This document provides calculations and analysis related to the costs of multi-function printers (MFPs) for the Islamic Development Bank over a 5 year period. It examines factors like electricity costs, print volumes, operating hours, and costs of service and supplies to determine the total costs of owning versus leasing MFPs. It also analyzes how implementing a managed print services (MPS) program and power management systems could reduce costs by 25% over the 5 years by optimizing usage of existing devices. Extending the analysis period to 7 years with ongoing service contracts is estimated to provide even greater cost savings returns.
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IDB power & mps factors mf ps - eng faysal alhamwi
2. Cost Matrix
• energy star !
• Papers
• Service ,Part & Engineering
• New MFPs 5 Years Leasing
• Speed of MFPs
• KWh Prices ( 5 & 19 SAH ) energy bill.
• Power Management System
3. KW Price 5 Halah
Hours 5 Years 43200 Hours
StandBy Energy 10%
Orginal Full
Energy OF
2000 Watt 48KWh
Hours Per Day 24 Hours
MFPs 45
Copiers Printers
Speed 55 Page PerMinutes
Copyrights to
APRIL 2017 MR Clicks
Real Operation
B/W COLOR Total Full cabicity
Per Op
Cost Operation
Cost StandBy
Power Cost
415160 414810 829,970
252 0.582% 99.418% 604
10,308 10,911
62578 16929
79,507 29 0.068% 99.932% 71
10,361 10,432
163348 30966 194,314
72 0.167% 99.833% 173
10,351 10,523
79374 164090 243,464
90 0.209% 99.791% 216
10,346 10,563
Partial View
4. Matrix of Calculations
1. Claim Counters of MFPs
2. Total Clicks ( Color + B&W).
3. Time of Operation Time
4. Total Operation Time.
5. KWh for All MFPs at Operation Fully.
6. Time Operation at energy star Operation
7. Total Cost of Electricity ( POWER ) .
8. Based on Clicks Calculate Cost Of Service Parts Engineers , Papers
9. Total Cost by Adding Price of Purchasing Leasing MPFs for 5 Years.
10. Percentage for each Cost Categories to total And Considered MPS as (0) SAR.
11. Adding MPS cost for the Next 5 Years (As New Total MPFs ) and Calculate 25% of reduction of all Categories.
12. Economy Solution as Continues invest of Same Owned Machines (Saving Budget of 5 Millions for 56) MFPS.
13. Adding MPS and Compare for service Contract and POWER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM For One Year.
14. Compare by Adding MPS and Compare for service Contract and POWER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM For Two
5. Final Concluding of this Study and Matrix of Calculations
1. MPS has effective Rule of reducing cost of service printing Parts
2. Must and Necessary of Power Management System for Automatic control of MPFs Operation during
3. Orient the Employees for better awareness.
4. All Calculations Prove of reduction Operation & Power cost by MPS and MPS !!!
5. Years of Investment can be Extended for 7 yeas ( +2 Years with Service Comprehensive contract).
6. Cooperation and Utilizing all related Consultancy of ( ) will Give Double return Values for More Correct
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