
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo

   We all want our
    organizations to
    be strong, so
    they can keep                V O L U M E                       1 ,        I S S U E        1                                    J A N U A R Y
    us all em-

   We also want to
    be part of some-
    thing good
    and worth-
                        Ideas = Improvement
                        A single implemented                                                 Boardroom Inc., a         twenty ideas per em-
   We all want to      improvement idea,                                                    Connecticut publisher,    ployee per year.
    be appreciated      from just one of your                                                averaged 104 ideas        Milliken, a global fab-
                        employees, can save                                                  per employee in 2002.     ric and specialty
   A solid and well
    thought out
                        over 8,500 dollars*                                                  Its sales per employee    chemicals company,
    method for let-                                                                          were more than seven      averages 110 ideas
    ting people         US Synthetic, John                                                   times greater than the    per employee per
    share their ideas   Deere, Lycoming En-                                                  average publisher.        year. Milliken is one of
    for improvement     gines, Metalworks,
    can help create                                                                          Richer Sounds has         only two companies in
    that strong,        Rexam Beverage Can,                                                  been listed a number      the world that has won
    worthwhile and      Ethicon Inc., Goodyear                                               of times in the Guin-     both the Malcolm
    appreciative        do Brasil Produtos de
    place to work.                                                                           ness Book of World        Baldrige National
                        Borracha Ltda** and                                                  records as having the     Quality Award and the
                        many other high per-                                                 greatest sales per        European Quality
                        forming organizations                                                square foot of any re-    Award. The other is
                        credit much of their                                                 tailer in the world. It   the French Italian
Idea Systems   2        success to employee                                                  also has one of the       company ST Microe-
                        ideas for improve-                                                   best idea systems in      lectronics, which has
IdeasCount     2        ments.                                                               the United Kingdom,       one of the better idea
                                                                                             which brings in some      systems in Europe.
                        *$8,757 average savings per implemented idea, source: The

Nutshell       3        Employee Involvement Association **Winners of the Shingo prize for

                        Operational Excellence                                                                                      See page 2
Fast, Easy,    4

                        Toyota, the gold standard
                        Toyota has about                                                     Toyota Creative Idea      1974  Total improve-
                        67,000 employees.                                                    Suggestion System         ment ideas pass 1 mil-
                        Together they contrib-                                               timeline and results:     lion
                        ute over 700,000 ideas
                        a year and over 90%                                                  1951  First improve-     1981  Total improve-
                        get implemented.                                                     ment ideas imple-         ment ideas pass 5 mil-
                                                                                             mented                    lion
                                                                                                                                  See page 2
PAGE      2

                         The rest of the story
Ideas are found
                         Toyota, continued:      Results, continued:      cent. Two of the com-
everywhere, just ask.
                         1984  Total improve-                            panys divisions have
                         ment ideas pass 10      Dana Corporation,        won the Malcolm
                         million                 a global company         Baldrige National
                         1988  Total improve-   with over sixty thou-    Quality Award
                         ment ideas pass 20      sand people, expects
                                                 every employee to
                         1995  Total improve-   submit two ideas
                         ment ideas pass 30      each month, and in
                         million                 some facilities it ex-
                                                 ceeds twice this
                         2011  Total improve-   number, with a
                         ment ideas pass 40      worldwide implemen-
 With                    million                 tation rate of 80 per-
 for as little
 as 2 dollars
 a month per
                         Idea Systems
 user, people            To really work, an      The old suggestion
 can                     idea system must:       box systems are
 contribute               Be easy to use        hard to set up, diffi-
 an unlimited             Be transparent        cult to manage and
 number of                Benefit the or-       end up working like a
 ideas to                   ganization           black hole
                          Benefit the em-       I put my idea in,
 make their                 ployees              dont know where it
 work faster,             Show an ROI           went or what hap-
 better,                                         pens next

    Get results  Now!
                         IdeasCount is easy      encrypted website.       audited results and
                         to set up, easy to                               more. All sorted by
                         manage and easy to      When you want to         organization, depart-
                         use. Plus you can       know if the system is    ments, individuals,
                         see the status of       really working;          supervisors, loca-
                         ideas at your per-      IdeasCount provides      tions, managers,
                         sonal account page,     reports on participa-    business areas...
                         from any computer,      tion rates, idea im-
                         anywhere at the SSL     plementations, ROI,

VOLUME        1,   ISSUE    1                                                                          PAGE      3

IdeasCount System, in a Nutshell
    Anyone who super-               Supervisors use the            Recognition milestones (name
     vises gets an account            programs evaluation            in a newsletter, postings, certificate,
     automatically during             tool to decide if the           letter home)
     the program setup,               idea is viable:
     and all non-                      YES = accept the              Good for milestones (stuff like hats,
     supervisory users set            idea and work with              jackets, shirts)
     up their own ac-                 the submitter to get
     counts on the SSL                it implemented
     encrypted server.                 NO = Return the
                                      idea for further de-
    IdeasCount users                 velopment, with sug-
     (supervisors, non-               gestions to make the
     supervisors and man-             idea better.
     agers) submit their
     ideas, describing the          Accepted ideas gain
     problem, what will fix          recognition points for
     it and how fixing it will       the submitter, Imple-
     help.                           mented ideas gain
                                     even more points.
    Ideas go electroni-
     cally to the users   The value or use of
     supervisor (no com-     the points is custom-
     mittee, no Black       ized by the organiza-
     Hole) who has a        tion during program
     fixed window of time    setup.
     (determined at pro-     Cash (a set point
     gram setup) to re-        value, i.e. 1 cent
     view the idea.            per point)

Tell me more?
Free Demo: Contact us to be       Whitepapers: Want to learn    Webinar: Like to have a guided tour? Need to have
able to sign on and explore       more about Idea Systems?      your questions answered while exploring the sys-
the system as both a user         Curious what is involved in   tem? Schedule a one on one webinar and explore
and a supervisor. See for         setting up IdeasCount? Just   the system with a real idea evangelist.
yourself if IdeasCount is right   ask and we will provide the
for you                           information to satisfy your
Demo@IdeasCount.com               Whitepapers@IdeasCount.com    Webinar@IdeasCount.com
IdeasCount is Fast, Easy and Secure

       IdeasCount                           Because IdeasCount is a web based system
                                            there is no hardware to buy, no software to
                                            install, no complicated procedures to learn.
                                            Using the program is easy and intuitive.
                                            And no one with a brainstorm will ever have
                                            to wait to air their ideas, users can access
     IdeasCount                             their accounts 24/7.
     13938 Martville Road
     Martville, New York 13111              Fully understanding the need for a secure
                                            system, IdeasCount protects the integrity of
     Phone: 315-564-6908
                                            your data with advanced SSL encryption and
                                            other safeguards. For example requests from
     E-mail: Contact@IdeasCount.com
                                            an employee to create an account require an
                                            access code, as well as activation by the su-

     Fast, Easy and Secure


Continuous Improvement
IdeasCount is a component of a true
system of Continuous Improve-
IdeasCountCatch the thousands of
base hit improvements that otherwise
may be overlooked.
Rapid Improvement Workshops
Engage the subject matter experts in
analyzing their work and changing it for
the better.
Lean LeadershipThere is no im-
                                                              People rise to expectations.
provement without change.Lean leaders
must be able to create and maintain posi-
tive change in the workplace.
                                            IdeasCount is offered by Hawthorne Consulting
Internal Resources Creating internal
resources to reduce the need for exter-
nal experts.                                Visit us at www.Hawthornecs.com

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IdeasCount Newsletter

  • 1. IdeasCount IDEASCOUNT We all want our organizations to be strong, so they can keep V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 1 J A N U A R Y us all em- ployed. We also want to be part of some- thing good and worth- Ideas = Improvement while. A single implemented Boardroom Inc., a twenty ideas per em- We all want to improvement idea, Connecticut publisher, ployee per year. be appreciated from just one of your averaged 104 ideas Milliken, a global fab- employees, can save per employee in 2002. ric and specialty A solid and well thought out over 8,500 dollars* Its sales per employee chemicals company, method for let- were more than seven averages 110 ideas ting people US Synthetic, John times greater than the per employee per share their ideas Deere, Lycoming En- average publisher. year. Milliken is one of for improvement gines, Metalworks, can help create Richer Sounds has only two companies in that strong, Rexam Beverage Can, been listed a number the world that has won worthwhile and Ethicon Inc., Goodyear of times in the Guin- both the Malcolm appreciative do Brasil Produtos de place to work. ness Book of World Baldrige National Borracha Ltda** and records as having the Quality Award and the many other high per- greatest sales per European Quality INSIDE THIS ISSUE: forming organizations square foot of any re- Award. The other is credit much of their tailer in the world. It the French Italian Idea Systems 2 success to employee also has one of the company ST Microe- ideas for improve- best idea systems in lectronics, which has IdeasCount 2 ments. the United Kingdom, one of the better idea which brings in some systems in Europe. *$8,757 average savings per implemented idea, source: The Nutshell 3 Employee Involvement Association **Winners of the Shingo prize for Operational Excellence See page 2 Fast, Easy, 4 Continuous Improvement 4 Toyota, the gold standard Toyota has about Toyota Creative Idea 1974 Total improve- 67,000 employees. Suggestion System ment ideas pass 1 mil- Together they contrib- timeline and results: lion ute over 700,000 ideas a year and over 90% 1951 First improve- 1981 Total improve- get implemented. ment ideas imple- ment ideas pass 5 mil- mented lion See page 2
  • 2. PAGE 2 The rest of the story Ideas are found Toyota, continued: Results, continued: cent. Two of the com- everywhere, just ask. 1984 Total improve- panys divisions have ment ideas pass 10 Dana Corporation, won the Malcolm million a global company Baldrige National 1988 Total improve- with over sixty thou- Quality Award ment ideas pass 20 sand people, expects million every employee to 1995 Total improve- submit two ideas ment ideas pass 30 each month, and in million some facilities it ex- ceeds twice this 2011 Total improve- number, with a ment ideas pass 40 worldwide implemen- With million tation rate of 80 per- IdeasCount, for as little as 2 dollars a month per Idea Systems user, people To really work, an The old suggestion can idea system must: box systems are contribute Be easy to use hard to set up, diffi- an unlimited Be transparent cult to manage and number of Benefit the or- end up working like a ideas to ganization black hole Benefit the em- I put my idea in, make their ployees dont know where it work faster, Show an ROI went or what hap- better, pens next cheaper, safer. Get results Now! IdeasCount IdeasCount is easy encrypted website. audited results and to set up, easy to more. All sorted by manage and easy to When you want to organization, depart- use. Plus you can know if the system is ments, individuals, see the status of really working; supervisors, loca- ideas at your per- IdeasCount provides tions, managers, sonal account page, reports on participa- business areas... from any computer, tion rates, idea im- anywhere at the SSL plementations, ROI, IDEASCOUNT
  • 3. VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 PAGE 3 IdeasCount System, in a Nutshell Anyone who super- Supervisors use the Recognition milestones (name vises gets an account programs evaluation in a newsletter, postings, certificate, automatically during tool to decide if the letter home) the program setup, idea is viable: and all non- YES = accept the Good for milestones (stuff like hats, supervisory users set idea and work with jackets, shirts) up their own ac- the submitter to get counts on the SSL it implemented encrypted server. NO = Return the idea for further de- IdeasCount users velopment, with sug- (supervisors, non- gestions to make the supervisors and man- idea better. agers) submit their ideas, describing the Accepted ideas gain problem, what will fix recognition points for it and how fixing it will the submitter, Imple- help. mented ideas gain even more points. Ideas go electroni- cally to the users The value or use of supervisor (no com- the points is custom- mittee, no Black ized by the organiza- Hole) who has a tion during program fixed window of time setup. (determined at pro- Cash (a set point gram setup) to re- value, i.e. 1 cent view the idea. per point) Tell me more? Free Demo: Contact us to be Whitepapers: Want to learn Webinar: Like to have a guided tour? Need to have able to sign on and explore more about Idea Systems? your questions answered while exploring the sys- the system as both a user Curious what is involved in tem? Schedule a one on one webinar and explore and a supervisor. See for setting up IdeasCount? Just the system with a real idea evangelist. yourself if IdeasCount is right ask and we will provide the for you information to satisfy your curiosity. Demo@IdeasCount.com Whitepapers@IdeasCount.com Webinar@IdeasCount.com
  • 4. IdeasCount is Fast, Easy and Secure IdeasCount Because IdeasCount is a web based system there is no hardware to buy, no software to install, no complicated procedures to learn. Using the program is easy and intuitive. And no one with a brainstorm will ever have to wait to air their ideas, users can access IdeasCount their accounts 24/7. 13938 Martville Road Martville, New York 13111 Fully understanding the need for a secure system, IdeasCount protects the integrity of Phone: 315-564-6908 your data with advanced SSL encryption and other safeguards. For example requests from E-mail: Contact@IdeasCount.com an employee to create an account require an access code, as well as activation by the su- pervisor. Fast, Easy and Secure www.IdeasCount.com Continuous Improvement IdeasCount is a component of a true system of Continuous Improve- ment. IdeasCountCatch the thousands of base hit improvements that otherwise may be overlooked. Rapid Improvement Workshops Engage the subject matter experts in analyzing their work and changing it for the better. Lean LeadershipThere is no im- People rise to expectations. provement without change.Lean leaders must be able to create and maintain posi- tive change in the workplace. IdeasCount is offered by Hawthorne Consulting Internal Resources Creating internal resources to reduce the need for exter- nal experts. Visit us at www.Hawthornecs.com