Este documento es una lista de ciudades y lugares alrededor del mundo, incluyendo Francia, Alemania, Australia, HungrÃa, Reino Unido, Italia, Rusia y más. El documento no tiene un tema claro más allá de nombrar lugares conocidos que podrÃan ser parte de un viaje o lista de destinos turÃsticos populares. No hay oraciones completas o contexto proporcionado con los nombres de lugar.
Johanna Delgado Porras was an American businesswoman born on May 12, 1918 who founded Mary Kay Cosmetics, Inc. She authored three books and raised money to combat domestic violence and cancers affecting women before passing away on November 22, 2001.
This document defines collaboration and co-sponsoring events, outlines the benefits and challenges of each, and provides a collaboration checklist. Collaboration is defined as working jointly with others on an intellectual endeavor, while co-sponsoring means jointly sponsoring an event with another organization. Benefits include shared costs, increased reach, and decreased planning time, while challenges involve liability, differing opinions, and increased planning complexity. The collaboration checklist suggests identifying potential partner organizations and their strengths and weaknesses to accomplish shared goals.
This document discusses various Web 2.0 tools that can be used for classroom instruction including Jing for screen capturing, Keepvid to download YouTube videos, Powtoon for creating animated presentations, Glogster for interactive multimedia posters, and Tagxedo for generating word clouds. It notes that Web 2.0 tools are easy to learn, low or no cost, and can be used for teacher utilities, collaboration, and presentations. Examples of using several of these tools are provided.
This document provides information about the PROUD Act introduced by Congressman Joe Baca. The PROUD Act would provide a pathway to citizenship for undocumented students who graduate from high school, are of good moral character, and complete middle and high school in the US. It would allow eligible students to apply for legal status and citizenship at a reduced fee once they turn 18 years old. The document encourages support for both the PROUD Act and DREAM Act which it says would help thousands of additional students if passed as part of comprehensive immigration reform legislation.