This document outlines the page-by-page plan for a book dedicated to the author's sister. Each pair of pages will feature photographs of the sister at different stages of her life accompanied by short poems. The photos will track her development from newborn through toddlerhood, childhood holidays and friends, the tension of teenage years, strengthening of their relationship, her modelling career, their similarities and differences, and concluding with her at age 18.
2. Page 1
The first page is going to be a small piece of
text that explains the dedication of the
book to my sister.
3. Page 2 and 3
Page 3 is foing to be 3 images, most likely one taken when my sister was a newborn,
and a small piece of poetry through out about Liv as a newborn.
4. Page 4 and 5
Page 4 is going to be 4 images to differ from page 3; images of my sister as an older
baby/young toddler. There will be a piece of poetry about Liv as a baby.
5. Page 6 and 7
Page 6 is going to 3 small rectangular photos of my sister and I on holiday with a piece
of poetry about school and holidays on the curves
6. Page 8 and 9
Page 8 is going to be 2 mall images two images of my sister and her friends and one
large image of my sister and I. The piece of poetry about friendship.
7. Page 10 and 11
Is going to be a 2 large image on page 10 and 11 and it’s going to represent the tension
in our relationship in our teen years. The piece of poetry about our relationship as
8. Page 12 and 13
Page 12 is going to have 2 large images and they’re going to show the shift in our
relationship. The piece of poetry about our relationship becoming stronger and
9. Page 14 and 15
It is going to be 2 large images on one side showing my sister modelling when she’s
young and the other her modelling for me now. and a small piece of poetry on the
other side about her being influential in my photography.
10. Page 16 and 17
Page 16 is going to be 2 images on image showing Liv and I being different people and
one picture of us looking very similar and . Then a piece of poetry about us being
complementary to each other.
11. Page 18 and 19
Is going to be a large image on one side of my sister being 18 and a piece of poetry to
conclude the book and my sister becoming an adult.