It's a model that I developed once I was working in Meydan Business Incubator to attract new ideas to the incubation program. It was so much fun to analyze the problems & challenges Meydan was facing and the opportunities we can make use of.
3. Ideas Generating
Manual The Model
This model concentrates on the trust as a key motivator Value
that can be generated in the targeted audience to
effectively communicate, engage, and yield the wanted
This model connect the trust with a three perquisites; Trust
Value, Transparency, and Ubiquity. With the strong
existence of the three, the trust can be generated. Transparency Ubiquity
Value What do you have and what Ill get?
Transparency I can understand you very well (thoroughly).
Ubiquity Almost everyone knows that you do exist.
4. Ideas Generating
Manual The Model
A Model Based On Trust:
- Offer Attractive Competences.
Value - Show Positive Expected Results.
Transparency Ubiquity
- Provide A Clear Incubation Process. - Get A Media Presence.
- Provide A Clear Procedures. - Engage In The Community.
- Provide A Clear Frame of Relations. - Get A Presence In Events.
5. Ideas Generating
Manual The Model
Provide clear Incubation Process: Value
- Provide Clear Answers For The 5 Ws:
1. What are the different phases?
2. Why should I go through each?
Transparency Ubiquity
3. When should I go through each?
4. Where each phase will take places?
5. Who will escort & help my through each?
6. Ideas Generating
Manual The Model
Provide A Clear Procedures: Value
1. Idea Articulation.
2. Incubation Process. Trust
3. Pro-Incubation.
Transparency Ubiquity
- Idea Articulation:
1. Submission.
2. Preliminary listening session
3. Panel listening session. Transparency
4. Verdict.
7. Ideas Generating
Manual The Model
Provide A Clear Procedures: Value
- Incubation:
1. Incubation options:
a) Acceleration program.
b) Labs program. Trust
2. Incubation Process: Transparency Ubiquity
a) Detailed schedule.
b) Mentoring & coaching.
3. Legal aspect: Transparency
a) NDA.
b) MOU.
i. When to sign?
ii. Place of signing?
iii. Who involved?
c) Shares.
d) Investor.
e) Liabilities.
8. Ideas Generating
Manual The Model
Provide A Clear Procedures: Value
4. Financial aspect:
a) Seed Fund.
a) Source?
b) Amount options? Trust
c) Payments (Process flow)?
b) Investor Fund: Transparency Ubiquity
a) Source?
b) Shares?
5. Physical Aspect: Transparency
a) Office.
b) Amenities.
9. Ideas Generating
Manual The Model
Provide A Clear Procedures: Value
- Pro-Incubation:
1. Pro-Incubation Relations Framework:
a) Meydan role.
b) Shares modifications. Trust
Transparency Ubiquity
10. Ideas Generating
Manual The Model
Provide A Clear Frame Of Relations: Value
- Obligations:
1. Meydan Obligations.
2. Pioneer Obligations.
Transparency Ubiquity
11. Ideas Generating
Manual The Model
Offer Attractive Competences: Value
- Concentrate On Core Competencies:
1. Mentoring & Coaching.
2. Intimate Market knowledge.
3. Startups Consultancy Services.
4. Growth Services.
5. We Ask For Small Company Share. Transparency Ubiquity
12. Ideas Generating
Manual The Model
Show Positive Expected Results: Value
- Concentrate On Meydan Success Stories.
- Concentrate On Market Opportunities. Trust
1. Local Market.
2. Regional Market.
3. Global Market. Transparency Ubiquity
- Concentrate On Meydans Strong Relations
Network: Value
1. Mentors.
2. Facilitators.
3. Investors.
13. Ideas Generating
Manual The Model
Get A Media Presence: Value
1. Targeted Audience.
2. Message.
3. Channels.
- Targeted Audience: Transparency Ubiquity
1. Define age range.
2. Define geographic range.
3. Define the socioeconomic basis.
- Message:
1. Get an engaging message.
a) Concentrate on the offered Value.
i. Core competencies.
ii. Strong success chances.
b) Make it relevant to the targeted audience as much as possible.
I. Age based.
II. Socioeconomic based.
III. Geographical based.
14. Ideas Generating
Manual The Model
Get A Media Presence: Value
- Channels:
1. Utilize the mass media.
a) Newspapers.
b) Radio. Trust
c) TV.
Transparency Ubiquity
2. Use the social media:
a) Facebook ads, groups, pages.
b) Twitter.
c) Blogs. Ubiquity
d) Wikipedia.
15. Ideas Generating
Manual The Model
Engage In The Community: Value
- Understand The Community:
1. Whatre their problems?
2. Whatre their aspirations? Trust
- Get the Meydan message across by
Transparency Ubiquity
concentrating on providing solutions to
the pre-defined community aspirations.
- Sponsor any community event that has a Ubiquity
potential to spread the awareness about
Meydan and engage people in our
16. Ideas Generating
Manual The Model
Get A Presence In Events: Value
- Make sure that Meydan present in the
startups & entrepreneurship events as
much as possible. Trust
- Empower our presence by performing an
Transparency Ubiquity
introductory speeches on Meydans
- Sponsor entrepreneurship-related events Ubiquity
to spread the awareness of Meydan.