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About Indian Institute of
Technology Kanpur
Prepared by:
Mrs. Avanti Joshi
Office of Research & Development
10th January 2013
Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs)
 IITs are a group of fifteen
autonomous engineering and
technology oriented institutes of
higher education established and
declared as Institutes of National
Importance by the Parliament of
 IITs were created to train scientists
and engineers, with the aim of
developing a skilled workforce to
support the economic and social
development of India after
independence in 1947.
 History of the IIT system dates back
to 1946 when Sir Jogendra Singh of
the Viceroys Executive Council set
up a committee whose task was to
consider the creation of Higher
Technical Institutions for post-war
industrial development in India.
History (Cont.)
 The Sarkar committee recommended
establishment of IITs in various parts
of India, affiliated to secondary
institutions with the aim of producing
not just undergraduates, but
researchers and academicians.
 These institutes were expected to
maintain high educational standards.
Original IITs
1. As a step towards this
direction, the first IIT was
established in 1951, in
Kharagpur (near
Kolkata) in the state of
West Bengal.
2. IIT Bombay was
founded in 1958 at
Powai, Mumbai with
assistance from
UNESCO and the
Soviet Union, which
provided technical
3. IIT Madras is located in the city of
Chennai in Tamil Nadu. It was
established in 1959 with technical
assistance from the Government of
West Germany.
4. IIT Kanpur was established in 1959
in the city of Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh.
During its first 10 years, IIT Kanpur
benefited from the KanpurIndo-
American Programme (KIAP),
where a consortium of nine US
universities. Under the program,
faculty members from these
Institutions assisted the Institute in
the setting up of the academic
programs and development of
5. Established as the College of
Engineering in 1961, located in
Hauz Khas was renamed as IIT
6. IIT Guwahati
was established in
1994 near the city
of Guwahati
(Assam) on the
northen banks of
the Brahmaputra
7. IIT Roorkee, originally known as the
University of Roorkee, was
established in 1847 as the first
engineering college of the British
Empire. Located in Uttarakhand, the
college was renamed The Thomson
College of Civil Engineering in
1854. It became first technical
university of India in 1949 and was
renamed University of Roorkee
which was included in the IIT
system in 2001.
New IITs
 Steps are being taken to setup eight
more IITs in the following States:
Bihar (Patna)
Rajasthan (Jodhpur)
Andhra Pradesh (Hyderabad)
Himachal Pradesh (Mandi)
Orissa (Bhubaneshwar)
Madhya Pradesh (Indore)
Gujarat (Gandhinagar)
Punjab (Ropar)
Organizational Structure Click for
 Admission to undergraduate B.Tech.,
M.Sc., and dual degree (BT-MT)
programs are through IIT Joint
Entrance Examination (JEE).
Admission (cont.)
 Admission to most of the
postgraduate courses in IITs is
granted through various written
entrance examinations: GATE (for
M.Tech.), JAM (for M.Sc.) and CEED
(for M.Des.).
Admission (cont.)
 The admission for the Ph.D. program
is based primarily on a personal
interview, though candidates may
also have to appear for written tests.
 IITs receive large grants compared to
other engineering colleges in India.
The amount varies between Rs.
9001,300 million per year for each
IIT. Other sources of funds include
student fees and research funding
from governmental agencies and the
private industry.
Features (cont.)
 The availability of resources has
translated into superior infrastructure
and qualified faculty in the IITs and
consequently higher competition
among students to gain admissions
into the IITs.
 The various IITs function
autonomously, and their special status
as Institutes of National Importance
facilitates the smooth running of IITs,
virtually free from both regional as
well as student politics.
Features (cont.)
Features (cont.)
 IITs can create their own curricula
and adapt rapidly to the changes in
educational requirements, free from
bureaucratic hurdles.
Features (cont.)
 The government has no direct control
over internal policy decisions of IITs
(such as faculty recruitment) but has
representation on the IIT Council.
Features (cont.)
 The academic policies, teaching,
training and research activities of
each IIT are reviewed by its Senate
to maintain the highest standards.
The senate comprises all
professors of the Institute and
student representatives.
Features (cont.)
 We follow the credit system of
performance evaluation, with
proportional weighting of courses
based on their importance. Relative
grading is preferred by considering
the overall performance of the class.
Features (cont.)
 All over, IIT degrees are respected,
largely due to the prestige created by
very successful alumni.
Achievements by the community
1. Padma Vibhushan
2. Padmashree
3. S. S. Bhatnagar (more than ten in number)
4. Reserve Bank of India (RBI) governor
5. Fellowship of Indian Academy of Engineering
6. Fellowship of Indian Academy of Science
7. Fellowship of National Academy of Science
8. Humboldt and JSPS Fellowships
Achievements by the alumni
8. Founder of Infosys
9. Director, IISc Bangalore
10. Chief Scientific Advisor, Prime Minister of India
11. Chevalier De La Legion D'Honneur of France
12. Top positions in different industries through out
the world
Success story
 Other factors contributing to the success
of IITs are stringent faculty recruitment
procedures and industry collaboration.
 This combination of success factors has
led to the concept of the IIT Brand.
Success story (cont.)
 IIT brand was reaffirmed when the
United States House of
Representatives passed a resolution
honouring Indian Americans and
especially graduates of IIT for their
contributions to the American society.
 Similarly, China also recognised the
value of IITs and has planned to
replicate the model.
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
 Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur is
one of the premier institutions
established in 1959 by the Government
of India.
IITK (Cont.)
 The aim of the Institute is to provide
meaningful education, to conduct
original research of the highest
standard and to provide leadership in
technological innovation for the
industrial growth of the country.
 The first Director of the Institute was
Dr. P. K. Kelkar (after whom the
Central Library was named in 2002).
 Under the guidance of eminent
economist John Kenneth Galbraith,
IIT Kanpur was the first Institute in
India to start Computer Science
 The Institute now has its own
residential campus spread over 420
hectors of land.
IITK (Cont.)
 Undergraduate 3679
 Postgraduate 2039
 Ph.D. 1064
 Faculty 351
 Research Staff 30
 Supporting Staff 900
 Alumni 26900
Board of Governors
1. Professor M. Anandakrishnan, Chairman
2. Professor Indranil Manna, Director
3. Shri Harsh Manglik, IIT Council Nominee
4. Shri Irshad Mirza, IIT Council Nominee
5. Dr. Arup Kumar Raychaudhuri, IIT Council Nominee
6. Prof. E D Jemmis, IIT Council Nominee
7. Professor Ram Singh Nirjar, UP Government Nominee
8. Professor Neeraj Misra , Senate Nominee
9. Professor S N Singh, Senate Nominee
10. Dr. Rakesh Kumar Sachan , Secretary to BOG, IITK
Offices of Deans
 Dean of Student Affairs: is
responsible for all facets of student
life at the Institute.
 Dean of Academic Affairs: handles
the entire work related to Academic
 Dean of Faculty Affairs: is responsible
for recruitment and promotion of the
IITK faculty and scientific/research
Offices of Deans
 Dean of Resource Planning &
Generation: is responsible for Alumni
Affairs, International Relations and
Resource Mobilization.
 Dean of Research & Development: is
responsible for providing specialized
administrative and managerial support
for the operation of all research &
development activities of the Institute.
 Sciences: Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics &
 Engineering: Aerospace, Bio-Sciences and
Bioengineering, Chemical, Civil, Computer
Science & Engineering, Electrical, Industrial &
Management Engineering, Mechanical, Material
Science & Engineering
 Humanities and Social Sciences
 Interdisciplinary: Environmental Engineering &
Management, Laser Technology, Master of Design,
Materials Science Programme, Nuclear
Research Centers
 Center for Environmental Science & Engineering
 Prabhu Goel Research Center for Computer and Internet
 National Information Center of Earthquake Engineering
 Advanced Center for Materials Science (ACMS)
 DST Unit on Nanosciences
 BSNL-IITK Telecom Center of
 Center for Mechatronics
 Center for Laser Technology (CELT)
 SAMTEL Center for Display Technology
 Advanced Center for Electronic Systems (ACES)
 Syndicate Bank Entrepreneurship Research and Training
Innovation and Incubation
 The Institute established SIDBI Innovation and
Incubation Center (SIIC) to foster innovation, research,
and entrepreneurial activities in technology-based
 SIIC provides a platform for start-ups by prospective
entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs to convert their
innovative ideas into commercially viable products.
SIIC also provides services related to patenting and
commercialization activities.
 For more details visit
 During the year 2011-12, 13 national patents (2 design
patents) were filed and 3 technologies were licensed
for commercialization.
 Over the years, 140 Indian, 18 international and 5
Office of Research & Development
 The focus is on:
Basic research from micro to macro
levels involving processes and
Providing leadership in energy
technologies, communication
systems, materials, and
environmental engineering.
Enhancing collaborative research
with academic institutes and
 It facilitates interaction with external
agencies, both national and
 It provides a creative atmosphere in
research and development activities
of the Institute.
Office of Research & Development
 The Institute funds initiation grants to
new faculty members.
 Workshops on cutting edge topics are
held in the Institute.
 Several Memoranda of Understanding
with Indian as well as international
academic/research institutions and
industries are signed to strengthen its
collaborative research efforts.
Office of Research & Development
Initiatives by the Office
 Organize series of annual symposium
(REACH) to showcase the ongoing
research on campus and promote
interdisciplinary research and interaction
amongst faculty members, students and
research staff of the Institute.
 Under CARE scheme, research grant is
provided for purchase of major research
equipment in areas of research where a
long-felt need exists or for new thrust
areas of research.
 Organize institute lectures on topics
of general interest delivered be
distinguished personnel with
outstanding achievements.
 The mission involves partnership
with external agencies in
development and marketing of
technologies and products through
technology transfer.
Initiatives (Cont.)
Research output
 Doctoral and
masters students
 Patents (products)
Unique facilities
 National Wind Tunnel Facility
 6-rack Real Time Digital Simulation (RTDS)
 Upcoming Pseudo-Dynamic (PsD)
 Engine Research Lab
 Focused Ion Beam (FIB) System
Single Cylinder Optical Research
Engine Facility
Pseudo-Dynamic Testing Facility FIB
Funding Agencies
DST (Department of Science and Technology)
DRDO (defence)
AR&DB (aerospace)
MNES (energy)
MIT (information technology)
BRNS (nuclear)
DOE (electronics)
ISRO (space; space technology cell)
Some of our current Industrial
 Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd.
 Unilever Industries Private Ltd.
 Boeing, USA
 Thermax Ltd.
 Tata Steel Nederland Technology BV
 Samsung India Software Operations Pvt. Ltd.
 Procter & Gamble Company, USA
 GE India Technology Centre Pvt. Ltd.
 Honda R&D Co. Ltd., Japan
 Intel Technology Ltd.
 Chevron USA
 Pratt & Whitney Canada Corporation, Canada
Student Research
 Abhyast (with Boeing): Undergraduates
students designed an Unmanned Ground
Vehicle (UGV) that could successfully perform
simple path planning and obstacle avoidance.
 Jugnu: Indias first nanosatellite developed by
students under guidance of faculty members at
the Institute and scientists from ISRO
 NERD (www.iitk.ac.in/nerd): A campus
magazine meant for providing students a
platform to share the excitement of science and
 Promotion of Work Experience and Research:
Student body aiming at promoting student
ideas and a culture of student led technical
projects by providing work-experience
A viewpoint
We would like to support
research projects.
Academic and other collaborations
 Politecnico Di Torino, Italia
 University of Waterloo, Canada
 UT At San Antonio, Texas, USA
 California Institute of Technology, USA
 National University of Singapore, Singapore
 Rice University, USA
 Ecole Polytechnique, France
 University of Melbourne, Australia
 University of Kansas, USA
 Waseda University, Japan
 University of Tokyo, Japan
 Nanyang Technological Technology, Singapore
International Relations
 A successful program of student
exchange and academic cooperation
with a group of German universities
jointly with other IITs under the
sponsorship of DAAD.
Mission Statement
 IITK would like to reckoned as an
international technological university by
pursuing the following two-track
Continue to hold top ranking for
undergraduate and postgraduate
Reach a status of a tier 1 research
university on the world
Mr. Mohammad Shakeel
Deputy Registrar
Office of Research & Development (http://www.iitk.ac.in/dord/)
IIT Kanpur
Tel. :+91-512-2597385 (Office)
Fax: +91-512-259 0260
E-mail: shakeel@iitk.ac.in ; drdord@iitk.ac.in
Thank you.

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  • 1. About Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur Prepared by: Mrs. Avanti Joshi Office of Research & Development 10th January 2013
  • 2. Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) IITs are a group of fifteen autonomous engineering and technology oriented institutes of higher education established and declared as Institutes of National Importance by the Parliament of India.
  • 3. IITs were created to train scientists and engineers, with the aim of developing a skilled workforce to support the economic and social development of India after independence in 1947.
  • 4. History History of the IIT system dates back to 1946 when Sir Jogendra Singh of the Viceroys Executive Council set up a committee whose task was to consider the creation of Higher Technical Institutions for post-war industrial development in India.
  • 5. History (Cont.) The Sarkar committee recommended establishment of IITs in various parts of India, affiliated to secondary institutions with the aim of producing not just undergraduates, but researchers and academicians. These institutes were expected to maintain high educational standards.
  • 6. Original IITs 1. As a step towards this direction, the first IIT was established in 1951, in Kharagpur (near Kolkata) in the state of West Bengal.
  • 7. 2. IIT Bombay was founded in 1958 at Powai, Mumbai with assistance from UNESCO and the Soviet Union, which provided technical expertise.
  • 8. 3. IIT Madras is located in the city of Chennai in Tamil Nadu. It was established in 1959 with technical assistance from the Government of West Germany.
  • 9. 4. IIT Kanpur was established in 1959 in the city of Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. During its first 10 years, IIT Kanpur benefited from the KanpurIndo- American Programme (KIAP), where a consortium of nine US universities. Under the program, faculty members from these Institutions assisted the Institute in the setting up of the academic programs and development of laboratories.
  • 10. 5. Established as the College of Engineering in 1961, located in Hauz Khas was renamed as IIT Delhi. 6. IIT Guwahati was established in 1994 near the city of Guwahati (Assam) on the northen banks of the Brahmaputra River.
  • 11. 7. IIT Roorkee, originally known as the University of Roorkee, was established in 1847 as the first engineering college of the British Empire. Located in Uttarakhand, the college was renamed The Thomson College of Civil Engineering in 1854. It became first technical university of India in 1949 and was renamed University of Roorkee which was included in the IIT system in 2001.
  • 12. New IITs Steps are being taken to setup eight more IITs in the following States: Bihar (Patna) Rajasthan (Jodhpur) Andhra Pradesh (Hyderabad) Himachal Pradesh (Mandi) Orissa (Bhubaneshwar) Madhya Pradesh (Indore) Gujarat (Gandhinagar) Punjab (Ropar)
  • 14. Admission to undergraduate B.Tech., M.Sc., and dual degree (BT-MT) programs are through IIT Joint Entrance Examination (JEE). Admission
  • 15. Admission (cont.) Admission to most of the postgraduate courses in IITs is granted through various written entrance examinations: GATE (for M.Tech.), JAM (for M.Sc.) and CEED (for M.Des.).
  • 16. Admission (cont.) The admission for the Ph.D. program is based primarily on a personal interview, though candidates may also have to appear for written tests.
  • 17. IITs receive large grants compared to other engineering colleges in India. The amount varies between Rs. 9001,300 million per year for each IIT. Other sources of funds include student fees and research funding from governmental agencies and the private industry. Features
  • 18. Features (cont.) The availability of resources has translated into superior infrastructure and qualified faculty in the IITs and consequently higher competition among students to gain admissions into the IITs.
  • 19. The various IITs function autonomously, and their special status as Institutes of National Importance facilitates the smooth running of IITs, virtually free from both regional as well as student politics. Features (cont.)
  • 20. Features (cont.) IITs can create their own curricula and adapt rapidly to the changes in educational requirements, free from bureaucratic hurdles.
  • 21. Features (cont.) The government has no direct control over internal policy decisions of IITs (such as faculty recruitment) but has representation on the IIT Council.
  • 22. Features (cont.) The academic policies, teaching, training and research activities of each IIT are reviewed by its Senate to maintain the highest standards. The senate comprises all professors of the Institute and student representatives.
  • 23. Features (cont.) We follow the credit system of performance evaluation, with proportional weighting of courses based on their importance. Relative grading is preferred by considering the overall performance of the class.
  • 24. Features (cont.) All over, IIT degrees are respected, largely due to the prestige created by very successful alumni.
  • 25. Achievements by the community 1. Padma Vibhushan 2. Padmashree 3. S. S. Bhatnagar (more than ten in number) 4. Reserve Bank of India (RBI) governor 5. Fellowship of Indian Academy of Engineering 6. Fellowship of Indian Academy of Science 7. Fellowship of National Academy of Science 8. Humboldt and JSPS Fellowships
  • 26. Achievements by the alumni 8. Founder of Infosys 9. Director, IISc Bangalore 10. Chief Scientific Advisor, Prime Minister of India 11. Chevalier De La Legion D'Honneur of France 12. Top positions in different industries through out the world
  • 27. Success story Other factors contributing to the success of IITs are stringent faculty recruitment procedures and industry collaboration. This combination of success factors has led to the concept of the IIT Brand.
  • 28. Success story (cont.) IIT brand was reaffirmed when the United States House of Representatives passed a resolution honouring Indian Americans and especially graduates of IIT for their contributions to the American society. Similarly, China also recognised the value of IITs and has planned to replicate the model.
  • 29. Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur is one of the premier institutions established in 1959 by the Government of India.
  • 30. IITK (Cont.) The aim of the Institute is to provide meaningful education, to conduct original research of the highest standard and to provide leadership in technological innovation for the industrial growth of the country. The first Director of the Institute was Dr. P. K. Kelkar (after whom the Central Library was named in 2002).
  • 31. Under the guidance of eminent economist John Kenneth Galbraith, IIT Kanpur was the first Institute in India to start Computer Science education. The Institute now has its own residential campus spread over 420 hectors of land. IITK (Cont.)
  • 32. Statistics Undergraduate 3679 Postgraduate 2039 Ph.D. 1064 Faculty 351 Research Staff 30 Supporting Staff 900 Alumni 26900
  • 33. Board of Governors 1. Professor M. Anandakrishnan, Chairman 2. Professor Indranil Manna, Director 3. Shri Harsh Manglik, IIT Council Nominee 4. Shri Irshad Mirza, IIT Council Nominee 5. Dr. Arup Kumar Raychaudhuri, IIT Council Nominee 6. Prof. E D Jemmis, IIT Council Nominee 7. Professor Ram Singh Nirjar, UP Government Nominee 8. Professor Neeraj Misra , Senate Nominee 9. Professor S N Singh, Senate Nominee 10. Dr. Rakesh Kumar Sachan , Secretary to BOG, IITK
  • 34. Offices of Deans Dean of Student Affairs: is responsible for all facets of student life at the Institute. Dean of Academic Affairs: handles the entire work related to Academic Section. Dean of Faculty Affairs: is responsible for recruitment and promotion of the IITK faculty and scientific/research
  • 35. Offices of Deans Dean of Resource Planning & Generation: is responsible for Alumni Affairs, International Relations and Resource Mobilization. Dean of Research & Development: is responsible for providing specialized administrative and managerial support for the operation of all research & development activities of the Institute.
  • 36. Departments Sciences: Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics & Statistics Engineering: Aerospace, Bio-Sciences and Bioengineering, Chemical, Civil, Computer Science & Engineering, Electrical, Industrial & Management Engineering, Mechanical, Material Science & Engineering Humanities and Social Sciences Interdisciplinary: Environmental Engineering & Management, Laser Technology, Master of Design, Materials Science Programme, Nuclear
  • 37. Research Centers Center for Environmental Science & Engineering Prabhu Goel Research Center for Computer and Internet Security National Information Center of Earthquake Engineering Advanced Center for Materials Science (ACMS) DST Unit on Nanosciences BSNL-IITK Telecom Center of Excellence Center for Mechatronics Center for Laser Technology (CELT) SAMTEL Center for Display Technology Advanced Center for Electronic Systems (ACES) Syndicate Bank Entrepreneurship Research and Training Center
  • 38. Innovation and Incubation The Institute established SIDBI Innovation and Incubation Center (SIIC) to foster innovation, research, and entrepreneurial activities in technology-based areas. SIIC provides a platform for start-ups by prospective entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs to convert their innovative ideas into commercially viable products. SIIC also provides services related to patenting and commercialization activities. For more details visit http://www.iitk.ac.in/siic/index.html During the year 2011-12, 13 national patents (2 design patents) were filed and 3 technologies were licensed for commercialization. Over the years, 140 Indian, 18 international and 5
  • 39. Office of Research & Development The focus is on: Basic research from micro to macro levels involving processes and products. Providing leadership in energy technologies, communication systems, materials, and environmental engineering. Enhancing collaborative research with academic institutes and industry.
  • 40. It facilitates interaction with external agencies, both national and international. It provides a creative atmosphere in research and development activities of the Institute. Office of Research & Development
  • 41. The Institute funds initiation grants to new faculty members. Workshops on cutting edge topics are held in the Institute. Several Memoranda of Understanding with Indian as well as international academic/research institutions and industries are signed to strengthen its collaborative research efforts. Office of Research & Development
  • 42. Initiatives by the Office Organize series of annual symposium (REACH) to showcase the ongoing research on campus and promote interdisciplinary research and interaction amongst faculty members, students and research staff of the Institute. Under CARE scheme, research grant is provided for purchase of major research equipment in areas of research where a long-felt need exists or for new thrust areas of research.
  • 43. Organize institute lectures on topics of general interest delivered be distinguished personnel with outstanding achievements. The mission involves partnership with external agencies in development and marketing of technologies and products through technology transfer. Initiatives (Cont.)
  • 44. Research output Doctoral and masters students Publications (journals, monographs, conferences) Patents (products)
  • 45. Unique facilities National Wind Tunnel Facility 6-rack Real Time Digital Simulation (RTDS) Upcoming Pseudo-Dynamic (PsD) Engine Research Lab Focused Ion Beam (FIB) System Single Cylinder Optical Research Engine Facility Pseudo-Dynamic Testing Facility FIB
  • 46. Funding Agencies National DST (Department of Science and Technology) DBT DRDO (defence) AR&DB (aerospace) MCIT MNES (energy) MEF MIT (information technology) BRNS (nuclear) DOE (electronics) CSIR ISRO (space; space technology cell)
  • 47. Some of our current Industrial Partners Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. Unilever Industries Private Ltd. Boeing, USA Thermax Ltd. Tata Steel Nederland Technology BV Samsung India Software Operations Pvt. Ltd. Procter & Gamble Company, USA GE India Technology Centre Pvt. Ltd. Honda R&D Co. Ltd., Japan Intel Technology Ltd. Chevron USA Pratt & Whitney Canada Corporation, Canada
  • 48. Student Research Abhyast (with Boeing): Undergraduates students designed an Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) that could successfully perform simple path planning and obstacle avoidance. Jugnu: Indias first nanosatellite developed by students under guidance of faculty members at the Institute and scientists from ISRO NERD (www.iitk.ac.in/nerd): A campus magazine meant for providing students a platform to share the excitement of science and technology. Promotion of Work Experience and Research: Student body aiming at promoting student ideas and a culture of student led technical projects by providing work-experience opportunities.
  • 49. A viewpoint We would like to support inter-disciplinary inter-departmental inter-institutional research projects.
  • 50. Academic and other collaborations Politecnico Di Torino, Italia University of Waterloo, Canada UT At San Antonio, Texas, USA California Institute of Technology, USA National University of Singapore, Singapore Rice University, USA Ecole Polytechnique, France University of Melbourne, Australia University of Kansas, USA Waseda University, Japan University of Tokyo, Japan Nanyang Technological Technology, Singapore
  • 51. International Relations A successful program of student exchange and academic cooperation with a group of German universities jointly with other IITs under the sponsorship of DAAD.
  • 52. Mission Statement IITK would like to reckoned as an international technological university by pursuing the following two-track approach: Continue to hold top ranking for undergraduate and postgraduate education. Reach a status of a tier 1 research university on the world stage.
  • 53. Contact Mr. Mohammad Shakeel Deputy Registrar Office of Research & Development (http://www.iitk.ac.in/dord/) IIT Kanpur Tel. :+91-512-2597385 (Office) Fax: +91-512-259 0260 E-mail: shakeel@iitk.ac.in ; drdord@iitk.ac.in