The document outlines plans to build an entrepreneurial ecosystem and hub in Antwerp, Belgium. It discusses establishing an accelerator program and coworking space to bring together entrepreneurs, investors, mentors, universities and more. The goals are to shape the community around lean startup principles, host regular engaging events, and blend startups and large companies by teaching intrapreneurship classes and applying lean methodology to corporations. The final step is to open an on-site product lab for rapid prototyping. The overall aim is to create a vibrant startup community in Antwerp through these initiatives.
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idealabs: contributing to the Belgian entrepreneurial community
1. Shape, build, and launch to
market in three months
2. idealabs has the
ambition to help
build a strong and
community in
6. Principles of a
1. Entrepreneurs must
lead the startup
2. The leaders must
have a long-term
3. The start up
community must be
inclusive of anyone
who wants to
participate in it
4. The startup
community must have
continual activities
that engage the
entire entrepreneurial
9. Stripped building 3 month set up!
Private fund validation of need!
Core team validation of interest!
Strong Backers validation of ideas?
MVP accelerator
11. philosophy what
we believe in
Be more innovative.
Stop wasting people's
Be more successful.
eric ries
the lean startup
12. philosophy MVP
Minimum set of features
Learn from early
Avoid building a
product nobody wants
Learn from testing
eric ries
the lean startup
25. Big companies are applying startup
strategies and tools to jump-start
innovation. Its not about pontificating
on the innovation process. Its about
being lean, focused, and maniacally
Intuit organizes multi-day
lean start-ins that gather
intrapreneurs together
from across the company
to teach them how to apply
rapid experimentation to
create new products,
services, and business
Kimberly-Clark promotes one-
day expert acceleration
sessions that bring hand-
picked outside thought
leaders face to face with
business teams to bust mental
models and create game-
changing strategies.
Whirlpool uses a network of innovation
mentors (also called i-mentors), who are
loaded with innovation tools and
guidance to help business teams
focused on challenging market
BBC Worldwide officially launched Volkswagen Group of America
BBC Worldwide Labs. The initiative is Electronics Research Laboratory
aimed at supporting the creative and (ERL) has teamed up withPlug
digital industries in the UK by and Play to accelerate and
offering them insight and expertise collaborate with startups to
into the industry. transfer technology from many
industries into the automotive
Pepsi Co wants to get in on the
ground level with companies that
could become the next Twitter via its
Digital Labs program.
28. Big companies that behave like small startups
focus on two things:
First, they Second, they give
accelerate the internal businesses
speed of and teams an
innovation, outside-in
just like a perspective, similar
Silicon Valley to the type of
incubator. reality-checking that
comes from
advisory boards or
venture capitalists.
31. We are blending
companies and
startups at idealabs
1. Business model 3. Lean Startup
innovation classes: methodology applied to
challenge the status-quo corportations. Shape,
and identify the business build, launch approach
and revenue models of workshop:
the future
Incubation of
2. Classes for intrapreneurs/
intrapreneurs: rapid corporate venturing
techniques to create new Corporate innovation
products, services and labs
business models.