Around The World with Stanislav PlutenkoCachi Chien
Stanislav V. Plutenko naci坦 en Mosc炭 en marzo de 1961. El artista emplea una t辿cnica mixta de 坦leo, temple, acr鱈lico y acuarela, y complementa su trabajo con airbrushing magistral y finos acabados con pinturas claras.
Este documento contiene una serie de reflexiones breves sobre la virtud, la riqueza, la humildad, el arrepentimiento y la experiencia. Algunas de las ideas principales son que el buen nombre vale m叩s que las riquezas, que la pluma refleja los pensamientos del alma, y que un buen arrepentimiento puede curar las enfermedades del alma.
El documento presenta informaci坦n biogr叩fica sobre Renso Castaneda, un artista peruano nacido en 1970 en Lima. Se gradu坦 de la Escuela Nacional Aut坦noma Superior de Bellas Artes del Per炭 en 1995 especializ叩ndose en pintura. La obra mencionada es "Garabatos_2002" creada en 2011 con la m炭sica "Wings of desire" de Cecilia como fondo.
This document lists the names of various photographers, artists, and the titles of their photographic or portrait works from the 18th-19th centuries. It includes brief descriptions of portraits, photographs, and paintings featuring subjects like photographers at work, families, weddings, and ladies. The works showcase different styles and techniques from early photography through the beginning of the 20th century.
Ugo de Cesare naci坦 en 1950 en un pueblo cerca de Florencia, Italia. Estudi坦 en las academias de arte de N叩poles y Florencia y originalmente quer鱈a ser profesor de arte. De Cesare utiliza t辿cnicas dif鱈ciles y los m辿todos de los maestros italianos antiguos para crear impresionante obra figurativa.
Este documento es un video de YouTube titulado "Garabatos_2002" publicado por el canal "a.s.b." que contiene im叩genes de Google y m炭sica de fondo titulada "Melod鱈a desencadenada".
Carole B辿atrice Perret naci坦 en 1951 en Berna, Suiza y trabaj坦 como ilustradora para empresas de publicidad en Par鱈s y Lausana, adem叩s de como freelancer. Ahora se dedica completamente al arte visual, debido a su gran fascinaci坦n por este campo, a pesar tambi辿n de su pasi坦n por la equitaci坦n.
Artavazd Talalyan naci坦 en Yerevan, Armenia. Estudi坦 en la Universidad de Bellas Artes de Yerevan de 1980 a 1984 y luego en la Academia de Bellas Artes del Teatro Estatal de Erev叩n de 1987 a 1993. Ha sido miembro de la Uni坦n de Artistas de Armenia desde 1999.
History in Photographs (1918 Influenza Pandemic)Cachi Chien
Igor Morski is a Polish painter, illustrator, and graphic designer known for his beautifully rendered surreal works that evoke thought and compel double-takes. Through his huge imagination and creativity, Igor brings interesting surreal situations to life in many wonderful and spectacular illustrations appreciated by many.
An artist was born in Turin, Italy in 1974. The music referenced is "Age of Loneliness" by Enigma featuring Enya. This brief document provides biographical information about an artist's place and year of birth along with a music reference.
Este documento contiene una lista de plantas y lugares de Espa単a, principalmente en la Cordillera Ib辿rica y los Pirineos aragoneses. Incluye nombres de plantas como Lamiaceae - Horminum pyrenaicum, Geranium nodosum, Gentiana verna, Fritillaria pirenaica y lugares como el Circo de Carriata en Zaragoza, el Valle de Ordesa en Huesca, y Pe単a Ezcaurri y Penaforca en los Pirineos. Las fotograf鱈as fueron tomadas por Ram坦n Tejedor y otros y
El documento describe la situaci坦n de los pueblos ind鱈genas guaran鱈 en Brasil. Los guaran鱈 han perdido gran parte de sus tierras ancestrales debido a la deforestaci坦n y expansi坦n de plantaciones de ca単a de az炭car. Ahora viven api単ados en peque単as reservas sobrepobladas, donde enfrentan altos niveles de violencia, suicidio, malnutrici坦n y explotaci坦n laboral. Su forma de vida tradicional ha sido destruida por la invasi坦n de sus tierras y la destrucci坦n de los bosques.
"Family Portrait" of China卒s 56 Ethnic GroupsCachi Chien
Un fot坦grafo dirigi坦 un equipo de 14 personas para crear un libro que retrata a las 56 etnias de China a trav辿s de m叩s de 5.7 millones de fotograf鱈as tomadas durante un a単o de viajes por todo el pa鱈s.
This short document contains a quote from J.M. Barrie's novel The Little White Bird, translated into Spanish. The quote suggests that birds can fly because they have perfect faith, and to have faith is to have wings. It also includes the title and author of the work being quoted, and notes a song by Alfredo R. Ortiz called "P叩jaro Campana".
Un terremoto gener坦 un tsunami el 11 de marzo de 2011. El mensaje pide ayuda urgente y agradece cualquier peque単a donaci坦n para asistir a las v鱈ctimas.
Theodoros Rallis was a Greek politician born on February 16, 1852 in Chios, Greece. He served as Prime Minister of Greece from 1905 to 1909. Rallis died in Paris on October 2, 1909.
The document discusses music and the blues across different eras. It mentions that while everyone wants to go to heaven, no one wants to die to get there. It also discusses liking music but not lyrics that talk badly about women. The document encourages playing like artists you admire but being yourself. It recalls being impressed by T-Bone Walker's single-string electric guitar playing and trying to connect one's voice and guitar so they talk to each other. The blues is described as a problem child that was loved but sometimes embarrassing, bleeding the same blood as the speaker.
This short document expresses the desire to appreciate nature's beauty, protect it from harm given its fragility, and act with respect and love for nature by remembering both its strength and vulnerability.
El Conejo de Pascua es una figura folkl坦rica que representa a un conejo trayendo huevos de Pascua y dulces a los ni単os. Origin坦 entre los alemanes luteranos como un juez que evaluaba el comportamiento de los ni単os, y la tradici坦n del Conejo de Pascua se ha extendido a muchas culturas. Hoy en d鱈a, la Pascua incluye tradiciones como decorar huevos, comer chocolate y participar en desfiles para celebrar la resurrecci坦n de Jes炭s.
Janis Joplin era due単a de un Porsche que pint坦 con motivos psicod辿licos para convertirlo en una extensi坦n de su personalidad y esp鱈ritu en lugar de un objeto comercial codiciado. En su canci坦n "Mercedes Benz" critica c坦mo la naturaleza humana se ha reducido a desear bienes materiales en lugar de conexiones espirituales, ilustrando esto a trav辿s de su petici坦n jocosa a Dios de regalarle una Mercedes.
David Garrett was a child prodigy violinist who began playing publicly at age 7 and gave acclaimed performances throughout his childhood and teenage years with major orchestras around the world. He studied violin intensely from a young age but also struggled with the isolation of his childhood training. Garrett later attended the Juilliard School and has had a successful international career as a classical and crossover violinist performing with major orchestras.
The document is a collection of photographs from rural America in the 1930s and 1940s depicting various aspects of life, including children attending school, families eating meals, agricultural workers, flood refugees getting assistance, dairy and cattle farming, and community activities like quilting parties and fairs. The photos provide a glimpse into life for farmers, laborers, and their families during the Great Depression era and World War II.
El Carnaval de Ivrea en Italia se celebra anualmente y se distingue por su historia basada en eventos medievales y napole坦nicos. La parte m叩s espectacular es una guerra de comida en las calles con naranjas que representa la lucha entre los oprimidos y su tirano hist坦rico. M叩s de 265,000 kg de naranjas son importadas de Sicilia y lanzadas durante los tres d鱈as de recreaciones que incluyen personajes en trajes de la 辿poca y m炭sica por las calles desde enero hasta febrero.
Let's Go Take a Walk in the Ecuadorian Rainforest.Cachi Chien
El documento describe la cultura e historia de los Huaorani, un pueblo ind鱈gena que vive en la Amazon鱈a ecuatoriana. Sus tierras ancestrales est叩n amenazadas por la explotaci坦n petrolera y la tala ilegal, aunque lograron protegerlas en el pasado. En 1990 ganaron derechos sobre una reserva de 6,125 km2. Son cazadores y recolectores que hablan una lengua aislada y practican la animismo, creyendo que los esp鱈ritus habitan el bosque que consideran su hogar.
Este documento es un video de YouTube titulado "Garabatos_2002" publicado por el canal "a.s.b." que contiene im叩genes de Google y m炭sica de fondo titulada "Melod鱈a desencadenada".
Carole B辿atrice Perret naci坦 en 1951 en Berna, Suiza y trabaj坦 como ilustradora para empresas de publicidad en Par鱈s y Lausana, adem叩s de como freelancer. Ahora se dedica completamente al arte visual, debido a su gran fascinaci坦n por este campo, a pesar tambi辿n de su pasi坦n por la equitaci坦n.
Artavazd Talalyan naci坦 en Yerevan, Armenia. Estudi坦 en la Universidad de Bellas Artes de Yerevan de 1980 a 1984 y luego en la Academia de Bellas Artes del Teatro Estatal de Erev叩n de 1987 a 1993. Ha sido miembro de la Uni坦n de Artistas de Armenia desde 1999.
History in Photographs (1918 Influenza Pandemic)Cachi Chien
Igor Morski is a Polish painter, illustrator, and graphic designer known for his beautifully rendered surreal works that evoke thought and compel double-takes. Through his huge imagination and creativity, Igor brings interesting surreal situations to life in many wonderful and spectacular illustrations appreciated by many.
An artist was born in Turin, Italy in 1974. The music referenced is "Age of Loneliness" by Enigma featuring Enya. This brief document provides biographical information about an artist's place and year of birth along with a music reference.
Este documento contiene una lista de plantas y lugares de Espa単a, principalmente en la Cordillera Ib辿rica y los Pirineos aragoneses. Incluye nombres de plantas como Lamiaceae - Horminum pyrenaicum, Geranium nodosum, Gentiana verna, Fritillaria pirenaica y lugares como el Circo de Carriata en Zaragoza, el Valle de Ordesa en Huesca, y Pe単a Ezcaurri y Penaforca en los Pirineos. Las fotograf鱈as fueron tomadas por Ram坦n Tejedor y otros y
El documento describe la situaci坦n de los pueblos ind鱈genas guaran鱈 en Brasil. Los guaran鱈 han perdido gran parte de sus tierras ancestrales debido a la deforestaci坦n y expansi坦n de plantaciones de ca単a de az炭car. Ahora viven api単ados en peque単as reservas sobrepobladas, donde enfrentan altos niveles de violencia, suicidio, malnutrici坦n y explotaci坦n laboral. Su forma de vida tradicional ha sido destruida por la invasi坦n de sus tierras y la destrucci坦n de los bosques.
"Family Portrait" of China卒s 56 Ethnic GroupsCachi Chien
Un fot坦grafo dirigi坦 un equipo de 14 personas para crear un libro que retrata a las 56 etnias de China a trav辿s de m叩s de 5.7 millones de fotograf鱈as tomadas durante un a単o de viajes por todo el pa鱈s.
This short document contains a quote from J.M. Barrie's novel The Little White Bird, translated into Spanish. The quote suggests that birds can fly because they have perfect faith, and to have faith is to have wings. It also includes the title and author of the work being quoted, and notes a song by Alfredo R. Ortiz called "P叩jaro Campana".
Un terremoto gener坦 un tsunami el 11 de marzo de 2011. El mensaje pide ayuda urgente y agradece cualquier peque単a donaci坦n para asistir a las v鱈ctimas.
Theodoros Rallis was a Greek politician born on February 16, 1852 in Chios, Greece. He served as Prime Minister of Greece from 1905 to 1909. Rallis died in Paris on October 2, 1909.
The document discusses music and the blues across different eras. It mentions that while everyone wants to go to heaven, no one wants to die to get there. It also discusses liking music but not lyrics that talk badly about women. The document encourages playing like artists you admire but being yourself. It recalls being impressed by T-Bone Walker's single-string electric guitar playing and trying to connect one's voice and guitar so they talk to each other. The blues is described as a problem child that was loved but sometimes embarrassing, bleeding the same blood as the speaker.
This short document expresses the desire to appreciate nature's beauty, protect it from harm given its fragility, and act with respect and love for nature by remembering both its strength and vulnerability.
El Conejo de Pascua es una figura folkl坦rica que representa a un conejo trayendo huevos de Pascua y dulces a los ni単os. Origin坦 entre los alemanes luteranos como un juez que evaluaba el comportamiento de los ni単os, y la tradici坦n del Conejo de Pascua se ha extendido a muchas culturas. Hoy en d鱈a, la Pascua incluye tradiciones como decorar huevos, comer chocolate y participar en desfiles para celebrar la resurrecci坦n de Jes炭s.
Janis Joplin era due単a de un Porsche que pint坦 con motivos psicod辿licos para convertirlo en una extensi坦n de su personalidad y esp鱈ritu en lugar de un objeto comercial codiciado. En su canci坦n "Mercedes Benz" critica c坦mo la naturaleza humana se ha reducido a desear bienes materiales en lugar de conexiones espirituales, ilustrando esto a trav辿s de su petici坦n jocosa a Dios de regalarle una Mercedes.
David Garrett was a child prodigy violinist who began playing publicly at age 7 and gave acclaimed performances throughout his childhood and teenage years with major orchestras around the world. He studied violin intensely from a young age but also struggled with the isolation of his childhood training. Garrett later attended the Juilliard School and has had a successful international career as a classical and crossover violinist performing with major orchestras.
The document is a collection of photographs from rural America in the 1930s and 1940s depicting various aspects of life, including children attending school, families eating meals, agricultural workers, flood refugees getting assistance, dairy and cattle farming, and community activities like quilting parties and fairs. The photos provide a glimpse into life for farmers, laborers, and their families during the Great Depression era and World War II.
El Carnaval de Ivrea en Italia se celebra anualmente y se distingue por su historia basada en eventos medievales y napole坦nicos. La parte m叩s espectacular es una guerra de comida en las calles con naranjas que representa la lucha entre los oprimidos y su tirano hist坦rico. M叩s de 265,000 kg de naranjas son importadas de Sicilia y lanzadas durante los tres d鱈as de recreaciones que incluyen personajes en trajes de la 辿poca y m炭sica por las calles desde enero hasta febrero.
Let's Go Take a Walk in the Ecuadorian Rainforest.Cachi Chien
El documento describe la cultura e historia de los Huaorani, un pueblo ind鱈gena que vive en la Amazon鱈a ecuatoriana. Sus tierras ancestrales est叩n amenazadas por la explotaci坦n petrolera y la tala ilegal, aunque lograron protegerlas en el pasado. En 1990 ganaron derechos sobre una reserva de 6,125 km2. Son cazadores y recolectores que hablan una lengua aislada y practican la animismo, creyendo que los esp鱈ritus habitan el bosque que consideran su hogar.
El gaucho es un vaquero de las pampas de Am辿rica del Sur que se dedica principalmente al pastoreo de ganado en Argentina, Uruguay y pa鱈ses vecinos. Son excelentes jinetes y usan armas como boleadoras y lazos. Los gauchos se han convertido en un s鱈mbolo nacional en Argentina y Uruguay y son celebrados en la literatura por su importancia en la cultura regional.
The document discusses the Latin American peasantry. It focuses on the hardships faced by rural farmers and laborers in Latin America. Their lives were difficult due to poverty and lack of rights and political representation.
Sport or Survival. Muay Thai Boxing for Children in ThailandCachi Chien
Tapas are small appetizers or snacks in Spanish cuisine that may be cold or hot. In Spain, patrons can order many tapas to combine into a full meal. The origin of tapas is uncertain, but theories include that tavern owners offered free cheese to disguise bad wine, that a king recovered from illness by drinking wine with small dishes, and that a king ordered another drink "with the cover" after a waiter covered his wine glass with ham to protect it from sand.
Las mariposas b炭ho del g辿nero Caligo se encuentran en las selvas y bosques de M辿xico, Am辿rica Central y Sudam辿rica. Son muy grandes y vuelan cortas distancias, por lo que las aves depredadoras pueden seguirlas f叩cilmente. Sin embargo, vuelan preferentemente al atardecer cuando hay menos aves. El patr坦n de sus alas imita cabezas de depredadores para disuadir a los depredadores mientras descansan o se aparean.
El documento describe la tradici坦n del carnaval de m叩scaras en Lucerna, Suiza. La Sociedad de Devotos de la M叩scara se fund坦 hace m叩s de 180 a単os para preservar y promover la costumbre del carnaval. Durante el carnaval, extra単os personajes con m叩scaras y disfraces desfilan por las calles mientras grupos de m炭sicos tocan y miles de personas bailan para celebrar. El carnaval result坦 ser muy popular porque tambi辿n sirve como un foro para la libertad de expresi坦n.
El artista Loui Jover crea obras de arte al usar plumas y gotear tinta sobre p叩ginas de libros antiguos, transformando los libros en piezas art鱈sticas 炭nicas. La m炭sica recomendada es "Sunshine of Your Love" de Ella Fitzgerald.
History in Photos: Witch Hunters of HollywoodCachi Chien
En los a単os 1940 y 1950, muchos individuos prominentes de Hollywood fueron acusados de ser comunistas o simpatizantes, lo que llev坦 a la creaci坦n de una "lista negra" que prohibi坦 a cientos de profesionales del entretenimiento trabajar. Algunas de las personas famosas en la lista negra incluyeron a los "Hollywood Ten", as鱈 como a los guionistas Dalton Trumbo y Herbert Biberman.
Love Of A Tree. (Purple magosteen / Mangost叩n)Cachi Chien
El mangost叩n p炭rpura es un 叩rbol tropical originario de Indonesia que crece principalmente en el sudeste de Asia y Am辿rica del Sur tropical. Produce una fruta dulce y jugosa con semillas almendradas rodeadas de pulpa comestible, aunque su corteza externa es incomible. Generalmente se propaga por semillero ya que la propagaci坦n vegetativa es dif鱈cil.
. Construction technology has genesis in Interplay of-- design, manpower, money, machinery, material, resources, software, quality, durability, environment, ecology
-- Technology used during construction helps push Construction industry forward,
-- for driving advancement / innovations/ increased efficiency in construction
New Technologies--Modular construction, Prefab const , Robotics, drone, Artificial intelligence, 3D printing, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality etc.,
--Technology Empowers people to work smarter/ more efficiently.
-- Technology Changing ways industry thinks, looks and operate at --production / construction.- From Construction to Production of Buildings involving making Building parts of a project off-site, to exact specifications and to Mass-produce pieces -- used repeatedly; taking Construction productivity to new level- overcoming labour shortages - increasing speed of construction,- making construction economical,
- promoting time- efficiencyMaking buildings cost effective- Making construction safe
- Addressing complicated /difficult situation -helping industry addressing larger challenges. Technology remains key to address major challenges & adapt to future.- making buildings lean, compact, smart,
Cost-effective, Timeefficient, Energy efficient, Material- efficient, Qualitative, Healthy, Durable, Eco-friendly, Sustainable
The Business Administration Presentation provides a comprehensive exploration of the core concepts, functions, and importance of business administration in modern organizations. It highlights the key principles of managing business operations, strategic decision-making, and organizational leadership, offering a clear understanding of how businesses operate and thrive in competitive markets.
Golf is a game of precision, patience, and sometimes, pure frustration. Every golfer knows the feeling of standing over a crucial putt, heart pounding, hoping not to miss. If youve ever felt the weight of a make-or-break moment on the green, the "If I Miss This Putt I'll Kill Myself" Hat is the perfect accessory for you.
The Business Administration Presentation provides a comprehensive exploration of the core concepts, functions, and importance of business administration in modern organizations. It highlights the key principles of managing business operations, strategic decision-making, and organizational leadership, offering a clear understanding of how businesses operate and thrive in competitive markets.
Crown Freak Of Philos Shirt Crown Freak Of Philos ShirtTeeFusion
Are you a fan of philosophy, royalty, and all things unique? The Crown Freak of Philos shirt is more than just a piece of clothingit's a bold fashion statement that combines intellect, power, and individuality. Whether youre a deep thinker, a literature enthusiast, or simply love standout graphic tees, this shirt is perfect for you!
Nature Inspired Innovation : Designing The Future Using Lessons From The Pastjejchudley
In an era dominated by technological revolution, design thinking's impact on economic and cultural success is undeniable.
However, its focus on 'designing for the user' often neglects the broader real-world implications of the complex systems within which the things we design are used.
In this talk, we will advocate for embracing evolutionary and ecological theories as a toolkit for understanding and designing for our dynamic and interconnected world.
By exploring questions about innovation speed, efficiency, and societal impacts through this lens, attendees will gain insights into enhancing UX design, fostering creative problem-solving, and developing impactful, innovative solutions.
From this presentation you will learn:
- How a better understanding of natural biological systems will help to improve their design practice
- The importance of considering the context of how and where your designs will be used
- How to think about your work in different ways that will enable them to take different approaches to problem solving
- How to adopt systems thinking approaches to help you design more impactful, innovative and effective design solutions.
If I Miss This Putt I'll Kill Myself ShirtTeeFusion
Golf is a game of precision, patience, andlet's be honestfrustration. If you've ever stood over a crucial putt with your heart pounding, you know the stakes feel higher than they should. Thats why the "If I Miss This Putt I'll Kill Myself" Shirt is the perfect way to add some humor to the game. This hilarious golf t-shirt is designed for golfers who take their putting game seriouslybut not too seriously. Whether you're playing for fun, competing in a tournament, or just hanging out at the clubhouse, this shirt will have everyone laughing.