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Daring Greatly
Being Brave,
Telling the World
^You're in Love! ̄
Tim Murphey at PAC@PALT2013
How your posture, words, and singing changes you! Mixing language education
with anthropology, neuroscience, positive psychology, fun, etc.
This will be an interactive plenary.
Please introduce yourself
to people around you
(Don't miss the chance to make a new friend!)
Be prepared to move and sing and talk.
Thank You
Daring Greatly Brene Brown
By Sara Bareilles


I want to see you be brave!
Say what you want to say
And Let the words fall out
Love 2.0
Positivity Resonance
Micro-moments of love
I¨m Young Strong and Beautiful
I¨m living an adventure
The world¨s so fascinating
It makes me want to (wanna) cry
I want to cry to the world
I want to fly all around
I want to tell everybody
I¨m in love I¨m in love x 3
I wanna tell everybody I¨m in love
Amy Cuddy C TED.com pres
Power Posing = increase in

Small Posing = Increase in cortisone
Be the change (x3)
you wish to see in the world
I don¨t serve my dear world
by pretending to be Small,
I¨ll stand talk, I will stand tall.
When you change Yourself,
You change the world (Gandhi & MJackson)
HomeWork For
the Next 3months
(or your whole life
if you like)
Anytime anyone
asks you
in any language
How are You?
You answer:
"I'm in love!"
"I'm young and
&beautiful ..."
and Sing as
I¨m Young Strong and Beautiful
I¨m living an adventure
The world¨s so fascinating
It makes me want to (wanna) cry
I want to cry to the world
I want to fly all around
I want to tell everybody
I¨m in love I¨m in love x 3
I wanna tell everybody I¨m in love
(power posture and cry: "I'm in Love")
Preface,origin of my title, 1 Iterative Task (we just did

4 Questions
Some short Songs & short videos
A Short Story of the last
6 million years
Anthropology & Neuroscience
Curiosity, Challenge, Play
I¨m Young Strong and Beautiful
I¨m living an adventure
The world¨s so fascinating
It makes me want to (wanna) cry
I want to cry to the world
I want to fly all around
I want to tell everybody
I¨m in love I¨m in love x 3
I wanna tell everybody I¨m in love
(power posture and cry: "I'm in Love")
did we
stand up
2. Later, why did women start birthing
13 months >> 9 months
3. What changes did early birthing cause?
4. Why is a turtle trying to fly more
beautiful than a bird sitting in a
tree ?
I'm inlovepac murpheyplenary12713
2. Why did women start having babies earlier?
Standing up made the birth canal narrower and
walking provoked earlier birthings.
this is the exciting part!
3. What were the consequences of earlier birthing?

Babies were born, and still are, prematurely.
The numbers of our species probably decreased dangerously for awhile
Until caretakers learned to give them more attention.
This meant that caretakers had a longer and harder job
and had to spend more time with the babies.

On the POSITIVE Side; Anthropologists hypothesize
that the increased time together:
A) Increased emotional bonding with caretakers
B) Increased communication (the real beginning of parental babbling)
C) And a more rapid development of cultures and communities,
The Talking Twins. V#1
How are you?
I¨m Young Strong and Beautiful
I¨m living an adventure
The world¨s so fascinating
It makes me want to (wanna) cry
I want to cry to the world
I want to fly all around
I want to tell everybody
I¨m in love I¨m in love x 3
I wanna tell everybody I¨m in love
(power posture and cry: "I'm in Love")
Robert Sapolsky
Standford University
Brain Scientist
Social Critic

Stanford University
Class Day Lecture
(day before
September 2009

How are you?
I'm inlovepac murpheyplenary12713
I'm inlovepac murpheyplenary12713
I'm inlovepac murpheyplenary12713
I'm inlovepac murpheyplenary12713
I'm inlovepac murpheyplenary12713
Anticipation of reward? (extrinsic) old
^Agentive ̄ and ^In Control ̄ (intrinsic) (Amabile, Pink,etc.)

when the success rate goes down to 50% , it adds the element
of challenge and FLOW and mystery to agency.
25% -- too depressing     75% --too easy still
 ^ God grant that my desire will always exceed my
accomplishments. ̄ Michaelangelo

Striving brings out the best in us.
May our desire always exceed our grasp. Super rich less happy.


How are you?
Ethan the Laughing Baby

as of April 27, 2010 /   2010 定 4 埖 27 晩

Hits /


: 34,233,733


Task Based Bonding Affiliation
^Mirror Neurons ̄  
Ramachandran TED.com   
^ The neurons that Shaped Civilization ̄
ミラ`?ニュ`ロン / ラマチャンドラン TED.com
^ 猟苧を撹侘した飲 ̄
75,000-100,000 years ago:
Tool Use, Fire , Shelter
Imitation Emulation Empathy
祇醤 諮、Lれ社、庁、尸、慌湖などの祇醤を聞う
S&V# 3 ^I

like your shirt
Mirror Neurons and Dopamine Rushes
Early Agency Imitation
Near Peer Role Modeling
End of line 4 surprise
How are you?
I¨m Young Strong and Beautiful
I¨m living an adventure
The world¨s so fascinating
It makes me want to (wanna) cry
I want to cry to the world
I want to fly all around
I want to tell everybody
I¨m in love I¨m in love x 3
I wanna tell everybody I¨m in love
(power posture and cry: "I'm in Love")
Suvival of the
Altruism &
I'm inlovepac murpheyplenary12713
I'm inlovepac murpheyplenary12713
I'm inlovepac murpheyplenary12713
The Power of Play to Bridge Social Capital
I'm inlovepac murpheyplenary12713
?Bonding social capital
?Bridging social capital´
?As Putnam and Feldstein put it:
^A society that has only bonding social capital will be
segregated into mutually hostile camps. So a pluralistic
democracy requires lots of bridging social capital, not just
the bonding variety. ̄
[in Tim¨s words Diversity Peering].

How are you?
Steven Johnson (TED.com) Where Good Ideas Come From
1650, the age of the Enlightenment
Going from alcohol >to tea and coffee>Liquid Networks
Caf└ space storying / languaging in Present Communities Of Imagination
^Chance favors the connected mind ̄

. ̄ How are you?
Cognitive Surplus
Clay Shirky

years ago
We stood
Many people are using their cognitive surplus to help others in need.
This is what I am calling ALTRUISTIC AGENCY. Wikip.GraminBanks,
NGOs, ´
?Numbers of NGO/NPO in Japan

Red is the number of NGO/NPOs in Japan.

Purple is the number of NGO/NPOs that are accredited by the government.
Reference: Japan NPO Center (2006) @ http://www.jnpoc.ne.jp/

In 7 years from a few hundred to a few thousand.
   Girl Effect


Challenge to follow the story
Challenge to grasp the message.
Challenge to give something of
yourself to the world.
Providing AGENCY for others.
Altruistic Giving= hope for the world
Change yourself, and you change the
world. (Hans Rosling - Bangladesh)
Case Study: LLH, Analyses Reports, & Video V# 5

The real voice of japanese students
ケ`ススタディ LLH 、

I¨m Young Strong and Beautiful
I¨m living an adventure
The world¨s so fascinating
It makes me want to (wanna) cry
I want to cry to the world
I want to fly all around
I want to tell everybody
I¨m in love I¨m in love x 3
I wanna tell everybody I¨m in love
(power posture and cry: "I'm in Love")
OF YOU & Others



? Send to:

? mitsmail1@ gmail.com
Curiosity > Challenge > Play
> Belonging & Altruism > Love
> Imagination
The greatest madness  
The greatest sadness  
Is to see life only as it really is
And not as it could really be
Reality is desperately in need of  
(Cervantes, Man of la Mancha) song5

Imagination feeds our agency in
Why is a turtle trying to fly more
beautiful than a bird sitting in a tree ?
I'm inlovepac murpheyplenary12713
I'm inlovepac murpheyplenary12713
Books to GET
Love 2.0
The Social Neuroscience of
Appreciative Inquiry in
Higher Education
Thank you! Brene Brown & Sara Bareilles
Gandhi and Michael J.
OF YOU & Others



? Send to:

? mitsmail1@ gmail.com

More Related Content

I'm inlovepac murpheyplenary12713

  • 1. Daring Greatly Being Brave, and Telling the World ^You're in Love! ̄ Tim Murphey at PAC@PALT2013 How your posture, words, and singing changes you! Mixing language education with anthropology, neuroscience, positive psychology, fun, etc. mitsmail1@gmail.com
  • 2. This will be an interactive plenary. Please introduce yourself to people around you (Don't miss the chance to make a new friend!) Be prepared to move and sing and talk. Thank You
  • 4. Brave By Sara Bareilles Honestly I want to see you be brave! Say what you want to say And Let the words fall out
  • 6. SONG I¨m Young Strong and Beautiful I¨m living an adventure The world¨s so fascinating It makes me want to (wanna) cry I want to cry to the world I want to fly all around I want to tell everybody I¨m in love I¨m in love x 3 I wanna tell everybody I¨m in love
  • 7. Amy Cuddy C TED.com pres Power Posing = increase in testosterone THE CONFIDENCE HORMONE YES! Small Posing = Increase in cortisone The STRESS HORMONE
  • 8. Be the change (x3) you wish to see in the world I don¨t serve my dear world by pretending to be Small, I¨ll stand talk, I will stand tall. When you change Yourself, You change the world (Gandhi & MJackson)
  • 12. HomeWork For the Next 3months (or your whole life if you like) Anytime anyone asks you in any language How are You? You answer: "I'm in love!" OR "I'm young and strong &beautiful ..." and Sing as
  • 13. SONG I¨m Young Strong and Beautiful I¨m living an adventure The world¨s so fascinating It makes me want to (wanna) cry I want to cry to the world I want to fly all around I want to tell everybody I¨m in love I¨m in love x 3 I wanna tell everybody I¨m in love (power posture and cry: "I'm in Love")
  • 14. Preface,origin of my title, 1 Iterative Task (we just did it!) 4 Questions Some short Songs & short videos A Short Story of the last 6 million years Anthropology & Neuroscience Curiosity, Challenge, Play Altruism Love Imagination
  • 15. SONG I¨m Young Strong and Beautiful I¨m living an adventure The world¨s so fascinating It makes me want to (wanna) cry I want to cry to the world I want to fly all around I want to tell everybody I¨m in love I¨m in love x 3 I wanna tell everybody I¨m in love (power posture and cry: "I'm in Love")
  • 17. 2. Later, why did women start birthing earlier? 13 months >> 9 months 3. What changes did early birthing cause?
  • 18. 4. Why is a turtle trying to fly more beautiful than a bird sitting in a tree ? Song
  • 20. 2. Why did women start having babies earlier? Standing up made the birth canal narrower and walking provoked earlier birthings.
  • 21. this is the exciting part! 3. What were the consequences of earlier birthing? AHH Babies were born, and still are, prematurely. The numbers of our species probably decreased dangerously for awhile Until caretakers learned to give them more attention. This meant that caretakers had a longer and harder job and had to spend more time with the babies. On the POSITIVE Side; Anthropologists hypothesize that the increased time together: A) Increased emotional bonding with caretakers B) Increased communication (the real beginning of parental babbling) C) And a more rapid development of cultures and communities, Midwives!! The Talking Twins. V#1 How are you?
  • 22. SONG I¨m Young Strong and Beautiful I¨m living an adventure The world¨s so fascinating It makes me want to (wanna) cry I want to cry to the world I want to fly all around I want to tell everybody I¨m in love I¨m in love x 3 I wanna tell everybody I¨m in love (power posture and cry: "I'm in Love")
  • 23. Robert Sapolsky Standford University Primatologist Neurologist Brain Scientist Social Critic   Stanford University Class Day Lecture (day before graduation) September 2009   How are you?
  • 29. Anticipation of reward? (extrinsic) old ^Agentive ̄ and ^In Control ̄ (intrinsic) (Amabile, Pink,etc.)   when the success rate goes down to 50% , it adds the element of challenge and FLOW and mystery to agency.   25% -- too depressing     75% --too easy still    ^ God grant that my desire will always exceed my accomplishments. ̄ Michaelangelo   Striving brings out the best in us. May our desire always exceed our grasp. Super rich less happy.     How are you?
  • 30. Ethan the Laughing Baby 丶う槻の徨、イ`サン as of April 27, 2010 /   2010 定 4 埖 27 晩   Hits / ヒット方  : 34,233,733 http://www.youtube.com/user/mitsmurphey#p/a/f/0/cXXm696UbKY Task Based Bonding Affiliation V#2
  • 31. ^Mirror Neurons ̄   Ramachandran TED.com    ^ The neurons that Shaped Civilization ̄ ミラ`?ニュ`ロン / ラマチャンドラン TED.com ^ 猟苧を撹侘した飲 ̄ 75,000-100,000 years ago: Tool Use, Fire , Shelter Imitation Emulation Empathy 7嵐5認定から10嵐定念 祇醤 諮、Lれ社、庁、尸、慌湖などの祇醤を聞う S&V# 3 ^I like your shirt Mirror Neurons and Dopamine Rushes Early Agency Imitation Near Peer Role Modeling End of line 4 surprise How are you?
  • 32. SONG I¨m Young Strong and Beautiful I¨m living an adventure The world¨s so fascinating It makes me want to (wanna) cry I want to cry to the world I want to fly all around I want to tell everybody I¨m in love I¨m in love x 3 I wanna tell everybody I¨m in love (power posture and cry: "I'm in Love")
  • 37. The Power of Play to Bridge Social Capital
  • 39. ?Bonding social capital ?Bridging social capital´ ?As Putnam and Feldstein put it: ^A society that has only bonding social capital will be segregated into mutually hostile camps. So a pluralistic democracy requires lots of bridging social capital, not just the bonding variety. ̄ [in Tim¨s words Diversity Peering]. How are you?
  • 40. Steven Johnson (TED.com) Where Good Ideas Come From 1650, the age of the Enlightenment Going from alcohol >to tea and coffee>Liquid Networks Caf└ space storying / languaging in Present Communities Of Imagination ^Chance favors the connected mind ̄ . ̄ How are you?
  • 41. Cognitive Surplus Clay Shirky Today& Tomorrow¨s Possibilities 50,000 500,000 3,000,000 6,000,000 years ago We stood up! Many people are using their cognitive surplus to help others in need. This is what I am calling ALTRUISTIC AGENCY. Wikip.GraminBanks, NGOs, ´
  • 42. ?Numbers of NGO/NPO in Japan Red is the number of NGO/NPOs in Japan. Purple is the number of NGO/NPOs that are accredited by the government. Reference: Japan NPO Center (2006) @ http://www.jnpoc.ne.jp/ In 7 years from a few hundred to a few thousand.
  • 43.    Girl Effect V#4 Challenge to follow the story linguistically. Challenge to grasp the message. Challenge to give something of yourself to the world. Providing AGENCY for others. Altruistic Giving= hope for the world Change yourself, and you change the world. (Hans Rosling - Bangladesh) 37
  • 44. Case Study: LLH, Analyses Reports, & Video V# 5 Summary- The real voice of japanese students ケ`ススタディ LLH 、 蛍裂レポ`トΕ咼妊古勣   晩云繁僥伏の伏の蕗 >
  • 45. SONG I¨m Young Strong and Beautiful I¨m living an adventure The world¨s so fascinating It makes me want to (wanna) cry I want to cry to the world I want to fly all around I want to tell everybody I¨m in love I¨m in love x 3 I wanna tell everybody I¨m in love (power posture and cry: "I'm in Love")
  • 49. SEND ME YOUR VIDEOS and PICTURES OF YOU & Others ? CRYING ^I¨M IN LOVE ̄ ? IN INTERESTING PLACES ? PUBLIC SPACES ? Send to: ? mitsmail1@ gmail.com
  • 50. Curiosity > Challenge > Play > Belonging & Altruism > Love > Imagination The greatest madness   The greatest sadness   Is to see life only as it really is And not as it could really be Reality is desperately in need of   Imagination (Cervantes, Man of la Mancha) song5 Imagination feeds our agency in
  • 51. Why is a turtle trying to fly more beautiful than a bird sitting in a tree ?
  • 54. Books to GET Love 2.0 The Social Neuroscience of Education Appreciative Inquiry in Higher Education Thank you! Brene Brown & Sara Bareilles Gandhi and Michael J.
  • 55. SEND ME YOUR VIDEOS and PICTURES OF YOU & Others ? CRYING ^I¨M IN LOVE ̄ ? IN INTERESTING PLACES ? PUBLIC SPACES ? Send to: ? mitsmail1@ gmail.com

Editor's Notes

  • #9: Michael McCarthy
  • #18: Kono furezu wo / oboeru / itsutsu no / houhou (strategy) ga / arimasu. 1. Hitotsu me wa / chunking desu. Chunking wa / nagai bun wo / chiisana katamari ni / kugiri (cut) masu. 2. Futatsu me wa / back formation desu. Back formation wa / ushiro kara / hajime masu. 3. Mittsu me wa / Rhythm desu Chiisana (small/soft) oto (sound) de / rhythm wo / tamotte kudasai. 4. Yottsu me wa / uta desu. Utatte kudasai. 5. Itsutsu me wa Nichijyou seikatsu tono kanren (associate with) desu. Mainichi no (everyday) / nichijyou seikatsu (daily life) no / nakade tsukatte (use) kudasai / San kagrtsu kan (for 3 months) no / syukudai desu. Kono kotoni / kanrenshite (associate with) / go fun goto (per 5 minutes) ni / ?Partner ni / ima nani wo / shite irunoka / kiite kudasai? to iu / shitsumon (give question) wo / shimasu ? Sono toki, / anata no / nou (brain) ni / nani ga / okite (happen) irunoka / kizuite (notice) kudasai.
  • #24: Robert Sapolsky wa / Reichourui gakusha (Primatologist) des. Korekara (from now on) Reichourui (primate) wo / saru to / iimasu. Kare wa / maitoshi (every year) ikkagetsu kan (for a month) / afurika (Africa) de / saru no / kansatsu (observe) wo / shimasu. Kare wa mata (also) / Nou kagakusha (neurologist) de ari, / ikutsu kano (some) / kyoumi bukai (interesting) / hakken (finds) wo / houkoku (report) shite imasu. Tokorode (By the way) / sore wa / kare de wa / arimasen. (That is not him)(I point to the teddy bear)
  • #25: Kore wa / Sapolsky desu. Kare wa / saru no / omona (main) katsudou (activity) wa / kezukuroi (grooming) de aru / to houkoku (report) / shite imasu. Kare wa / akiraka (obviously) ni / kezukuroi (grooming) ga / suki sou desu. Hontou ni (seriously)/ kare no / TED.com deno / purezen (presentation) wa / subarashii mono desu. Zenbu (altogether) de / san jyu gofun (35 minutes) desu ga / nijyuu roppun (26.5) atari de / kare wa / dopamine chousa (research) / ni tsuite / hanashi hajime masu.
  • #26: Karera wa / saru no / kenkyu ronbun (study) wo / motte imasu (have). Saisyoni (first) / jikken (experiment) ga hajimaru to / saru wa / aizu (sign) wo dasare masu. Soshite (and) / saru wa / tasuku wo / jikkou shimasu. Saigo ni (finally) / saru wa / gohoubi (rewards) wo / morai (get) masu. Sousuruto (then) / dopamine ga / bunpitsu (shoot off *only for scientific material) sareru nodesu. Dopamine wa / Shinkei (neuron) dentatsu (transmit) bushitsu (material) (neurotransmitter) de / watashi tachi no / karada (body) niaru / koufun (excitement) saseru kusuri (drug) / no youna / mono desu. ¥In other word = Dopamine wa / wakuwaku saseru / kusuri (drug) no youna (like) / mono desu. Karera wa / jikken wo / nanndoka okonai, / san kai (3rd) ka / 4 kai (4th) me ni / kyoumi bukai koto (interesting thing) ga / okori (happen) mashita. Dopamine ga / gohoubi (reward) no tokini / bunpitsu sarezu (doesn¨t shoot off), / aizu (sign) wo / uketa toki ni / bunpitsu sareta no desu.
  • #27: Koko de / nani ga / okotta (happens) no de shyou ka? Sapolsky wa / futatsu (2) no / setsumei (explanation) wo shimasita. 1.Hitotsu me wa / houshyuu (rewards) no yosou (anticipation) 2.Futatsu me wa / sono kontororu (agency) / ni tsuite desu. Saru wa / jikken wo oboe (memorize), / jibun wa dekiru (I can do it) to / omoi (think) masu. Kare ni wa / sono sekai (world) wo / sukoshi kontororu surukoto ga deki, / sore ga / omoshiroi (interesting) nodesu. Nochi ni (later) / karera wa / gohoubi (rewards) wo / hanbun ni / herasare masu. Saru ga / goohoubi (rewards) wo / hanbun(half) ni / herasareta (decrease) toki / dopamine ni / donoyouna (how) henka (change) ga / okiru (happen) to / omoi masu ka? Watashi wa / dopamine wa / sukunaku naru (reduced) to / omoi mashita.
  • #28: Odoroita kotoni, (surprisingly) / jissai ni (in fact) / dopamine wa / nibai (double) ni / nari mashita. Naze (Why) / sore ga / okotta (happened) no de shyou ka. Sapolsky wa / misuteri (mystery) no youso (element) wo / jikken ni kuwaeta (added) / to setsumei (explain) site imasu. Saru wa / aizu wo mite, / ?Mae ni (before) seikou shita (succeed) keredo (but)/ sono mae ni wa / seikou sina katta (didn¨t succeed). Kono yarikata (way / methodology) wo / shitte iru (know) to / omou keredo / itsumo (always) wa seikou shinai. Ohhh, kore wa / omoshiroi (interesting).?Puzzel des Tsumari (in brief) , / kore ga / challenge nano desu.
  • #29: Kore ga (this is) / Csikszentmihalyi ga iu (what Csikszentmihalyi said) / FLOW nano desu. Kore wa / challenge no level ga / nouryoku (skill) no leveru ni / souou (match) suru toki wo / sashite (show) imasu. Izen ni (earlier) / watashi wa / seikou (succcess) ga / kadai (over) hyouka (rated) / sarete ori, / challenge suru koto / koso ga / watashi tachi ga / hontou ni (really) / nozomu (deserve) mono da to / iimashita. Soshite kono jikken de / akirakani (show) natta koto wa / moshi tsuneni (always) / seikou (succeed) sitaino nara / tsuneni kantan na (easy) / saka (slope) wo suki (ski) de suberi / keshite (never) korobu (slip) koto wa nai. Shikasi (but) / watashi tachi wa / korobu kiken (risk) wo tomonai / kyuu na (steep) / sakamichi (slope) wo mezashi, / mae e / susumu koto wo / nozomu to iu koto desu. ¥In other words : Shikasi (but) / watashi tachi wa / kiken (dangerous) demo (even) / chousen suru (challenge) koto wo / nozomu (hope) no desu. Dewa/ koko de / matome (summarize) te mima shou.
  • #30: PPT Housyuu e no / kitai to / dousa syukaku no / kontororu Seikou ritsu ga / gojyu pasento (50%) / ni sagaru toki, / Chousen (challenge), FLOW, michi no youso (mystery) wo / sayou ni kuwaeru. nijyuu go pasento (25%) de wa / rakutanteki sugi, / nanajyuu go pasento (75%) de wa / kantan sugiru. Saizen no mono wo / hiki dasu you / doryoku suru koto. Wareware no / ganbou ga / tsuneni wareware no / moji suru mono wo / koe masu youni. Daihugou wa / shiawase ga / yori sukunai. Mina-san Shiawase ni naru niwa bimbo ni kansha shimasho Anata wa / ima / nani wo / shite iruno desyou ka?
  • #31: Dewa, / Ethan no / video wo / omise shimasu (show). BONDING / COMMUNICATING Kore wa / totemo omoshiroi (funny) desu ga / ikutsuka kizuite (notice) itadakitai kotoga arimasu. Sapolsky no jikken (experiemnt) ga / kono video no naka (in) de / kantan ni (easily) / mirukoto ga / dekimasu. Eisan no / otousan (father) wa / bubun teki ni (partly) / kami (paper) wo / yaburi masu (rip). Shoshite (and) / sore wo / musuko (son) ni / atae masu. (extend) Kore ga / signal desu. Task wa / Eisan ga / kami (paper) wo / tsukamu (grab) koto desu. Gohoubi (reward) wa / otousan (father) ga / kami wo yaburu koto desu. Douiu wakeka (for some reasons) / Eithan ni totte / sore ga / hijyouni omoshiroi no desu. San kai me (the third) ka / yon kai me (fourth time) de / Eithan wa / te (hand) wo / toji (close) hajime (start) masu ga / sugu (soon) / kare wa yame (stop) masu. Kare wa / kao (face) wo age (look up) / otousan (father) ni warai kake masu. C Soshite / kare no / otousan wa / ?Nani ga okiru ka shittiru ne? to iimasu Kono chiisana (small) kodomo (kchild) ga / mirai (future) wo / miteiru (seeing) koto ga / wakari masu. Eithan wa joekyou (situation) wo / rikai (understand) shite irunode sore wo kontororu (control) site iru no desuu. Dewa (Let¨s) mite (watch) mimasyou.
  • #32: Mouhitotsu (another) no / Shinkei (neuro) kagaku (science) no/ hakken (discovery) wa / mirroe neuron desu. Sorera (they) wa / watashi tachi (we) ga / mane (imitate) si, / kyoukan (empathize) saseru youni shi, / bunka (culture) no kakudai (spread) no / genin nimo natte imasu (responsible). Nana man go sen nen (75,000 years) mae (ago) ni / watashitachi no (our) / mirror neuron ga / kappatsu (active) ni nari, / sorekara dougu (tool) ya / hi (fire) ya / ie (shelter) wo / mochi (have) hajimeru (start) youni narimashita. Tsugi (next) no / video wa / kodomo (children) ga / dousa (movement) wo / mane (imitate) suru mono desu. Mai kai (each time) / Uta no owari (end) ni / dopamine ga / ryusyutsu (rush) sare masu. (Tim¨s Japananese) Dakara 3 kai mei kodomo tachi wa hajimeru toki, waku waku des. (They know what is coming!)
  • #40: p.18 Bonding social capital are networks that are inward looking. Composed of people of like mind. Other social networks encompass different types of people and tend to be outward looking!bridging social capital´ As Putnam and Feldstein put it: ^A society that has only bonding social capital will be segregated into mutually hostile camps. So a pluralistic democracy requires lots of bridging social capital, not just the bonding variety. ̄ [in Tim¨s words Diversity Peering] In: Block, Peter (2008). Community: The structure of belonging. Berrett-Koehler Publishers: San Francisco. Putnam, R. and Feldstein, L. (2003) Better together: Restoring the American community. New York: Simon and Schuster
  • #42: Clay Shirky 8/ 8/ 8 PINK -- Indonesian story
  • #44: Conclusion (the above) Conclusion (the above) ^Koijyou shin densenbyou wa / wareware no / mirror neuron ga / chikaku ni iru / mohanteki na / nakama wo / rikai shi / wareware mo / karera to onaji kurai / chikara ga aru to / rikai suru koto de / okoru. ? Soshite, / wareware wa / doryoku wo / hitsuyou to shi, / chousen suru. Shippai shiyouto / seikou shiyouto / wareware wa nao / kono sekai de / imino aru / nanika wo / nashitoge you to iu / shoudou ni / karareru no de aru. ̄
  • #45: Dewa / saigo (last) no / sanpun (3 minutes) no video ni / utsuri (move on) mashou. Watashi no / daigaku no seito kara (from) eta (got) / Agency no / rei (example) desu. Kono seito tachi wa / ichi gakki (first semester) ni / gogaku gakusyu reki (LLH) wo / kaki mashita. Soshite / sore (or LLH) wo / ni gakki (second semester) ni / bunseki (analyze) shimashiita. Karera ga / sore wo video script (keep in Eng) ni / youyaku (summarize) shita mono ga / minasan (everybody) no / shiryou (handout) ni arimasu. Omoi dashite kudasai, (remember) / agency wa / seikou (success) de wa arimasen. Kachi aru (worth doing) koto (something) wo / suru tameni (to) / chousen (challenge) suru koto desu.
  • #51: And I know of no better prepared group of people than you to go and infuse education with imagination and our students with agency and altruism. So go, and do it, and have a good life. Thank you.
  • #55: Brene Brown C Wrote Daring Greatly about how we should dare to do the things we think should be done no matter what the odds. Sara Bareilles has the song BRAVE that is absolutely amazing for our students.