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Robb MontgomeryThe Smartphone Newsroom
Cardi鍖cation" of
news is a standard
story form
expectation for
mobile consumers.
And they expect to
be able to interact
with the information
in smart ways.
MSNBC Spectra Visual Newsreader
Robb MontgomeryThe Smartphone Newsroom
Robb MontgomeryThe Smartphone Newsroom
Story cards
Vertical presentation of
stories and information
that take advantage of
high quality screens in
the hands of mobile
Robb MontgomeryThe Smartphone Newsroom
Robb MontgomeryThe Smartphone Newsroom
Consumers are Mobile First
While mobile is often referred to as
the second screen, the reality is that
smartphones are really the 鍖rst
screen among connected consumers.
They are always within reach.
They are the 鍖rst place consumers go
to communicate, research and share.
B. Solis  Ad Age
Robb MontgomeryThe Smartphone Newsroom
Robb MontgomeryThe Smartphone Newsroom
Robb MontgomeryThe Smartphone Newsroom
Content moves 
to where audiences gather
Snap Chat Discover
Robb MontgomeryThe Smartphone Newsroom
Ask yourself: What
does a mobile
consumer expect from
a typical story? Mobile
news and information
consumers expect
engagement with
Robb MontgomeryThe Smartphone Newsroom
There is a design
language for mobile
Robb MontgomeryThe Smartphone Newsroom
Mobile is not a bolt-on service
If publishers and marketers are going
to succeed with mobile, they will have
to adapt to the noti鍖cation, alert,
subscription, and personalization
behaviors that only purpose-built
mobile-only can deliver.
- Robb Montgomery
Robb MontgomeryThe Smartphone Newsroom
The news of now
Ijf15 The smartphone newsroom - Robb Montgomery
Robb MontgomeryThe Smartphone Newsroom
Vertical video
Split the screen to show
multiple angles.
Literally, cant even 
on Snapchat
Robb MontgomeryThe Smartphone Newsroom
Vertical video
You can hack the display
to provide multiple
windows to content.
Ijf15 The smartphone newsroom - Robb Montgomery
Ijf15 The smartphone newsroom - Robb Montgomery
Ijf15 The smartphone newsroom - Robb Montgomery
Robb MontgomeryThe Smartphone Newsroom
Vertical video
Reduce the motion in
vertical video to keep
your viewers from
Robb MontgomeryThe Smartphone Newsroom
Vertical video
Let events unfold in
front of the camera.
Best if any motion is
small in relation to the
full frame.
Robb MontgomeryThe Smartphone Newsroom
Vertical video
Smooth motion is best.
Focus on unique visuals
that surprise and
reward the viewer.
Ijf15 The smartphone newsroom - Robb Montgomery
Ijf15 The smartphone newsroom - Robb Montgomery
Robb MontgomeryThe Smartphone Newsroom
30 seconds
Can you tell a story 
in 30 seconds?
Robb MontgomerySmart Film School
Cut a 30-second video and upload from the camera roll to Twitter in widescreen.
Robb MontgomeryThe Smartphone Newsroom
Robb MontgomeryMake Smartphone Video Like a Pro Robb Montgomery
One reporter,
one iPad, one story.
Robb MontgomeryMake Smartphone Video Like a Pro Robb Montgomery
Bicycle cam!
Robb MontgomeryThe Smartphone Newsroom
Multimedia report
30 second video clips
Photo galleries
Robb MontgomeryThe Smartphone Newsroom
Storehouse + Twitter
By posting an image with a
Tweet, my Storehouse story
became a story card that
was widely shared.
Robb MontgomeryMake Smartphone Video Like a Pro Robb Montgomery
Robb MontgomeryMake Smartphone Video Like a Pro Robb Montgomery
News story
Shot sizes
Sound bites
Natural sounds
Robb MontgomeryMake Smartphone Video Like a Pro Robb Montgomery
Press conference soundbites captured with Android smartphone..
Make Smartphone Video Like a Pro Robb Montgomery
What storytellers need to know
Master the shot patterns
and sizes that build visual
Discover how to get great
soundbites and work with
interview subjects.
Improve story planning,
script writing and on-
camera pieces.
Produce all of the elements
with an iPad or iPhone.
Robb MontgomeryMake Smartphone Video Like a Pro Robb Montgomery
MOJO gear
IPhone 6+
UnigripPro mount
Luxpad 22 lamp
K&M desktop stand
Miniball head
Shotgun mic w/ dead cat
iRig Pro preamp
Robb MontgomeryMake Smartphone Video Like a Pro Robb Montgomery
What sequences do
Compress time
Create suspense
Change location
Introduce new idea
Introduce new subject
Show a process
Make Smartphone Video Like a Pro Robb Montgomery
Gathering interview sound bites
Shot size
Eye level
Robb MontgomeryMake Smartphone Video Like a Pro Robb Montgomery
Log and capture
Best soundbites
Best shots
Best sounds
Most compelling facts
Robb MontgomeryMake Smartphone Video Like a Pro Robb Montgomery
the clips into
a shot list
Robb MontgomeryMake Smartphone Video Like a Pro Robb Montgomery
Establish scene
Robb Montgomery
A MOJO school in your pocket.
Robb Montgomery
Self-directed courses can be
taken in as little as 45 minutes.
Structured learning makes it
easy to 鍖nd and focus on the
tasks at hand.
The lessons are always on
your phone.
These new
courses are being
used to train
at CNN and 
The New York
Times in mobile
Robb Montgomery
The Smart Film School is a collection of certi鍖cate courses that teach 鍖lmmaking,
video journalism, content marketing and mobile journalism to professionals.
Course packs with lessons in:
Mobile 鍖lming and editing fundamentals
Multimedia stories and apps
Video content marketing
Gear and apps for mobile journalism
Mobile reporting methods
Interview techniques
Script writing
Narration and piece-to camera
Multimedia content creation
Story planning and scripting
Video editing
Ijf15 The smartphone newsroom - Robb Montgomery
Robb Montgomery
Design your own course
We have several clients who are choosing to build their
own courses from our library of more than 125 lessons.
Site license pricing makes your custom training program
Make Smartphone Video Like a Pro Robb Montgomery
Retooling the newsroom
If many of your reporters are able to work in the 鍖eld, 
then who should be working in the newsroom?
 Social media teams
 Data teams
 Mobile rewrite desk
 Video editors
 Audience researchers
 Video graphics
 Picture editors
 Video presenters/ hosts
 Studio staff
 Event staff
The S.M.A.R.T. Media Lab is built for mobile production.
Robb MontgomeryMake Smartphone Video Like a Pro Robb Montgomery
S.M.A.R.T. media lab
The mobile-鍖rst newsroom
Robb MontgomeryMake Smartphone Video Like a Pro Robb Montgomery
Robb MontgomeryMake Smartphone Video Like a Pro Robb Montgomery
S.M.A.R.T. media lab
Robb MontgomeryMake Smartphone Video Like a Pro Robb Montgomery
S.M.A.R.T. media lab
Robb MontgomeryMake Smartphone Video Like a Pro Robb Montgomery
S.M.A.R.T. media lab
The MOJO pyramid
Three levels of mobile reporting
The MOJO pyramid
VJs - Highly skilled, solo 鍖eld
reporters with specialized gear
and the most demanding
Specialists - Dedicated to
producing one story form 
at professional level with
dedicated gear.
Generalists - Field reporters
producing a range of
multimedia assets using
common mobile devices.
By Robb Montgomery
The MOJO pyramid
Video journalists are the
James Bond of MOJOs.
They have all the skills and can
function by themselves.
VJs can shoot, report, write,
edit and 鍖le from anywhere.
VJs use a range of lightweight,
high quality devices and
accessories to deliver 鍖nished
packages with high production
The MOJO pyramid
VJs can 鍖le in-depth, original
鍖lms, reporters notebooks,
behind the scenes, and social
media updates to keep an
audience glued to the
subjects they are there to
They can be parachuted into
con鍖icts like BILD and RTE
Ireland do with theirVJs.
Turkeys SOMA mine disaster by
@Claas_Weinmann for BILD. de
Make Smartphone Video Like a Pro Robb Montgomery
First, some questions
How do we plan coverage?
What assignments make sense?
How do we plan swarming
scenarios for our 鍖eld
What goals should we set for
mobile reporting?
What expertise do we look
for in new recruits?
What new knowledge do
chief editors need 
to have?
Make Smartphone Video Like a Pro Robb Montgomery
Story planning
What will be the best way to tell
this story?
What am I trying to produce
with a mobile phone?
What materials or media do I
need to 鍖le?
What multimedia story elements
will I need?
What story forms am I best at?
Can I or should I do all this
myself or . . .
. . . . Should I be working with a
Am I seeking visual
answers to story

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Ijf15 The smartphone newsroom - Robb Montgomery

  • 1. Robb MontgomeryThe Smartphone Newsroom Cardi鍖cation" of news is a standard story form expectation for mobile consumers. And they expect to be able to interact with the information in smart ways. MSNBC Spectra Visual Newsreader
  • 3. Robb MontgomeryThe Smartphone Newsroom Th Story cards Vertical presentation of stories and information that take advantage of high quality screens in the hands of mobile consumers
  • 4. Robb MontgomeryThe Smartphone Newsroom I Swipeable Streamable Visually-led
  • 5. Robb MontgomeryThe Smartphone Newsroom Consumers are Mobile First While mobile is often referred to as the second screen, the reality is that smartphones are really the 鍖rst screen among connected consumers. They are always within reach. They are the 鍖rst place consumers go to communicate, research and share. B. Solis Ad Age
  • 8. Robb MontgomeryThe Smartphone Newsroom Content moves to where audiences gather Snap Chat Discover
  • 9. Robb MontgomeryThe Smartphone Newsroom Ask yourself: What does a mobile consumer expect from a typical story? Mobile news and information consumers expect frictionless engagement with content.
  • 10. Robb MontgomeryThe Smartphone Newsroom There is a design language for mobile
  • 11. Robb MontgomeryThe Smartphone Newsroom Mobile is not a bolt-on service If publishers and marketers are going to succeed with mobile, they will have to adapt to the noti鍖cation, alert, subscription, and personalization behaviors that only purpose-built mobile-only can deliver. - Robb Montgomery
  • 12. Robb MontgomeryThe Smartphone Newsroom The news of now
  • 14. Robb MontgomeryThe Smartphone Newsroom Vertical video Split the screen to show multiple angles. Literally, cant even on Snapchat
  • 15. Robb MontgomeryThe Smartphone Newsroom Vertical video You can hack the display to provide multiple windows to content.
  • 19. Robb MontgomeryThe Smartphone Newsroom x Vertical video Reduce the motion in vertical video to keep your viewers from vomiting.
  • 20. Robb MontgomeryThe Smartphone Newsroom x Vertical video Let events unfold in front of the camera. Best if any motion is small in relation to the full frame.
  • 21. Robb MontgomeryThe Smartphone Newsroom Vertical video Smooth motion is best. Focus on unique visuals that surprise and reward the viewer.
  • 24. Robb MontgomeryThe Smartphone Newsroom Th 30 seconds Can you tell a story in 30 seconds?
  • 25. Robb MontgomerySmart Film School Cut a 30-second video and upload from the camera roll to Twitter in widescreen.
  • 27. Robb MontgomeryMake Smartphone Video Like a Pro Robb Montgomery One reporter, one iPad, one story.
  • 28. Robb MontgomeryMake Smartphone Video Like a Pro Robb Montgomery Bicycle cam!
  • 29. Robb MontgomeryThe Smartphone Newsroom x Multimedia report 30 second video clips Text Photo galleries bitly.com/berlin-thing
  • 30. Robb MontgomeryThe Smartphone Newsroom If Storehouse + Twitter By posting an image with a Tweet, my Storehouse story became a story card that was widely shared.
  • 31. Robb MontgomeryMake Smartphone Video Like a Pro Robb Montgomery bitly.com/berlin-thing
  • 32. Robb MontgomeryMake Smartphone Video Like a Pro Robb Montgomery News story Sequences Shot sizes Patterns Sound bites Narration Script Performance Natural sounds Graphics Titles Branding
  • 33. Robb MontgomeryMake Smartphone Video Like a Pro Robb Montgomery Press conference soundbites captured with Android smartphone..
  • 34. Make Smartphone Video Like a Pro Robb Montgomery What storytellers need to know Master the shot patterns and sizes that build visual sequences. Discover how to get great soundbites and work with interview subjects. Improve story planning, script writing and on- camera pieces. Produce all of the elements with an iPad or iPhone.
  • 35. Robb MontgomeryMake Smartphone Video Like a Pro Robb Montgomery MOJO gear IPhone 6+ UnigripPro mount Luxpad 22 lamp K&M desktop stand Miniball head Powerbank Shotgun mic w/ dead cat iRig Pro preamp
  • 36. Robb MontgomeryMake Smartphone Video Like a Pro Robb Montgomery What sequences do Compress time Create suspense Change location Introduce new idea Introduce new subject Show a process
  • 37. Make Smartphone Video Like a Pro Robb Montgomery Gathering interview sound bites Stability Shot size Background Framing Eye level Angles Lighting Microphones Questions Responses
  • 38. Robb MontgomeryMake Smartphone Video Like a Pro Robb Montgomery Log and capture Best soundbites Best shots Best sounds Most compelling facts
  • 39. Robb MontgomeryMake Smartphone Video Like a Pro Robb Montgomery Transform the clips into a shot list
  • 40. Robb MontgomeryMake Smartphone Video Like a Pro Robb Montgomery Establish scene Sequence Witness Cutaway Expert Summary
  • 42. Robb Montgomery Self-directed courses can be taken in as little as 45 minutes. Structured learning makes it easy to 鍖nd and focus on the tasks at hand. The lessons are always on your phone.
  • 43. These new courses are being used to train correspondents at CNN and The New York Times in mobile storytelling methods.
  • 44. Robb Montgomery The Smart Film School is a collection of certi鍖cate courses that teach 鍖lmmaking, video journalism, content marketing and mobile journalism to professionals. Course packs with lessons in: Mobile 鍖lming and editing fundamentals Multimedia stories and apps Video content marketing Gear and apps for mobile journalism Mobile reporting methods Interview techniques Script writing Narration and piece-to camera Multimedia content creation Story planning and scripting Video editing
  • 46. Robb Montgomery Design your own course We have several clients who are choosing to build their own courses from our library of more than 125 lessons. Site license pricing makes your custom training program affordable.
  • 47. Make Smartphone Video Like a Pro Robb Montgomery Retooling the newsroom
  • 48. If many of your reporters are able to work in the 鍖eld, then who should be working in the newsroom? Editors Producers Social media teams Curators Designers Developers Data teams Writers Mobile rewrite desk Video editors Audience researchers Video graphics Picture editors Video presenters/ hosts Studio staff Event staff The S.M.A.R.T. Media Lab is built for mobile production.
  • 49. Robb MontgomeryMake Smartphone Video Like a Pro Robb Montgomery S.M.A.R.T. media lab The mobile-鍖rst newsroom
  • 50. Robb MontgomeryMake Smartphone Video Like a Pro Robb Montgomery
  • 51. Robb MontgomeryMake Smartphone Video Like a Pro Robb Montgomery S.M.A.R.T. media lab
  • 52. Robb MontgomeryMake Smartphone Video Like a Pro Robb Montgomery S.M.A.R.T. media lab
  • 53. Robb MontgomeryMake Smartphone Video Like a Pro Robb Montgomery bitly.com/smartmedialab S.M.A.R.T. media lab
  • 54. The MOJO pyramid Three levels of mobile reporting VJs Specialists Generalists
  • 55. The MOJO pyramid VJs Specialists Generalists VJs - Highly skilled, solo 鍖eld reporters with specialized gear and the most demanding assignments. Specialists - Dedicated to producing one story form at professional level with dedicated gear. Generalists - Field reporters producing a range of multimedia assets using common mobile devices. By Robb Montgomery
  • 56. The MOJO pyramid VJs Specialists Generalists Video journalists are the James Bond of MOJOs. They have all the skills and can function by themselves. VJs can shoot, report, write, edit and 鍖le from anywhere. VJs use a range of lightweight, high quality devices and accessories to deliver 鍖nished packages with high production values.
  • 57. The MOJO pyramid VJs Specialists Generalists VJs can 鍖le in-depth, original 鍖lms, reporters notebooks, behind the scenes, and social media updates to keep an audience glued to the subjects they are there to document. They can be parachuted into con鍖icts like BILD and RTE Ireland do with theirVJs. @Claas_Weinmann @philipbromwell
  • 58. Turkeys SOMA mine disaster by @Claas_Weinmann for BILD. de http://strh.se/WlTe
  • 59. Make Smartphone Video Like a Pro Robb Montgomery First, some questions How do we plan coverage? What assignments make sense? How do we plan swarming scenarios for our 鍖eld reporters? What goals should we set for mobile reporting? What expertise do we look for in new recruits? What new knowledge do chief editors need to have?
  • 60. Make Smartphone Video Like a Pro Robb Montgomery Story planning What will be the best way to tell this story? What am I trying to produce with a mobile phone? What materials or media do I need to 鍖le? What multimedia story elements will I need? What story forms am I best at? Can I or should I do all this myself or . . . . . . . Should I be working with a colleague? Am I seeking visual answers to story questions?