1. The document lists various Tagalog words and their informal or slang equivalents.
2. Abbreviations, acronyms, and number codes are also provided that represent informal Tagalog phrases or terms of endearment.
3. Different methods for creating slang terms are described, including reversing syllables, shortening words, combining techniques, and borrowing from other languages.
20. a. Pagbabaligtad at pagdaragdag
Pare ïƒ repa ïƒ repapips
Hiyaïƒ yahi ïƒ dyahi
Wala ïƒ alaw ïƒ alaws
Hindi ïƒ dehin ïƒ dehins
21. b. Pagpapaikli at Pagdaragdag
Pilipino ïƒ Pino ïƒ Pinoy
Pilipino ïƒ Pino ïƒ Pinoy
Bagito ïƒ baget ïƒ bagets
22. c. Pagpapaikli at Pagbabaligtad
Pantalon ïƒ talon ïƒ lonta
Sigarilyo ïƒ siyo ïƒ yosi
23. d. Panghihiram at Pagpapaikli
Dead malice ïƒ dedma
Brain damage ïƒ brenda
Security ïƒ sikyo
From the province ïƒ promdi
American Boy ïƒ amboy
Original ïƒ orig
24. e. Panghihiram at Pagdaragdag
Get ïƒ gets/getsing/getlak
In-love ïƒ inlab/inlababo
Dead ïƒ dedo
Flop ïƒ flopchina
Cry ïƒ crayola