The document discusses whether smart phones affect productivity. It notes that while smart phones provide benefits like access to email and the internet, they can also distract students in class. The document outlines pros and cons of smart phone use, such as their ability to stay updated with communication but also miss notes if busy on the phone. Statistics show rapid growth in smart phone adoption and sales. The conclusion is that smart phones can be efficiently used but also present risks of lower focus.
Apprendre ¨¤ apprendre: L¡¯ingr¨¦dient manquant pour ¨ºtre AgileElapse Technologies
"Tout expert fut un jour novice"
Vous essayez d¡¯expliquer le contexte ¨¤ votre coll¨¨gue, mais il ne semble vouloir qu¡¯une vulgaire recette pr¨¦m?ch¨¦e¡ C¡¯est normal!
Dans votre organisation, certains employ¨¦s deviennent des experts alors que d¡¯autres stagnent ¨¤ un niveau de novice¡ Vous voulez devenir une organisation innovante et apprenante?
Venez apprendre ¨¤ apprendre avec le mod¨¨le de Dreyfus.
Avec: Anis Berejeb (Nuglif), Pascal Gill (Nuglif) et F¨¦lix-Antoine Bourbonnais (Elapse Technologies).
Del que parlarem en aquest treball seran de les instalacions que hi ha a Girona i dels esports que es practiquen en elles.
Del que hablaremos en esta trabajo sera de las instalaciones que hay en gerona i de los deportes que se practican en ellas
The document discusses whether smart phones affect productivity. It notes that while smart phones provide benefits like access to email and the internet, they can also distract students in class. The document outlines pros and cons of smart phone use, such as their ability to stay updated with communication but also miss notes if busy on the phone. Statistics show rapid growth in smart phone adoption and sales. The conclusion is that smart phones can be efficiently used but also present risks of lower focus.
The document discusses the different "shelves" and lists users can create in their library account, including a Completed shelf for annotated items, an In Progress shelf for items currently being read, and a For Later shelf for items to borrow later. It also describes how users can create their own public or private lists and add items to those lists from item details pages or a search. Finally, it covers how users can manage which other users they follow or ignore annotations from using the Follow/Ignore feature.
Users can add various types of content to items in the library catalogue, including ratings, comments, summaries, tags, videos, notices, and quotes. Content such as ratings can be seen by other users, while private notes are only visible to the user. Users can also suggest similar titles, embed videos, and flag items with age suitability or discretion notices. Help features like context-specific help screens and FAQs are available throughout the catalogue.
Este documento resume tres herramientas digitales para usar en el aula: Edmodo, una red social privada para comunicaci¨®n entre estudiantes y profesores; Storymaps, una herramienta para crear mapas interactivos con contenido multimedia; y Pixton, una herramienta para crear c¨®mics en l¨ªnea de forma gratuita y en espa?ol.
Users must log in with their library card number and PIN to access full features of the catalog like commenting or tagging. They can initially skip login but may be prompted if trying certain restricted actions. When registering, a username can include letters and numbers up to 24 characters long, and an email is optional. The account settings page allows customizing the username, email, preferred pickup locations, and changing the PIN number. Help is available through context-specific help buttons and a FAQ page.
La sp¨¦cification des besoins et le niveau de d¨¦tails dans vos User Stories est difficile pour votre ¨¦quipe Agile? Nous croyons que le BDD est le fil conducteur, voire le catalyseur permettant ¨¤ tous les acteurs de collaborer pour produire plus de valeur.
Le BDD est un processus rassembleur permettant d¡¯impliquer analystes, gens d¡¯affaires, QA et d¨¦veloppeurs autour d¡¯une compr¨¦hension commune d¡¯une fonctionnalit¨¦.
Fond¨¦ sur la conversation et l¡¯exemple, il guide le d¨¦veloppement, permet d¡¯en d¨¦couler les tests et sert de documentation fonctionnelle vivante!
? l¡¯aide d¡¯exemples concrets et de cas v¨¦cus, nous vous pr¨¦senterons le processus complet du BDD, de la capture des besoins (sp¨¦cification par l¡¯exemple) jusqu¡¯aux tests, en passant par la documentation fonctionnelle. Nous verrons pourquoi le BDD n¡¯est pas en soi une technique de test et qu¡¯il va bien au-del¨¤ d¡¯une simple notation (Given-When-Then).
Nous verrons comment le BDD peut aider ¨¤ aligner une fonctionnalit¨¦ sur un besoin d¡¯affaires r¨¦el, voire sur la vision d¡¯entreprise. Nous aborderons aussi la diff¨¦rence entre une ¡°User Story¡± et une ¡°Fonctionnalit¨¦¡± et comment incorporer le BDD dans un processus Scrum.
This advertisement promotes a weight loss pill called Slimster that claims to help users lose weight fast through a large bottle containing over 1564 pills with 60,000 mg of ingredients, citing that together past users lost over 1000 pounds taking it. It directs interested customers to call an 800 number to order Slimster for 3 payments of $62.33 since it is not available in stores.
Beaucoup d¡¯¨¦quipes ont embrass¨¦ Scrum sans consid¨¦rer l¡¯architecture n¨¦cessaire pour soutenir un tel rythme et minimiser la dette technique.
Comment adopter une architecture ¨¦mergente, mall¨¦able et facile ¨¤ changer? Bref, comment faire du d¨¦veloppement logiciel durable?
## Version 2.0
Pr¨¦sente l'architecture durable sous l'angle des 5 pi¨¨ges architecturaux courants. Pourquoi est-ce que nos architectures ne sont pas ¨¦volutives et Agiles? Quels sont les 5 principaux probl¨¨mes qui m¨¨nent ¨¤ une architecture ¨¦ph¨¦m¨¨re?
The document provides training information for staff on the Explore Tab of the BPL Catalogue. It describes how users will receive recommendations for titles when they follow another user based on ratings that user gave titles. It also outlines how the Recent Activity, New Titles, Awards/Bestsellers, and Help sections work on the Explore Tab.
The document discusses the linguistic issue in Ireland through four main sections. It first provides background on the Celtic languages and their history in Ireland. Second, it discusses the introduction and spread of English in Ireland from the 12th century onward. Third, it examines nationalism, language and identity in Ireland. Finally, it outlines language planning efforts by the Irish government in education, Gaeltacht regions, and public services to promote the Irish language.
A febre chikungunya ¨¦ uma infec??o viral transmitida por mosquitos Aedes aegypti e albopictus, que causa febre alta e dores severas nas articula??es. At¨¦ mar?o de 2020, o Brasil havia notificado mais de 13 mil casos prov¨¢veis desde que o v¨ªrus foi detectado pela primeira vez no pa¨ªs em 2010. Os principais sintomas incluem febre, dor nas articula??es e costas, e fadiga.