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IKEA tosendlocalfurnitureabroad

IKEA, theSweden-basedglobalretailchain, is
preparingtolaunchgoodsproducedbyTurkishfurnituremanufacturersacrossinternationalmarkets, accordingto a
top executive of thelocalunit.

Turkey is one of theleadingmarkets in terms of yieldinggrowthfor IKEA.
Wearealreadyplanningtoopentwomorestores in thenextfiveyears, in additiontothefive IKEA
storeswealreadyhave here, said General Manager Fuat Atalay at a pressmeeting in Istanbul yesterday.

WeaimtoexportTurkishfurniturewithSwedishdesignsandmarketing it globally,
alongwithproductionfromSweden, Poland andRomania, Atalay toldthe Daily News. A
fewmanufacturersareundergoing a qualitytestingperiodforthecompany, he added.

TheSwedishfirmalreadyexports a number of Turkishproducts, includingceramics, china,
textileproductsandaccessories. Total exports of Turkishproductsthrough IKEA reachedapproximately $500
millionlastyear, upfrom $200 million in 2003, accordingto Atalay. Weaimtoincreasethisvolumeto $900 million
in five-years time, he said. ThecompanycouldeasilyreachthistargetifTurkishfurniturewereto be availablefrom
IKEA shops in nearfuture.

As of Novemberlastyear, the lira depreciationsupportedthecountrysoverallexportsperformance, particularly in
thefurnituresector, Chief Economist of BGC Partners zg端r Altu said.

Furnitureproduction in Turkey posted a 15.3percentrise in November, validatingthelevel of
domesticeconomicactivityandsuccess in exportscomparedwiththesamemonthlastyear, Altu
toldinvestorsrecently. However, Atalay saidthecompanywasaffectedbythelirasweakperformance as it
depreciatedabout 18 percentlastyearagainstthe U.S. dollar. Still, wehave not changedourpricesannounced in
Septemberlastyearfor 2012, he said.
Atalay saidtheSwedishcompanyperformsbetter in Europeanstorescomparedwiththose in Turkey, despite an
ongoingeconomiccrisisacrossthecontinentandslowdown in domesticdemand.


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  • 1. IKEA tosendlocalfurnitureabroad IKEA, theSweden-basedglobalretailchain, is preparingtolaunchgoodsproducedbyTurkishfurnituremanufacturersacrossinternationalmarkets, accordingto a top executive of thelocalunit. Turkey is one of theleadingmarkets in terms of yieldinggrowthfor IKEA. Wearealreadyplanningtoopentwomorestores in thenextfiveyears, in additiontothefive IKEA storeswealreadyhave here, said General Manager Fuat Atalay at a pressmeeting in Istanbul yesterday. WeaimtoexportTurkishfurniturewithSwedishdesignsandmarketing it globally, alongwithproductionfromSweden, Poland andRomania, Atalay toldthe Daily News. A fewmanufacturersareundergoing a qualitytestingperiodforthecompany, he added. TheSwedishfirmalreadyexports a number of Turkishproducts, includingceramics, china, textileproductsandaccessories. Total exports of Turkishproductsthrough IKEA reachedapproximately $500 millionlastyear, upfrom $200 million in 2003, accordingto Atalay. Weaimtoincreasethisvolumeto $900 million in five-years time, he said. ThecompanycouldeasilyreachthistargetifTurkishfurniturewereto be availablefrom IKEA shops in nearfuture. As of Novemberlastyear, the lira depreciationsupportedthecountrysoverallexportsperformance, particularly in thefurnituresector, Chief Economist of BGC Partners zg端r Altu said. Furnitureproduction in Turkey posted a 15.3percentrise in November, validatingthelevel of domesticeconomicactivityandsuccess in exportscomparedwiththesamemonthlastyear, Altu toldinvestorsrecently. However, Atalay saidthecompanywasaffectedbythelirasweakperformance as it depreciatedabout 18 percentlastyearagainstthe U.S. dollar. Still, wehave not changedourpricesannounced in Septemberlastyearfor 2012, he said.
  • 2. Atalay saidtheSwedishcompanyperformsbetter in Europeanstorescomparedwiththose in Turkey, despite an ongoingeconomiccrisisacrossthecontinentandslowdown in domesticdemand. http://www.sofalife.com/read_blog/furniture-news/ikea-to-send-local-furniture-abroad-42.html