Information for health care researchers on understanding the information landscape in which they can build their own "brand" through social media and more.
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IHPI scholars social media 2022pptx
1. Creating your
personal brand
Kara Gavin, M.S.
Michigan Medicine Dept. of Communication/IHPI Communications
Communicating your work through social media & more
as an early-career healthcare researcher
2. Who am I?
Michigan Medicine & IHPI Communication team
Trained in biology, science writing & journalism
25+ years experience communicating research
at U-M & Brookhaven National Lab
3. Find & tell stories in the areas I cover
Handle news media inquiries
Push stories & info out any way I can
Help researchers communicate directly
What do I do?
4. Why does U-M have staff like me?
Our institutions work should reach people who care
U-M expertise can have impact if it reaches the right people
Taxpayers & policymakers who fund research
need to know what theyre paying for
Most Americans need science/medicine translated
8. Your personal brand
NOT a logo
Must be built, over time
Comes from how you present yourself to the
worldand what people can find about you
Affects how people interact with you & your work
10. For 200 years
Information gatekeepers:
News media
Entertainment & publishing industry
Educators & librarians
Government agencies
Journalists as the fourth estate: a watchdog of society
Academic research as source of expertise & new knowledge
11. Last 20 years
Traditional news medias
gatekeeper & watchdog role has
eroded with its business model.
12. Institutions = news sources
Everyone = a publisher
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC
14. Institutions use these to amplify their
experts work
Brand journalism build & reinforce trust
Original stories, images, videos, podcasts & more
Built for search engine visibility & shareability
Social media to disseminate and engage
Fast response to questions & controversy
15. Michigan Medicine sites:
New stories daily
Research news & health advice
Aimed at professionals & public
Jump on timely news topics
Shared on web, social media & email
Optimized for search engine visibility
10.3M total views in FY22
(July 2021-June 2022)
16. Use what U-M creates
and what you create
to build your brand.
17. Key tools for you:
Facebook, Doximity, Reddit, Wikipedia, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok
Your profile on IHPI & department websites
18. Why spend the time?
Connect with others in your field & beyond
Raise the visibility of your work
Share new publications, news, observations, timely links
Engage with individuals/institutions around the globe
Get the most out of conferences & events
Raise awareness of what YOU are all about
19. Why else? Altmetrics!
Embedded in most papers
Tracks activity per DOI:
media coverage
social media activity
policy documents
Assigns a score/percentile
See whos engaging with your work
21. Your essentials
A robust professional web profile
An up-to-date LinkedIn profile
Google yourself & set up Google
alert for your name
Know the PR person for your area
Look at Altmetrics for your papers
22. Laying low
Lurk on Twitter & LinkedIn
Follow conference hashtags
Subscribe to Twitter lists
Join LinkedIn groups
Favorite some Reddit forums
23. Take it to the next level
Flesh out Twitter and LinkedIn bios
Include social links in email signature
Post about professional activities
Reach out to your PR person about
upcoming work or timely expertise
Write plain English blurbs on papers
25. Engage more fully
Share links/photos with your thoughts
Salute the work/achievements of others
Use LinkedIns Write an Article feature
Post slide sets on 際際滷Share
Be part of tweet chats, Reddit
discussions, Wikipedia editing, etc.
On your personal social media,
be a source of truth
26. Join
Platform to reach the public on timely topics
Commentaries by academics, aided by editors
Open copyright for republishing
Routinely republished by major media outlets
Easily shared via social media and the web
Authors can see data on views & republishing
27. Be careful of
Connecting with patients on social media
Getting too political/personal
Especially if you want to impact policy
Back opinions with published research
Engaging in debates/advocacy without
understanding the platform youre on
28. Where this can lead
Connect with others
Spread knowledge
Amplify your impact
Keep up with new ideas
& opportunities
Lend your voice
Get more from
your work
Build your brand
29. I challenge you
Venture onto social & web
Learn from others
See it as part of your career
Build your brand so
it doesnt get built for you!
31. More Resources
Joyce Lee, M.D.s 際際滷shares on social media:
Andrew Ibrahim, M.D.s Visual Abstract Primer
A list of IHPI members who tweet follow them & learn!
32. Still More Resources!
NIH Checklist for Communicating Science
and Health Research to the Public:
AAAS Center for Public Engagement with Science:
Health News Review: Health research communication: