This document discusses image-to-image translation using conditional adversarial networks. It introduces the problem of mapping pixels to pixels across different image representations. Generative adversarial networks are presented as a solution, using a generator network to synthesize images and a discriminator network to identify fakes. The document describes a U-Net architecture for the generator and a PatchGAN discriminator. It then shows experiments on tasks like semantic labeling, colorization, and discusses evaluation methods and failure cases.
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Image-to-Image Translation pix2pix
1. Image to Image Translation with
Conditional Adversarial Networks
Presented by: Shahbaz Ali Khan
2. Image to Image Translation
? Different representations of scenes
? Example: One concept in English and Urdu
? RGB Edges
? RGB Gray-scale
3. Image to Image Translation
? Primary objective remains the same
¨C Map pixels to pixels
? Why use different approaches?
? Why not a general purpose solution?
? Problem: Hand-crafted loss functions
¨C Telling the network what we want to minimize
4. Discriminative vs. Generative
? Discriminative: identify objects i.e. determine
class scores
? Generative: capture the underlying distribution
and produce samples from that distribution
5. Generative Adversarial Networks
? The solution to this problem is provided by
? GANs learn a loss function
? Two neural networks (example Art forgery)
¨C Generator (G): synthesizes images
¨C Discriminator (D): identifies fakes
? A zero sum game is played to reach equilibrium
8. U-Net Architecture
? Underlying structure doesn¡¯t change during
? Allow low level info to shuttle across the network
? Motivated by use of L1 loss
15. Evaluation of Results
? Amazon Mechanical Turk
¨C Is this image real or fake?
? FCN score
¨C Object recognition by off-the-shelf recognition
21. Conclusion
? Investigation of Conditional GANs as a general
purpose solution for image to image translation
? Presentation of effective architecture for Generator
and Discriminator.
? Lesser accuracy for tasks like semantic segmentation
? Failure cases: (highly) sparse inputs