The document provides guidance on reporting discipline and truancy data in the Incident Management System for the 2014-2015 school year. It outlines that all data must be reported in Incident Management and will be used to populate various state and federal reports. Districts are responsible for reviewing and verifying data for accuracy. Proper coding of incidents is critical, including associating students, behaviors, actions, and special codes for weapons, drugs, injuries or hearing officer determinations.
2. Incident Management System
All discipline and truancy data must be reported
in Incident Management System for the 2014-15
school year.
Incident Management will streamline the
reporting of the UMIRS Data, PDS Data, Gun Free
Schools Data, and Table 5 for Special Education
Reporting-All Data for these reports will come
from PowerSchool. No additional data entry is
required. LEAs will utilize PowerSchool data to
populate Table 5 for submission.
3. Incident Management System
Security is set by groups
Discipline and Truancy
Although student-level data will be input into Incident
Management, SCDE will use the aggregate data to
report incidents, as it currently does with discipline
Data from Incident Management will be used to
compile the state and federal reports listed above, it is
critical that all data entered be reviewed and verified
for accuracy.
It is important that all discipline and truancy data are
coded in Incident Management and not log entries.
5. Federal Reporting Requirements
The EdFacts Files C136 Student Discipline File and
C030 Discipline Incidents File behavior data will
be extracted for the 2014-2015 school year for In-
school Suspension, Suspension, and Expulsions
only. Out of School Suspension and Expulsion
Counts will include the following codes:
009 Fighting
012 Harassment
260 Bomb Threat
(Counts will be included in the federal reports)
6. Federal Reporting Requirements
South Carolina public school or charter school will be considered "persistently
dangerous if its conditions expose students to injury from violent criminal offenses for
a period of three consecutive years. The Unsafe School Choice Optionwhich is
mandated by Section 9532 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of
1965, as amended by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (20 U.S.C. 則 7912)
Required Fields
640- homicide,
610- forcible sex offenses,
660- kidnapping/abduction,
510- aggravated assault,
570- drug distribution,
575- drug usage
580- drug possession
730- robbery
780, 781, 782, 783, 784, 785 weapons offenses
7. Federal Reporting Requirements
Guns Free Act
Number of Incidents
783-Other Firearms
Indicate the total Number of Incidents involving
students who brought firearms to or possessed
firearms at school and the type of weapon involved.
Indicate the Number of Students Expelled from school
for possessing a firearm
Indicate the number of Expulsions by Elementary,
Middle and High School by Types of Firearm
8. Federal Reporting Requirements
Total number of District Expulsions, how many
were shortened to less than one year
How many of the Total Number of District
Expulsions were not modified (Less than 365
Number of Modified Expulsions reported above,
how many resulted in a referral of the student to
an alternative school or program
Number of Non-Modified Expulsions reported
above, how many resulted in a referral of the
student to an alternative school or program
9. Federal Reporting Requirements
Number of Modified expulsions reported
above, how many were students with
Disabilities as defined in Section 602(3)(A)
Number of Modified expulsions reported
above, how many were students without
disabilities as defined in Section 602(3)(A)
How many of the District Expulsions were with
and without services for all students with and
without disabilities
10. State Report Card Requirements
Out-of-School Suspensions or Expulsions for Violent
and/or Criminal Offenses
Unduplicated count of students dismissed from school (out-of-
school suspensions and expulsions) for incidents occurring on
school grounds, on school transportation, or at school-
sponsored events, to include:
Aggravated Assault-510 Aggravated Assault
Simple Assault-520 Simple Assault
Intimidation-650 Intimidation
Drug Violations-570 Drug Distribution, 575 Drug Usage, 580 Drug
Larceny/Theft-670 Larceny/Theft
Liquor Law Violations-680 Alcohol/Liquor Law Violation
11. State Report Card Requirements
Disturbing Schools (Bomb treats, false fire alarms,
disorderly conduct)-260 Bomb Treat, 350 Fire Alarm, 560
Disturbing School
Vandalism-760 Vandalism
Weapons Possession-789 Weapons
Sex Offenses-610 Forced Sexual Offense
Arson-500 Arson
Robbery-730 Robbery
Burglary/Breaking and Entering-540 Burglary
Vehicle Theft-770 Vehicle Theft
Homicide-640 Homicide
Other Criminal Offenses-700 Other Offenses-(Serious)
12. Federal Reporting Requirements
PowerSchool IM Fields
Incident Date
Participant Role
Last, First, Middle Names
Action Subcodes
Behavior Codes (IAES Actions)
Behavior Subcodes (IAES Actions)
Object Code (Behavior =
Object Subcode (Behavior =
PowerSchool SC Specific Fields
(Include in IM Query)
English as a Second Language (ESL)
Special Education Status
Instructional Setting
Excent Fields
Primary Disability
State ID
Last, First, Middle Names
Initial Placement Date
Exit Date
Matching PS + Excent Data
Link Primary Disability
Compare Active Dates to Incident Date
Table 5: Report of Children with Disabilities Subject to Disciplinary Removal
13. Federal Reporting Requirements
Table 5 Reporting Components:
Unilateral Removals to an Interim Alternative Educational Setting by
School Personnel by disability, race/ethnicity, Gender, ESL (Action:
Removal Type = IAES + Removal subcode = Unilateral)
Number of Children
Number of Removals for Drugs (Behavior)
Number of Removals for Weapons (Behavior + Object)
Number of Removals for Serious Bodily Injury (Behavior)
Removals to an Interim Alternative Educational Setting Based on a
Hearing Officer Determination Regarding Likely Injury by disability,
race/ethnicity, Gender, ESL
Number of Children (Action: Removal Type = IAES + Removal Subcode
= HRO)
14. Federal Reporting Requirements
Out-of-School Suspensions or Expulsions by disability,
race/ethnicity, Gender, ESL (Action: Removal Type + Removal Sub-Code)
Number of Children with Out-of-School Suspension/Expulsions
Totaling 10 Days or Less (DurationDayValue)
Number of Children with Out-of-School Suspension/Expulsions
Totaling >10 Days (DurationDayValue)
In-School Suspensions by disability, race/ethnicity, Gender,
ESL (Action: Removal Type + Removal Sub-code)
Number of Children with In-School Suspensions Totaling 10 Days
or Less (DurationDayValue)
Number of Children with In-School Suspensions Totaling >10
Days (DurationDayValue)
15. Federal Reporting Requirements
Disciplinary Removals (Action: Removal Type + Removal Sub-Code)
Total Disciplinary Removals by disability, race/ethnicity, Gender, ESL
(Student ID + Incident ID)
Number of Children with Disciplinary Removals Totaling 1 Day
Number of Children with Disciplinary Removals Totaling 2-10 days
Number of Children with Disciplinary Removals Totaling >10 Days
Children Subject to Expulsion by Children with Disabilities Ages 3-21
and Children without Disabilities, Grades K-12
(Instructional Setting + Incident Date + Removal Type)
Received Educational Services During Expulsion
Did Not Receive Educational Services During Expulsion
(Removal Sub-Code)
16. Reviewing Incident Reports in ADT
During the 2014- 2015 school year the
Incident reports will be posted in ADT or
Secure SFTP Server at 45th day, 90th day, 135th
day and 180th day.
The goal for the 2014-2015 school year is to
move Incident Management Data to Data
Quality and Reporting (DQR).
17. Reviewing Incident Data and Reports
District should review data at the end of each quarter
to ensure that the totals match the reports in Incident
Districts should review the IM Query data to ensure no
incident components are missing, invalid, or require
ADT reports will provide the total count of incidents
reported by your districts.
ADT reports will provide an overall count of incidents
reported by all school in the district based on the
quarterly reports submitted to SCDE.
18. Reviewing Incident Reports in ADT
Districts should review data to ensure that
incident totals are correctly reported.
District should review all incidents reported as
Homicides and Kidnapping to ensure this
information is coded correctly.
19. Incident Management Coding
All incidents coded must have an offender associated with
the incident.
All incidents coded must have a behavior associated with
the offender.
All incidents coded must have an action associated with
the behavior.
All removals must be coded with removal type, subcode if
applicable, and duration.
All IAES removals must have behavior and/or object codes
with any corresponding subcodes to indicate if the removal
was for drugs, weapons, serious bodily injury, or by a
hearing officer for likely injury to self or others.
20. Incident Management Coding
All SUX-Pending Expulsion should be resolved
before the 180th day reporting.
All SPC-Pending Parent Conference should be
resolved and updated before the 180th day
When coding 789 Weapons you must coded a
sub code and action taken. (Subcodes
780,781, 782, 783, 784, 785, & 786)
21. Incident Management Coding
Do not use students names in the title or Suns ID.
Toy bullets, toy guns should be coded as 789
Weapons-OBJ Misc. Objects. Do not code as
781,782, & 783.
783-Other Firearms examples- devices designed
to expel a projectile, grenade, explosive
780-Other Weapons- examples- razor blade, ice
pick, Chinese star, chain, brass knuckle, billy club,
stun gun, mace, tear gas
22. Incident Management Coding
Do not add additional codes to Incident
Management System. Align your district's codes
to the available codes in the system.
No student should have 12 incidents in one day
Incidents must be coded with attributes for each
Tardies are not considered Truancy. The tardy
code of 180 should be used for excessive tardies.
23. Incident Management Coding
Fighting- Federal Spec.
Mutual participation in
an incident involving
physical violence where
there is no major injury.
Aggravated Assault
Victim suffers
Broken bones, loss of
teeth, possible internal
injury, severe laceration,
loss of consciousness.
Full definition can be found on page 37 of IM manual.
24. Incident Management Coding
Physical Injury-Federal Spec. Definition
Incidents with injury include those in which one or
more students, school personnel or other persons
on school grounds required professional medical
Examples: concussion, fractured or broken bones,
cuts requiring stitches, stab or bullet wounds
25. Incident Management Common
Coding Errors
Missing Weapon Object from a '789'
Weapon incident
Missing Duration code. All
expulsions/suspensions require a
duration code.
No Final Outcome on SUX-Pending