1) The document is an IJCA copyright form that transfers copyright of a submitted work to IJCA upon acceptance for publication.
2) It allows the author/employer to retain certain rights like reusing portions of the work and posting author-prepared versions online for noncommercial use.
3) The author warrants that they are the sole copyright owner, or authorized agent, of the work submitted and have obtained permission for any third-party material included.
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Ijca copyright form
1. IJCA Copyright Form
Title of Work:
Copyright to the above work (including without limitation, the right to publish the work in whole or
in part in any and all forms of media, now or hereafter known) is hereby transferred to the IJCA
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4. The right to post author-prepared versions of the work covered by IJCA copyright in a
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Authors should understand that consistent with IJCA's policy of encouraging dissemination of
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Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA
244 5th Avenue, # 1526, New York, NY 10001, USA
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I hereby warrant that I am the sole owner (or authorized agent of the copyright
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This certifies that the above author(s) wrote the paper (a) as part of work as government
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E. Document Identifier
This document is identified by a bar code. Kindly do not remove or modify the bar code.
F. arXiv Collaboration
International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA) supports the arXiv program of the Cornell
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electronic archive and distribution server for research articles. Covered areas include physics,
mathematics, computer science, nonlinear sciences, quantitative biology and statistics. arXiv is
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The IJCA copyright arrangements allow Cornell University Library non-exclusive and irrevocable
license to distribute or certify that the work is available under IJCA license that conveys these
Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA
244 5th Avenue, # 1526, New York, NY 10001, USA