This document provides an overview and summary of an event discussing Pope Francis' encyclical Laudato Si. The event was hosted by Ateneo Alumni and included a conversation on the overview and key points of Laudato Si, which calls on humanity to care for our common home. The encyclical examines how we can cultivate integral ecology and promotes ecological education and spirituality. The event also proposed 12 recommendations for prioritizing awareness, advocacy, personal and social commitments, and education reforms to better promote the encyclical's message.
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Ignatian festival laudato si
1. Ateneo Alumni Conversation
about Pope Francis
Green Encyclical
Ignatian Festival (July 15 August 15)
July 25, 2015 (Saturday), 1:00 5:30 PM
San Alberto Hurtado Hall, Social Development Complex
Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola Heights, Quezon City
5. Snapshot Overview of Laudato Si
Vatican City, 18 June 2015 (VIS) The following text offers an overview of the 191
pages of the Encyclical Laudato si' and its key points, along with a summary of each
of its six chapters What is happening to our common home, The Gospel of
Creation, The human roots of the ecological crisis, Integral ecology, Lines of
approach and action, and Ecological education and spirituality). The Encyclical
concludes with an interreligious prayer for our earth and a Christian prayer for
What kind of world do we want to leave to those who come after us, to children
who are now growing up?. This question is at the heart of Laudato si (May You be
praised), the anticipated Encyclical on the care of the common home by Pope
Francis. This question does not have to do with the environment alone and in
isolation; the issue cannot be approached piecemeal. This leads us to ask ourselves
about the meaning of existence and its values at the basis of social life: What is the
purpose of our life in this world? What is the goal of our work and all our efforts?
What need does the earth have of us? Unless we struggle with these deeper issues
says the Pope I do not believe that our concern for ecology will produce
significant results-.
The Encyclical takes its name from the invocation of St. Francis, Praise be to you,
my Lord, in his Canticle of the Creatures.
6. Conversation Recommendations
1. Prioritize actions on awareness/advocacy; Draft covenant on climate change
(e.g. 7 principles)
Present this covenant to national candidates to endorse/commit to incorporate
in their platforms
2. Clean up own litter during gatherings (personal commitment
3. Apostolate of social communications by echoing conversations thru tri-
4. Integration of envi/climate consciousness into the education/curriculum
(basic to tertiary)
5. Monitor tree-cutting permits issued by DENR
6. Green vote; green agenda; green candidates
7. Enhance ecological conversion thru re-celebration of the Liturgy
8. Mainstream ecology as a main ministry; not just a mere part of social
action/social ministry for better grass roots impact to ensure that the poor are
at the heart of the mission
9. Tayo na sa Antipolo
10. Deeper internal assessment; new dialogical facilitation incorporating
multiple discursive assertions
11. use of proper language to ensure understanding by end user (Filipino/lingua
franca/mother tongue)/); using the language of the people
12. Regular follow thru