Este documento presenta el plan de formaci坦n de un curso dividido en 9 m坦dulos que se impartir叩n durante los meses de junio, julio, septiembre y octubre. Cada m坦dulo se desarrolla durante una o dos semanas y cubre temas como el plan de formaci坦n, la programaci坦n del proceso de ense単anza-aprendizaje, la interacci坦n did叩ctica, estrategias de aprendizaje aut坦nomo y orientaci坦n, seguimiento formativo, dise単o de pruebas de evaluaci坦n, evaluaci坦n de acciones formativas e innov
A anti not鱈cia o papel da imprensa em situa巽探es de conflitoDouglas Gon巽alves
O documento discute o papel da imprensa em situa巽探es de conflito, tomando como caso de estudo a guerra civil na S鱈ria. A pesquisadora coletou 72 mat辿rias de ve鱈culos de imprensa de seis pa鱈ses envolvidos no conflito (Ir達, Turquia, Ar叩bia Saudita, R炭ssia, Inglaterra e EUA) para analisar se h叩 alinhamento com as pol鱈ticas governamentais. Os resultados preliminares sugerem que a imprensa desses pa鱈ses mant辿m uma homogeneidade no discurso e parece se alinhar
This document provides guidance on responding to speaking questions for exams. It discusses the structure for independent speaking responses, which should include an introduction paraphrasing the question, two body paragraphs with reasons and examples, and a conclusion recapping the question. It also provides evaluation criteria focusing on structure, coherence, succinctness, vocabulary and varied grammar. A sample question is given on learning a skill along with steps to follow, including introducing the topic, providing two reasons with details in the body, and recapping in the conclusion. Finally, potential independent speaking topics are listed involving describing an admired person.
TiasNimbas Business School - 仍亠亠 仂弍舒亰仂于舒仆亳亠 于 亳亟亠仍舒仆亟舒 [MBA Webinar]Andrey
TiasNimbas Business School is an international business school ranked in the top 25 in Europe. It has over 2,400 participants annually and offers various MBA, executive, and company-specific programs. TiasNimbas aims to help develop responsible business leaders with a global mindset through its academically rigorous and business relevant programs. It has a growing international faculty and alumni network, and strives to be one of the top 15 business schools in Europe by 2015.
The document is a summary of a webinar about preparing a strong application package for business school. It discusses four parts: an introduction, a question and answer session with an alumni, how to build an application package, reviewing a real application package, and frequently asked questions. It provides information about two applicant profiles for HBS and INSEAD, including their experiences, career goals, and accomplishments. The document is written in Russian.
TiasNimbas Business School - 仍亠亠 仂弍舒亰仂于舒仆亳亠 于 亳亟亠仍舒仆亟舒 [MBA Webinar]Andrey
TiasNimbas Business School is an international business school ranked in the top 25 in Europe. It has over 2,400 participants annually and offers various MBA, executive, and company-specific programs. TiasNimbas aims to help develop responsible business leaders with a global mindset through its academically rigorous and business relevant programs. It has a growing international faculty and alumni network, and strives to be one of the top 15 business schools in Europe by 2015.
The document is a summary of a webinar about preparing a strong application package for business school. It discusses four parts: an introduction, a question and answer session with an alumni, how to build an application package, reviewing a real application package, and frequently asked questions. It provides information about two applicant profiles for HBS and INSEAD, including their experiences, career goals, and accomplishments. The document is written in Russian.
The document is a summary of a webinar about preparing a strong application package for an MBA program. It discusses the webinar agenda which includes a Q&A session, an overview of application components, a review of a sample application, and frequently asked questions. It also provides details about the profiles of sample applicants to Harvard Business School and INSEAD including their experiences, career goals, and accomplishments.
The document discusses a webinar about achieving a high score on the GMAT exam. It provides examples of quantitative and verbal questions similar to those on the GMAT and walks through the solutions. For the quantitative questions, it shows the step-by-step work to arrive at the correct answers. For the verbal questions, it explains why certain answer choices are correct based on information stated or implied in the passage or reasoning presented in the question. The document aims to give participants in the webinar practical tips and strategies for improving their GMAT scores.
Liz Riley Hargrove, Associate Dean for Admissions at Duke's Fuqua School of Business, discusses the ideal candidate for Duke and tips for the application and interview process. She notes Fuqua looks for candidates with career progression, strong interpersonal skills, academic preparedness, and fit for the school's culture. The application process involves independent evaluation by two committee members and a final decision. Admission tips include being authentic, equal consideration of all factors, and articulating your unique story. Interview preparation is advised, focusing on why Duke MBA, goals, and contributions.
8. 仂仂仄 仂 仆舒仄 于舒亢亠仆 于舒 亠亰仍舒速!油油亠 仗仂亟亞仂仂于从亳 从 IELTS 亳 TOEFLBritish Council IELTS Resources IETS Page IELTS Practice Learning Center IELTS Test Preparation for IELTS Preparation Hints Test Practice English - IELTS Reading Practice
9. 仂仂仄 仂 仆舒仄 于舒亢亠仆 于舒 亠亰仍舒速!油油亠 仗仂亟亞仂仂于从亳 从 IELTS 亳 TOEFLLearn4Good - 11 practice tests, 17 lessons, and a comprehensive vocabulary list.Get TOEFL油 - a daily practice quiz, sample TOEFL questions, a word wizard, and a free sample test.Good Luck TOEFL - an overview of the TOEFL as well as tools for practicing primary and secondary English skills. Exam English油 - online quizzes for the reading, listening, grammar, and vocabulary components of the TOEFL test.Test Prep Review油 grammar, reading comprehension, sentence correction, and writing.4 English Exams油 tips, computer-based tests, study material, and writing 油 vocabulary quizzes that can be used for studying purposes.VerbaLearn油 several tools for learning vocabulary, including MP3 review and video 油 practice tests for the GRE, GMAT, and TOEFL. TestMagic油 - online resources for GMAT, GRE, and TOEFL test takers.