The document discusses idiomatic expressions, which are phrases that cannot be understood literally by analyzing the individual words. It provides examples of common idioms and their meanings in context. The game involves choosing the meanings of underlined idioms in sample sentences. Players must go to the corresponding letter on the floor to remain in the game or take their seat if incorrect. Key is understanding idioms from context rather than literally.
2. Game Rules:
Choose the meaning of the
underlined words in the
sentences. Go to the
corresponding letter of your
answer in the floor and those
who got the correct answer
will remain in the game and
for those who didnt get the
correct answer will take their
3. Whenever Rene is under the weather,
he gets plenty of rest and takes vitamins.
5. We like our neighborhood to look clean, so
it burns up when we see someone littering
in the streets.
6. The movie was so funny; it really had
us in stitches.
7. Words that spell out sounds;
words that sound like what
they mean.
Walking in the woods, we saw a
rabbit appear out of the blue.
8. Although Ronnie didnt like the new
plan, he went along with it because he
hated to make waves.
9. Under the weather
wear thin
Becomes dull
Burns up Makes us angry
Tripped up Made a mistake
In stitches Laughing hard
Out of the blue unexpectedly
Make waves Cause trouble
10. Often, we can get the
meaning of an idiomatic
expression from
11. Study the following italicized expressions and their meanings.
The birds and animals felt down in the dumps because
of the destruction of the forest.
15. More examples:
Idiomatic expressions Meaning
Face the facts To accept reality
Come down to earth To be practical; realistic
Take it or leave it Whether you accept it or not
See the world To see life
Serve one right To deal with one as he deserves
Sound a person out Find out his intention
Commit to memory To learn by heart
Bury the hatchet To make peace
Cry over spilt milk To cherish useless regrets
Follow the crowd To act or believe as most people do
Kills two birds with one stone Accomplishes two things at a time
18. What are idioms?
Idioms are expressions that cannot be understood simply by putting together
the meaning of the individual words. They have meanings as whole expressions
instead of as individual words.
Mother was fit to be tied when I was late for dinner.
Mother was angry when I was late for dinner.
An idiomatic expression is used by writers to achieve certain dramatic effect. Such as expression makes
writing more vivid.
kick the bucket means to die
19. It was raining
cats and dogs.
Raining very hard
The kite soared
like an eagle.
Glided along high in the air
Crashed to the ground
To be printed
20. Carol lost her
cool when the
party was called off.
Got angry
Had a fever
The whole family was
there when Bill
and Lynn
tied the knot last
Were caught in a trap
Got married
21. I will have to
foot the bill for
the damage you caused.
continued being
left work
After the most-needed
the photographer and his
partner get on in life.
seek payment
Pay for
22. One partner returned
to town to look
after the business.
proud and arrogant
energetic and
When the partner returned,
he saw the philosopher
highly spirited.
to see
to take care
23. The reddish-brown
color of the water
was no good according
to the philosopher.
came about
exchanged places
After a short stay
in the rest house,
certain changes took
place in the
philosophers life.
of no use