With the help of this presentation, You will learn about the OS in a short and sweet manner.
This presentation will help you to revise of OS. You will also learn about types of OS in this presenatation.
2. What will we cover
What is operating Systems
• Linux
• Windows
• Apple
3. What is an Operating System ?
• An Operating System is a program that acts as an
intermediary/interface between a user of a computer
and the computer hardware.
• OS goals:
• Control/execute user/application programs.
• Make the computer system convenient to use.
• Ease the solving of user problems.
• Use the computer hardware in an efficient manner.
6. Boot Loader
• Booting is a process that starts operating systems when the user
turns on a computer system.
• A boot sequence is the initial set of operations that the computer
performs when it is switched on.
• The bootloader typically loads the main operating system for the
7. Functions of Operating Systems
• Provide a user interface
• Run programs
• Manage hardware devices
• Organized file storage
8. Types of Operating Systems
• Single user/Single tasking OS
• One user works on the system
• Performs one task at a time
• MS-DOS and Palm OS
• Take up little space on disk
• Run on inexpensive computers
9. Types of Operating Systems
• Single user/Multitasking OS
• User performs many tasks at once
• Most common form of OS
• Windows XP and OS X
10. Types of Operating Systems
• Multi user/Multitasking OS
• Many users connect to one computer
• Each user has a unique session
• UNIX, Linux, and VMS
• Maintenance can be easy
• Requires a powerful computer
11. UNIX Operating System
• Servers generally run on Linux or other Unix-like systems
• UNIX was designed as a Multi-User and Multi-Tasking OS
• Various Proprietary UNIX OS like IBM AIX, SUN Solaris, SGI
IRIX, HP HP-UX etc and public domain OS like various variants
of LINUX are available.
13. DOS (Disk Operating Systems)
• DOS consists of two parts, the kernel and the command.com which is the command
• The new Windows versions provide emulated DOS command interface (cmd).
15. Apple Operating System
• Apple introduced the Macintosh OS (Mac OS) in 1984 which
had a graphical user interface
• Apple OS was based on Unix (much like BSD Unix) and so it
has always been more robust and faster than windows.
16. Windows Operating System
• Microsoft first introduced an operating environment named Windows in November
1985 as an add-on to MS-DOS in response to the growing interest in graphical user
interfaces (GUIs). It was a 16 Bit OS running on top of DOS providing Multitasking
and GUI
• Windows 3.0 (1990) and Windows Workgroup 3.11 (1992) improved the design and
were 16/32 Bit OS. Windows 3.1 had Internet Explorer browser as a part of the OS.
• Later came Windows 95 (1995), Windows 98 (1998) and Windows ME (2000) which
were 32 Bit OS and used FAT File System and supported DOS also
17. How many OS are there in the market?
• Any Guess?
• https://udger.com/resources/ua-list/os