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Year- round
access to greater
quantity and diversity
of food sources for
women and children in
vulnerable households
Better functioning markets
underpinning intensification
of rural livelihoods.
More sustainable and
equitable management
of land and water
resources in pastoral
andagropastoral areas.
Women and youth
have better access to and Policy reform
control over productive assets, removing constraints
inputs, information, market and creating incentives
opportunities and capture a
more equitable share of
increased income,
food and other
More integrated, The DS IDOs arranged in a hierarchical fashion as an alternative
effective and connected to the flat arrangement showing that some IDOs have a
service institutions subsidiary role to play
More resilient
livelihoods for
vulnerable households
in marginal areas.
More stable and
higher per capita
income for

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IDO Hierarchy

  • 1. n-1 Year- round access to greater quantity and diversity of food sources for women and children in vulnerable households Better functioning markets underpinning intensification of rural livelihoods. More sustainable and equitable management of land and water resources in pastoral andagropastoral areas. Women and youth have better access to and Policy reform control over productive assets, removing constraints inputs, information, market and creating incentives opportunities and capture a more equitable share of increased income, food and other benefits. More integrated, The DS IDOs arranged in a hierarchical fashion as an alternative effective and connected to the flat arrangement showing that some IDOs have a service institutions subsidiary role to play More resilient livelihoods for vulnerable households in marginal areas. More stable and higher per capita income for intensifiable households. b
  • 2. .