This document provides guidance on imagining, building, and enchanting around a new idea or product. It encourages considering audience needs and constraints during design. It also stresses launching early, celebrating progress, and continuously improving based on metrics to increase reach, value and love over time. The goal is to create enduring value and capture some returns by spreading ideas that win.
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Imagine build enchant
1. Imagine Build
Audience? Unmet need? Why will people love this?
Design is the gradual art of applying constraints
Good designers create. Great designers steal
People love fast (chrome) simple (iPad) relevant (search)
Ideas that spread win
Create enduring value, then capture some
What is the goal? Celebrate the done. Define the need-to-do
Who needs to do What by When?
The perfect is the enemy of the good
Launch early and often
Enchant and Improve
How do I measure (reach, value, love)?
Where do I stand?
Where do I seek to be?