This document provides an assignment brief for a music video production project. The brief outlines the qualification level, units covered, start and deadline dates, and assessor's name. It then describes the purpose of the assignment to develop research, idea generation, script writing, and pre-production skills. The brief details 5 tasks involving analyzing music video conventions, generating ideas, creating a budget, writing a treatment and proposal, and drafting a script. Sources of information and sign off from the assessor are also included.
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Ig1 assignment brief
1. Assignment brief
Qualification Level 3 Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production
Unit 1:Pre-Production Techniques for the Creative Media Industries - Partial
Unit number and title Unit 22: Single Camera Techniques - Partial
Unit 29: Music Video Production- Partial
Start date Friday 7/09/2012
Deadline Monday 12/11/2012
Assessor name Iain Goodyear
The purpose of this assignment is to:
Develop your skills and technical code analysis of music videos.
Develop your ideas generation and research skills.
Familiarise you with script writing format and script drafting.
A crucial aspect of any media production is the understanding of how codes and conventions are used to
appeal to target audiences. For codes and conventions to be applied to the development/production of a
media product research must first be undertaken.
This process takes place early in the life cycle of a production and requires the development of a
detailed understanding of audio and visual conventions specific to genre or type, understanding of how
conventions appeal to target audiences and careful, detailed planning and careful consideration of
specific media production needs.
This assignment will require you to work individually and demonstrate that you understand how music
video styles, codes and conventions are used by media producers to appeal to the needs of specific
target audiences.
This assignment will also require you to generate detailed and varied ideas for a music video production
and produce pre-production documentation in the form of proposals, treatments, budgets and music
video scripts.
2. Tasks Grading Criteria Mapping
Task 1
Produce a comprehensive word-processedor voice recorded analysis of three Unit 22: P1/M1/D1
music videos. Unit 29: P1/M1/D1
Using subject specific terminology, you must gather moving images examples by Unit 29: P2/M2/D2
music genre (type of music video) and comment on how styles, techniques and
conventions have been used to appeal to target audiences.
You must also comprehensively explain in your analysis what purpose(s) your music
video examples will serve for artists and audiences.
Your examples must be from a range of music genres.
You must include video examples AND still images from your chosen films to
help illustrate your observations.
*Your examples and analysis must be uploaded to your IG1 assignment blog.
Task 2
Showing creativity and flair generate ideas for a music video production. Unit 1: P2/M2/D2
Unit 22: P2/M2/D2
These ideas can be presented in the form of sketches, hand drawn and digitally Unit 29: P3/M3/D3
produced mind maps, mood boards, images you have gathered or found
*All ideas generation must be uploaded to your IG1 assignment blog.
Task 3
Produce a report & a budget that outlines the specific requirements for a music Unit 1: P1/M1/D1
video production with supporting research & staff and equipment costs:
Describe what job roles will need staffing (director, camera person, sound
recording, lighting) and be able to define the job responsibilities of that
Equipment needed and daily costs (researched with links and equipment hire
company quotes)
Produce a budget expenditure spread sheet in Excel that outlines expenditure to a
budget of £4000 and what this will be spent on.
*Your budget and any company quotes & links must be evidenced on your IG1
Task 4
Showing creativity and flair produce a half a page proposal and 1 – 2 page Unit 1: P2/M2/D2
treatment of your music video idea. Unit 22: P2/M2/D2
This must be based on, and further develop some aspects of your ideas generation. Unit 29: P3/M3/D3
Your treatment must include information of:
Chosen music genre,
Target audience,
Target audience needs,
How you plan to meet target audience needs through style,
Comments relating to visual aesthetic and
Reference to influences with clear explanation of why they are an influence
3. to your idea.
*Your word-processed proposal and treatment must be uploaded to your IG1
assignment blog.
Task 5
Produce a music video script based on your developed music video idea to near Unit 22: P2/M2/D2
professional standards. Unit 29: P3/M3/D3
Your script must be a 3 to 5 page document.
Your script must contain clear scene headings, make specific reference to camera
shots and feature detailed action description with reference to person(s)
movements and setting.
*Your word-processed scripts must be uploaded to your IG1 assignment blog.
Sources of information
This brief has been verified as being fit for purpose
Iain Goodyear
4. Unit 1 Pre-Production Techniques for the Creative Media Industries (Level 3)
P1: outline requirements and sources M1: explain in some detail D1: comprehensively explain and
of requirements for a specific media and competently present present to a quality that reflects
production [IE] requirements and sources of near-professional standards fully
requirements for a specific media detailed requirements and sources of
production requirements for a specific media
P2: generate outline preproduction M2: generate competent,carefully D2: generate thoroughand
documentation for a specific media presented anddetailed pre- comprehensively detailed pre-
production with some assistance productiondocumentation for a productiondocumentation for a
specificmedia production with only specificmedia production, working
occasional assistance independently to
P3: apply pre-production M3: apply pre-production planning to D3: apply pre-production planning to
planning to a specific media a specific media production a specific media production to a
production working with some competently with only occasional quality that reflects near-professional
assistance. [TW, SM] assistance. standards, working independently to
professional expectations.
Unit 22 Single Camera Techniques (Level 3)
P1: describe the features of M1: explain the features of D1: comprehensively explain
singlecamera production withsome single camera productionwith thefeatures of single
appropriate use ofsubject reference to detailedillustrative cameraproduction with referenceto
terminology examples andwith generally correct elucidated examples andconsistently
use ofsubject terminology using subjectterminology correctly
P2: generate outline plans fora single M2: generate detailed ideas fora D2: generate thoroughly thought
camera productionworking within single camera productionshowing throughideas for a singlecamera
appropriateconventions and with some imaginationand with only production showingcreativity and flair
someassistance [CT] occasionalassistance andworking independently
toprofessional expectations
P3: produce a single M3: produce a single D3: produce a single
cameraproduction working cameraproduction to a goodtechnical cameraproduction to a
withinappropriate conventions standard showingsome imagination technicalquality that reflects near
andwith some assistance [SM] and withonly occasional assistance professionalstandards
showing creativity and flair
and working independently
to professional expectations
Unit 29Music Video Production (Level 3)
P1:describe the purposes of music M1: explain the purposes of music D1:comprehensively explain the
videos with some appropriate use of videos with reference to detailed purposes of music videos with
subject terminology illustrative examples and with elucidated examples and consistently
[IE] generally correct use of subject using subject terminology correctly
P2: describe the styles, conventions M2:explain the styles, conventions D2:comprehensively explain the
and techniques of music videos with and techniques of music videos with styles, conventions and
some appropriate use of subject reference to detailed illustrative techniques of music videos with
Terminology examples and with generally correct elucidated examples and consistently
[CT] use of subject terminology using subject terminology correctly
P3:originate and plan a music video M3:originate and plan a music video D3:originate and plan a music video
production for a specific music track production for a specific music track production for a
working within appropriate effectively showing some imagination specific music track to a technical
conventions with some assistance and with only occasional assistance quality that reflects near-professional
[CT] standards, showing creativity and flair
and working independently to
professional expectations
P4: work to complete production of a M4:work competently to complete D4:work to a technical quality that
music video working within production of a music video showing reflects near-professional standards to
appropriate conventions and with some imagination and with only complete production of a music video,
some assistance occasional assistance showing creativity and flair and
working independently to professional
:PLTS: This summary references where applicable, in the square brackets, the elements of the personal,learning and thinking skills applicable in the
pass criteria. It identifies opportunities for learners to demonstrateeffective application of the referenced elements of the skills.