering).This vector image includes elements that have been taken or adapted from this: USA Hawaii location map.svg (by
NordNordWest).This vector image includes elements that have been taken or adapted from this: Canada location map.svg (by Yug)..
Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons -
(3) "Flag of Idaho". Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons -
(5) Sun Valley
"Shoshone falls" by Karthikc123 - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons -
"Eastern Pocatello" by Michlaovic - Own work. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons -