The document describes a case study where an agriculture research publication on pest management was converted from InDesign to navigable HTML. The graphic designer tagged the InDesign content by type styles and exported XML. An XSLT transform converted the XML to HTML. CSS and JavaScript were used to format the HTML and add collapsible navigation. This allowed quick mobile access to the information but was limited to a static view rather than live data comparisons.
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IDEAlliance XML case study
1. IDEAlliance XML Case Study
InDesign Tagging
to HTML Navigation
Presented for IDEAlliance Educational Seminars
on June 14, 2011 by:
Cathy Palmer
Senior Applications Instructor
New Horizons of Wisconsin
Consulting & Training for InDesign/XML
2. XML Case Study: InDesign Tagging to HTML Navigation
Approach XML from the graphic designers point of view
Given existing print documents,
how do you get XML?
Given XML,
how to design with it?
The hands-on realities of tagging, extracting, using XML starting from InDesign files.
IDEAlliance XML Case Study 14 June 2011
3. XML Case Study: InDesign Tagging to HTML Navigation
Case Study:
Agriculture Research
Pest Management Directory
scientific reference directory
of detailed data and best practices
for using pesticides and herbicides
Pest M Crops
in Field g wee
ds, inse
cts, an
d dise
anagin small
e to m s, and
A guid forage
, soyb
in corn
IDEAlliance XML Case Study 14 June 2011
4. XML Case Study: InDesign Tagging to HTML Navigation
Case Study:
Agriculture Research
Pest Management Directory
many authors,
uncoordinated content
Table 3-11. Fungicides registered for foliar soybean diseases in Wisconsin
no standard tags
Trade name Active ingredient Chemical family FRACa Rate/a Remarks
Alto 100 SL cyproconazole triazole 3 2.755.5 fl oz Do not ex
graphic designer lb ai/a of
to organize data per seaso
vest. Do n
Table 2-13. Fungicides labeled for leaf diseases of field corn (hybrid seed production and grain)
an applic
Active FRAC Amount of livestock
Trade name ingredient code product/a Remarks tion at th
Bravo Weather Stikchlorothalonil
Bravo chlorothalonil M5 0.752.0 pt M5 1.02.0Helminthosporium leaf
chloronitrile Common rust, pt Labeled f
Weather Stik grown for seed. For14 days b
Do not exceed 12three (9 lb
pt/a app
within 14 days of harvest. (S
more tha
Bumper 41.8 EC propiconazole 3 24 fl oz Helminthosporium leaf blight. Appl
first appears and continue 6 w
within on
Rusts. Apply 4 fl oz/a when ru
Cuprofix Ultra 40 Copper sulfate inorganic M1 0.753.0 lb See label
on a 7- to 14-day schedule.
Domark 230 ME tetraconazole triazole 3 leaf spot, eyespot. Apply 4 app
Gray 4.05.0 fl oz Make fl o
IDEAlliance XML Case Study appears. If14 June 2011 (early po
conditions favorab
able for d
5. XML Case Study: InDesign Tagging to HTML Navigation
Case Study:
Agriculture Research
Pest Management Directory
designer to tag the content based on type styles
without understanding too much code
export XML and transform with XSLT
create navigable mobile HTML view
IDEAlliance XML Case Study 14 June 2011
6. XML Case Study: InDesign Tagging to HTML Navigation
Case Study:
Agriculture Research Pest Management Directory
Graphic designer
XML from layout file.
Typical InDesign
print layout with
type styles, no tags.
IDEAlliance XML Case Study 14 June 2011
7. XML Case Study: InDesign Tagging to HTML Navigation
Case Study:
Agriculture Research Pest Management Directory
Placeholder paragraph
styles (with no formatting
attributes) matching the
table headers are created.
Easy to select columns
and apply to the table text.
IDEAlliance XML Case Study 14 June 2011
8. XML Case Study: InDesign Tagging to HTML Navigation
Case Study:
Agriculture Research Pest Management Directory
Tags created to match
type styles, and mapped
styles to tags.
Table converted to
paragraph-delimited text.
IDEAlliance XML Case Study 14 June 2011
9. XML Case Study: InDesign Tagging to HTML Navigation
Case Study:
Agriculture Research Pest Management Directory
Export tagged text
from InDesign as XML.
Minor manual cleanup of tags,
to be scripted later.
/* Replace with r
to add line breaks*/
/* Replace chem with
rrchem to add line breaks*/
/* wrap each unit with chem */
/* add storyname at top and
chemlist as total wrapper*/
IDEAlliance XML Case Study 14 June 2011
10. XML Case Study: InDesign Tagging to HTML Navigation
Case Study:
Agriculture Research Pest Management Directory
Use XSL to reshuffle
and format the XML.
(shown in oXygen XML)
Iterate through the tags,
populate the text lead-ins
from the column headers
for each entry.
IDEAlliance XML Case Study 14 June 2011
11. XML Case Study: InDesign Tagging to HTML Navigation
Case Study:
Agriculture Research Pest Management Directory
XSLT transform converts
the XML to HTML
flexible enough to handle
various tag structures
from different sections
IDEAlliance XML Case Study 14 June 2011
12. XML Case Study: InDesign Tagging to HTML Navigation
Case Study:
Agriculture Research Pest Management Directory
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
formats the HTML tags
JavaScript adds
collapsible navigation
IDEAlliance XML Case Study 14 June 2011
13. XML Case Study: InDesign Tagging to HTML Navigation
Case Study:
Agriculture Research Pest Management Directory
multi-level HTML navigation of text lists
IDEAlliance XML Case Study 14 June 2011
14. XML Case Study: InDesign Tagging to HTML Navigation
Case Study:
Agriculture Research Pest Management Directory
Quick access to information
Easy to navigate
Portable to site
Static HTML view,
not able to actively compare
Not live data, but daily updates available
Summary info is not complete
Need to reference complete
technical data for chemicals usage
IDEAlliance XML Case Study 14 June 2011
15. XML Case Study: InDesign Tagging to HTML Navigation
Thank You!
Cathy Palmer
Senior Applications Instructor
New Horizons of Wisconsin
Consulting Training for InDesign/XML
IDEAlliance XML Case Study 14 June 2011