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identity / worship
Identity and Worship
we become what we
    Marshall McLuhan
we become what we
    Marshall McLuhan
we shape our tools and
then our tools shape us.

       Marshall McLuhan
de鍖ne identity

identity (plural identities]
1. The sameness some individuals share to make up the
same kind or universal.
2. The difference or character that marks off an individual
from the rest of the same kind.
3. A name or personathe mask or appearance one presents
to the worldby which one is known.
This criminal has taken on several identities
4. Knowledge of who one is.
I've been through so many changes, I have no sense of identity.
This nation has a strong identity.
5. (algebra, computing) Any function which maps all
elements of its domain to themselves.
6. (algebra) An element of an algebraic structure which,
when applied to another element under an operation in that
structure, yields this, second element
1             ,        ,       a case of mistaken identity
                  an identity of interests

2a             [            ]    ,                ;       ,       admit[reveal]
ones identity                                b               ,     ,      lose
ones identity

3     揃

4                      (    )(       );

5         揃

6[        old ~]            揃             揃           (               )
Identity may refer to:
    Identity formation
    Identity (philosophy), the sameness of two things
    Identity (social science)
    Identity theory of mind, in the philosophy of mind, holds
    that the mind is identical to the brain
    Law of identity, a principle of logic
    Personal identity (philosophy)
    Identity element, a special element in a set or structure
    with respect to an operator
    Identity function, a function that does not alter its
    Identity (mathematics), an equality that holds regardless
    of the values of its variables
    Identity matrix, a square matrix with ones on the main
    diagonal, zeros elsewhere
Social science and psychology
    Cultural identity, a person's self-affiliation (or categorization by
    others) as a member of a cultural group
    Gender identity, the gender with which a person identi鍖es (or is
    identi鍖ed by others)
    Identity In Organizational Communication, organizational
    communication scholars look at how our membership in different
    organizations shapes our "selves", both in our workplace and in our
    group affiliations
    Identity politics, the focus of political debates around questions of
    group identity
    Identity (social science), stemming from cognitive theory,
    sociology, politics, and psychology
    National identity, belief in membership of a nation
    In some countries where there is more than one "nation" in the
    state or identity is otherwise confused, there may be a debate over
    what the nation's real identity is, see:
    Britishness, Scottish national identity
    Canadian identity, Qu辿b辿cois nation motion
    Online identity, established and used by computer network users
    (see also Digital identity in Computer Science)
    Psychological identity, an individual's unique identity that develops
     Accounting identity, a basic accounting relation that must hold by
     Corporate identity, the physical manifestation of a business brand
     False identity
     Identity theft, the deliberate appropriation of someone else's identity
     (without that person's permission) for criminal purposes
     Illegal resident, a spy assuming the false identity of a national
Computer science
     Digital identity, the representation of identity in terms of digital
     information (see also online identity in social science)
     Federated identity, identity management with de鍖ned trust relations
     between independent principals
     Identity column in SQL Server, a database 鍖eld whose values uniquely
     identify a row in the table
     Identity (object-oriented programming), a property of objects that
     allows those objects to be distinguished from each other
     Law of identity, laws that de鍖ne a unifying identity metasystem
     Christian Identity, a Christian religious movement
gender   nation      profession   culture

 race    spiritual     ethnic     family

         economic       age       church

   a multitude of identities

the modern understanding of
gender     nation     economic

 race     spiritual


culture                 age

family     ethnic      church

self selects identity

self takes on master identity

identities serve the self
the postmodern
the individual self is no longer the center

self is not static nor individual;
   identities are not divisible


self is not static nor individual;
   identities are not divisible


self is not static nor individual;
   identities are not divisible
Identity and Worship
Identity and Worship
Identity and Worship
Identity and Worship
Identity and Worship
Identity and Worship
Identity and Worship
crisis of identity
occurs when we lose our voice and awareness
                    of self;
 i.e. we lose the power to de鍖ne ourselves or
the korean
begins with this very
       sense of
 disorientation, loss,
and haunting, just as
   much as it does
 success, prosperity,
 determination, and
Identity and Worship
alvin lau : poet
sense of loss
similar to amnesia or other trauma
do our churches address
  this loss of identity?
 or is ethnicity simply the platform for
close your eyes
    open your ears
The primary concern of the
     Bible is our identity
 formation, that is, who we
   are in the grace of God
    rather than moralistic
Asian American Biblical
 Interpretation must move beyond
 idealized and essentialist notions
of culture and a tendency to utilize
    the immigrant experience of
    marginality and liminality as
 normative of all Asian Americans
     to emphasize particularity,
  contradiction, and complexity in
   order to counter oversimpli鍖ed
      personi鍖cations of what
    constitutes Asian American.

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Identity and Worship

  • 3. we become what we behold... Marshall McLuhan
  • 4. create we become what we behold... Marshall McLuhan
  • 5. we shape our tools and then our tools shape us. Marshall McLuhan
  • 7. Noun identity (plural identities] 1. The sameness some individuals share to make up the same kind or universal. 2. The difference or character that marks off an individual from the rest of the same kind. 3. A name or personathe mask or appearance one presents to the worldby which one is known. This criminal has taken on several identities 4. Knowledge of who one is. I've been through so many changes, I have no sense of identity. This nation has a strong identity. 5. (algebra, computing) Any function which maps all elements of its domain to themselves. 6. (algebra) An element of an algebraic structure which, when applied to another element under an operation in that structure, yields this, second element
  • 8. 1 , , a case of mistaken identity an identity of interests 2a [ ] , ; , admit[reveal] ones identity b , , lose ones identity 3 揃 4 ( )( ); 5 揃 6[ old ~] 揃 揃 ( )
  • 9. Identity may refer to: Philosophy Identity formation Identity (philosophy), the sameness of two things Identity (social science) Identity theory of mind, in the philosophy of mind, holds that the mind is identical to the brain Law of identity, a principle of logic Personal identity (philosophy) Mathematics Identity element, a special element in a set or structure with respect to an operator Identity function, a function that does not alter its argument Identity (mathematics), an equality that holds regardless of the values of its variables Identity matrix, a square matrix with ones on the main diagonal, zeros elsewhere
  • 10. Social science and psychology Cultural identity, a person's self-affiliation (or categorization by others) as a member of a cultural group Gender identity, the gender with which a person identi鍖es (or is identi鍖ed by others) Identity In Organizational Communication, organizational communication scholars look at how our membership in different organizations shapes our "selves", both in our workplace and in our group affiliations Identity politics, the focus of political debates around questions of group identity Identity (social science), stemming from cognitive theory, sociology, politics, and psychology National identity, belief in membership of a nation In some countries where there is more than one "nation" in the state or identity is otherwise confused, there may be a debate over what the nation's real identity is, see: Britishness, Scottish national identity Canadian identity, Qu辿b辿cois nation motion Online identity, established and used by computer network users (see also Digital identity in Computer Science) Psychological identity, an individual's unique identity that develops
  • 11. Business Accounting identity, a basic accounting relation that must hold by de鍖nition Corporate identity, the physical manifestation of a business brand False identity Identity theft, the deliberate appropriation of someone else's identity (without that person's permission) for criminal purposes Illegal resident, a spy assuming the false identity of a national Computer science Digital identity, the representation of identity in terms of digital information (see also online identity in social science) Federated identity, identity management with de鍖ned trust relations between independent principals Identity column in SQL Server, a database 鍖eld whose values uniquely identify a row in the table Identity (object-oriented programming), a property of objects that allows those objects to be distinguished from each other Law of identity, laws that de鍖ne a unifying identity metasystem Religion Christian Identity, a Christian religious movement
  • 12. gender nation profession culture race spiritual ethnic family economic age church a multitude of identities
  • 14. gender nation economic race spiritual self culture age family ethnic church
  • 16. spiritual self self takes on master identity
  • 18. the postmodern effect the individual self is no longer the center
  • 19. self self is not static nor individual; identities are not divisible
  • 20. self self self is not static nor individual; identities are not divisible
  • 21. self self self self is not static nor individual; identities are not divisible
  • 22. self self self
  • 30. crisis of identity occurs when we lose our voice and awareness of self; i.e. we lose the power to de鍖ne ourselves or
  • 31. the korean american experience begins with this very sense of disorientation, loss, and haunting, just as much as it does success, prosperity, determination, and
  • 33. alvin lau : poet
  • 34. sense of loss similar to amnesia or other trauma
  • 35. do our churches address this loss of identity? or is ethnicity simply the platform for gathering?
  • 36. close your eyes open your ears
  • 40. The primary concern of the Bible is our identity formation, that is, who we are in the grace of God rather than moralistic
  • 41. Asian American Biblical Interpretation must move beyond idealized and essentialist notions of culture and a tendency to utilize the immigrant experience of marginality and liminality as normative of all Asian Americans to emphasize particularity, contradiction, and complexity in order to counter oversimpli鍖ed personi鍖cations of what constitutes Asian American.

Editor's Notes

  • #3: ahree lee created this film by taking a picture of herself everyday for three years. and what you see here is over the course of 3 years, this woman change aspects herself. we see the evolution of her hair, her glasses, her clothes. in some sense, her identity is shifting and in process.
  • #4: what does identity have to do with worship? this is the first half of a quote by the social theorist, marshall mcluhan. when God speaks a word, light is created, worlds are formed, order is shaped out of the chaos, and life orients itself around God. worship is all about that new orientation around God. but worship is an act of creation on our parts. it is where we put words together. our art, our architecture, our musical instruments, our voices and we create worship. which leads us to the second half of the marshall mcluhan quote...
  • #5: the worship we create is for God and for the body of Christ in the church. but that worship also shapes us. it reflects us, it reveals us, it hides us, and it forms us. in a very real sense, worship forms our identity. and our identity forms our worship. and this is where the traditional understanding of worship in church has been deficient, because in many korean-american churches, our vocabulary in worship is quite limited. in fact, most of our worship vocabulary are borrowed words. our arts are imitated arts. our churches are growing, but in a hollow sense because we are unaware of how our worship is shaping us as a people.
  • #6: so it seems a extended discussion on identity is necessary if we are going to explore emerging forms of worship. but let’s try and get our heads wrapped around the concept of identity. what is it? what do we mean when we’re talking about identity.
  • #12: with distinct, multiple definitions of identity, you can see why a conversation on identity is hard to place. at the very least, we understand there are a multiple identities (here are just a few of the big ones). some of them you are born with, some of them you can change, some of them are nurtured in a community, but we have all of these within us. or do we?
  • #13: the modern understanding of the self was that the individual was a blank slate, a tabula rasa. that your perceptions and your experiences fed your knowledge, and with knowledge, you are the one who formed your identity. Modernity assumed
  • #17: in the modern mind, knowledge is power. power gives you control over yourself, your surroundings, over others. identity in the modern sensibility is about progress, advance, utilitarianism, manipulation, laws, order, hierarchy. the individual remains at the center.
  • #21: the postmodern shift has also meant that we know that our identities represent different and competing narratives from different communities. our identities and our selves are “fuzzier” than before. we are torn. in dilemma. in crisis. dysfunctional. there are competing narratives and systems, various struggles for power and establishment of knowledge.
  • #22: and these tensions exist over different dimensions as well. with the self in the middle. there are layers of global culture, popular culture, and subculture towering on them. but these different layers of culture, while they all influence and impact, the various identities and selves, there is a clash. there is an economy happening at a very real level. these narratives are trying to re-write one another.
  • #23: and these tensions exist over different dimensions as well. with the self in the middle. there are layers of global culture, popular culture, and subculture towering on them. but these different layers of culture, while they all influence and impact, the various identities and selves, there is a clash. there is an economy happening at a very real level. these narratives are trying to re-write one another.
  • #24: and these tensions exist over different dimensions as well. with the self in the middle. there are layers of global culture, popular culture, and subculture towering on them. but these different layers of culture, while they all influence and impact, the various identities and selves, there is a clash. there is an economy happening at a very real level. these narratives are trying to re-write one another.