Sometimes it is just as important to know what not to do as it is to know what to do. Ignoring Product Development will result in your business going away.
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If you ignore it, it will go Away (Product Development)
1. If you Ignore it, it will go away
By Steve Owens
Sometimes it is just as important to know what
not to do as it is to know what to do. Ignoring
Product Development will result in your
business going away.
2. This may seem like an obvious statement, but it
happens much more often to small companies
than it should and let me try to explain why.
Small companies have very long development
cycles. They are not in a hyper competitive
world - they are in a niche market.
3. In these types of companies, a product is
developed and then many years are focused on
manufacturing, marketing and servicing the
product. During this time, product development
is not important.
No one is going to spend capital to compete
with a niche product that just came on the
market as that would only erode margin.
4. However, just like the proverbial frog in the
slowly boiling pot of water, at some point it will
make sense to develop a new product.
As technology decreases cost, both
developmental and unit cost, the ROI from such
an investment gets more and more attractive.
5. Eventually, someone launches a more modern
product to the niche market, and almost
overnight, the old product stops selling.
The key is to make sure that someone is you.
6. I am not suggesting you drop everything and
start designing the next generation of product.
In niche markets, product life cycles are long, so
the likelihood that you need to develop a new
product this year is low.
However, the likelihood that you will need to
design a new product some year is 100%. So the
question is, is it this year?
7. Here are a few tips to help make the decision:
Set a time each year where product
development is formally analyzed. Not making a
decision (either yes or no) is a mistake. Half the
battle is just making sure a decision is made at
least once a year.
8. 2.
Determine the benefits of new technology.
Often, an enabling technology can have
substantive impact on niche markets.
These technologies come from industries
outside the niche market, so make sure you are
connected to technologist from other industries.
Work to keep your technology network as broad
as possible.
9. 3.
What are competitors doing - especially competitors from
tangential industries, as they often seem to come out of
What would a new development cost, and what would
the investment bring - that is, calculate the ROI of a new
investment and compare and plot the year to year
growth. By projecting the rate of growth in this ROI, you
can make a rough estimate of when the ROI will be
enough to justify the investment and plan for upcoming
cash burn.
10. 5.
Generate a Requirements Document and update
it each year. This can usually been done with
excess capacity in the organization, and can save
months of development schedule.
This will also force a discussion about how the
industry needs are changing, and how this
change affects the products requirements.
11. You can request a free Requirements Template
Finish Line has completed more than 1,500 projects
for 275+ companies, creating market- dominating
products by combining clients ideas and market
reach with our talents, team, and processes. We
can do the same for you.
Best Regards, Steve Owens