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Th e 2 n d IEEE In te rn a tio n a l Co n fe re n c e o n
                                CYBER TECHNOLOGY IN AUTOMATION, CONTROL,
                                             a n d INTELLIGENT S YS TEMS
                                                   (IEEE-CYBER 2012)
                                                               Da te : Ma y 27- 31, 2012
                                     Lo c a tio n : Im p e ria l Qu e e n ’s P a rk Ho te l, Ba n g ko k, Th a ila n d

Call for Late-News Papers                                                          Conference Symposiums
IEEE-CYBER is an annual IEEE international conference (co-sponsored by the         Symposium 1: Internet of Things and Sensor Networks
Robotics and Automation Society and the Nanotechnology Council) dedicated          • Advanced “Internet of Things” technologies and applications
to the promotion of intelligent cyber systems in robotics, automation and          • Cyber security for energy and communication infrastructures
control. Accepted papers and invited speakers' list are now available on the       • Integrated sensing, communication, and computational systems
conference website www.ieee-cyber.org/2012. We are now calling for late-           • Wireless, optical, and hybrid communications systems
news full paper submissions for the conference. Accepted late-news papers          • Chemical, biological, and physical diagnostic systems
will also be included in the conference proceedings and published in the IEEE
Xplore database. If accepted, these papers will be presented on May 30 or          Symposium 2: Power Management and Intelligent Energy Systems
31. Late-news authors are encouraged to submit 4 to 6 pages of IEEE                • Advanced power management schemes and designs
conference formatted papers for review by April 10, 2012.                          • Distributed power management
                                                                                   • Mixed signal systems
                                                                                   • Sustainable energy systems
                                                                                   • Energy scavenging and alternative energy technologies

                                                                                   Symposium 3: Robotics and Automation
                                                                                   • Internet robot and telerobotics
                                                                                   • Virtual reality and human-machine interaction
                                                                                   • Real-time learning and computational intelligence
                                                                                   • Cyber Sensors and actuators for automation systems
                                                                                   • Architectures of automation and cyber-physical systems

                                                                                   Honorary General Chair: Frank Lewis (Univ. of Texas, Arlington, USA)
       Important Dates for Late-News Submissions                                   General Chair: Steve Tung (Univ. of Arkansas, USA)
 Full paper (4 to 6 pages) Submission Deadline: April 10, 2012                     Co-Chair: Max Meng (The Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
 Notification of Acceptance: April 20, 2012                                        Organizing Chair: Toshio Fukuda (Nagoya Univ., Japan)
                                                                                   Co-Chair: Bradley J. Nelson (ETH, Zurich, Switzerland)
 Early Bird Registration: April 30, 2012
                                                                                   Technical Program Chair: Zhidong Wang (Chiba Inst. of Tech., Japan)
 Final Paper Submission Deadline: April 30, 2012                                   Co-Chair: Russell Deaton (Univ. of Arkansas, USA)

                          • Accepted papers presented at the conference will be included in the IEEE Xplore database and EI-indexed.
                          • Several SCI-indexed journals will publish special issue papers based on selected papers from this conference
                            (please check conference website for details).

                                     Please visit the official conference website for
                                                all the latest information!

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Ieee Cyber 2012 Late News Cfp

  • 1. Th e 2 n d IEEE In te rn a tio n a l Co n fe re n c e o n CYBER TECHNOLOGY IN AUTOMATION, CONTROL, a n d INTELLIGENT S YS TEMS (IEEE-CYBER 2012) Da te : Ma y 27- 31, 2012 Lo c a tio n : Im p e ria l Qu e e n ’s P a rk Ho te l, Ba n g ko k, Th a ila n d Call for Late-News Papers Conference Symposiums IEEE-CYBER is an annual IEEE international conference (co-sponsored by the Symposium 1: Internet of Things and Sensor Networks Robotics and Automation Society and the Nanotechnology Council) dedicated • Advanced “Internet of Things” technologies and applications to the promotion of intelligent cyber systems in robotics, automation and • Cyber security for energy and communication infrastructures control. Accepted papers and invited speakers' list are now available on the • Integrated sensing, communication, and computational systems conference website www.ieee-cyber.org/2012. We are now calling for late- • Wireless, optical, and hybrid communications systems news full paper submissions for the conference. Accepted late-news papers • Chemical, biological, and physical diagnostic systems will also be included in the conference proceedings and published in the IEEE Xplore database. If accepted, these papers will be presented on May 30 or Symposium 2: Power Management and Intelligent Energy Systems 31. Late-news authors are encouraged to submit 4 to 6 pages of IEEE • Advanced power management schemes and designs conference formatted papers for review by April 10, 2012. • Distributed power management • Mixed signal systems • Sustainable energy systems • Energy scavenging and alternative energy technologies Symposium 3: Robotics and Automation • Internet robot and telerobotics • Virtual reality and human-machine interaction • Real-time learning and computational intelligence • Cyber Sensors and actuators for automation systems • Architectures of automation and cyber-physical systems Organizers Honorary General Chair: Frank Lewis (Univ. of Texas, Arlington, USA) Important Dates for Late-News Submissions General Chair: Steve Tung (Univ. of Arkansas, USA) Full paper (4 to 6 pages) Submission Deadline: April 10, 2012 Co-Chair: Max Meng (The Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong) Notification of Acceptance: April 20, 2012 Organizing Chair: Toshio Fukuda (Nagoya Univ., Japan) Co-Chair: Bradley J. Nelson (ETH, Zurich, Switzerland) Early Bird Registration: April 30, 2012 Technical Program Chair: Zhidong Wang (Chiba Inst. of Tech., Japan) Final Paper Submission Deadline: April 30, 2012 Co-Chair: Russell Deaton (Univ. of Arkansas, USA) • Accepted papers presented at the conference will be included in the IEEE Xplore database and EI-indexed. • Several SCI-indexed journals will publish special issue papers based on selected papers from this conference (please check conference website for details). Please visit the official conference website for all the latest information! http://www.ieee-cyber.org/2012/ S p o n s o re d By